Queries the details about a data migration, data synchronization, or change tracking task.
The frequency of calling this operation is limited. Requests that exceed the limit are dropped.
- You can call this operation up to 160 times per second in each region.
- You can call this operation up to 40 times per second per account in each region.
Request parameters
Parameter |
Type |
Required |
Example |
Description |
Action | String | Yes | DescribeDtsJobDetail | The operation that you want to perform. Set the value to DescribeDtsJobDetail. |
DtsJobId | String | Yes | ta7w132u12h**** | The ID of the data migration, data synchronization, or change tracking task. |
DtsInstanceID | String | No | dtsta7w132u12h**** | The ID of the data migration, data synchronization, or change tracking instance. |
SynchronizationDirection | String | No | Forward | The synchronization direction. Valid values:
RegionId | String | No | cn-hangzhou | The ID of the region in which the Data Transmission Service (DTS) instance resides. For more information, see Supported regions. |
SyncSubJobHistory | Boolean | No | false | Specifies whether to return the information about all data synchronization subtasks. Default value: false. A value of false indicates that the system returns only the information about a data synchronization subtask that is running or was most recently run. |
ZeroEtlJob | Boolean | No | false | Specifies whether to query only zero-extract, transform, load (ETL) integration tasks. Valid values:
ResourceGroupId | String | No | rg-acfmzawhxxc**** | The resource group ID. |
Response parameters
Parameter |
Type |
Example |
Description |
Status | String | Migrating | The state of the data migration or synchronization task. Valid values:
DtsJobName | String | api_test | The name of the data migration, data synchronization, or change tracking task. |
FinishTime | String | 2023-06-16T10:34:17Z | The time when the task was complete. The time follows the ISO 8601 standard in the yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ format. The time is displayed in UTC. |
ErrorMessage | String | DTS-070211: Connect Source DB failed. cause by [com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.jdbc4.MySQLNonTransientConnectionException:Could not create connection to database server. Attempted reconnect 3 times. Giving up.][com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.jdbc4.CommunicationsException:Communications link failure\n\nThe last packet sent successfully to the server was 0 milliseconds ago. The driver has not received any packets from the server.][java.net.ConnectException:Connection timed out (Connection timed out)] About more information in [https://yq.aliyun.com/articles/499178]. | The error message returned if the task failed. |
DtsJobId | String | i03e3zty16i**** | The ID of the data migration, data synchronization, or change tracking task. |
CreateTime | String | 2022-03-16T08:01:19Z | The time when the task was created. The time follows the ISO 8601 standard in the yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ format. The time is displayed in UTC. |
PayType | String | PrePaid | The billing method of the DTS instance. Valid values:
Reserved | String | {\"srcHostPorts\":\"\",\"whitelist.dms.online.ddl.enable\":false,\"filterDDL\":false,\"sqlparser.dms.original.ddl\":true,\"srcOracleType\":\"sid\",\"maxRetryTime\":43200,\"destSSL\":\"0\",\"destOracleType\":\"sid\",\"srcSSL\":\"0\",\"dbListCaseChangeMode\":\"default\",\"SourceEngineVersion\":\"8.0.18\",\"srcNetType\":\"VPC\",\"destNetType\":\"VPC\",\"srcVpcNetMappingInst\":\"172.16.1**.**:10803\",\"destVpcNetMappingInst\":\"172.16.1**.**:11077\",\"useJobTask\":\"1\"} | The reserved parameter of DTS. The value is a JSON string. You can specify this parameter to meet specific requirements, such as whether to automatically start a precheck. For more information, see MigrationReserved. |
DatabaseCount | Integer | 2 | The number of ApsaraDB RDS for MySQL instances that are attached to the source PolarDB-X 1.0 instance. |
DtsJobClass | String | xlarge | The instance class. Note For more information about the description and test performance of each instance class, see Specifications of data migration instances and Specifications of data synchronization instances. |
EndTimestamp | String | 2022-03-26T14:03:21Z | The end of the time range for change tracking. The time follows the ISO 8601 standard in the yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ format. The time is displayed in UTC. |
AppName | String | new | Indicates whether the new change tracking feature is used. Note This parameter is returned only for change tracking instances of the new version. |
DestNetType | String | VPC | The network type of the consumer client. Valid values:
SubscribeTopic | String | cn_hangzhou_rm_bp1162kryivb8****_dtstest_version2 | The topic of the change tracking instance. Note This parameter is returned only if your change tracking instances are of the new version and you have called the CreateConsumerGroup operation to create a consumer group. |
DtsInstanceID | String | dtsi03e3zty16i**** | The ID of the data migration, data synchronization, or change tracking instance. |
RequestId | String | 29207299-7C41-493A-BA4F-2FAC5DE4**** | The request ID. |
Code | Integer | 200 | The error code. This parameter will be removed in the future. |
Checkpoint | Long | 1616405159 | The start offset of incremental data migration or data synchronization. This value is a UNIX timestamp. Unit: seconds. |
Delay | Long | 0 | The latency of incremental data migration or synchronization. Unit: milliseconds. |
ExpireTime | String | 2023-06-16T08:01:19Z | The time when the instance expires. The time follows the ISO 8601 standard in the yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ format. The time is displayed in UTC. Note This parameter is returned only if the return value of PayType is PrePaid. |
ErrCode | String | InternalError | The error code returned if the request failed. |
Success | Boolean | true | Indicates whether the request was successful. |
ErrMessage | String | The Value of Input Parameter %s is not valid. | The error message returned if the request failed. |
ConsumptionClient | String | 114.***.***.**:dts******** | The downstream client information in the following format: <IP address of the downstream client>:<Random ID generated by DTS>. |
DbObject | String | {\"dtstestdata\":{\"all\":true,\"name\":\"dtstestdata\",\"state\":\"normal\"}} | The objects of the data migration, data synchronization, or change tracking task. For more information, see Objects of DTS tasks. |
DynamicMessage | String | DtsJobId | The dynamic part in the error message. The value of this parameter is used to replace %s in the value of ErrMessage. Note For example, if the return value of ErrMessage is The Value of Input Parameter %s is not valid and the value of DynamicMessage is DtsJobId, the specified value of DtsJobId is invalid. |
ConsumptionCheckpoint | String | 2022-03-23T07:30:31Z | The consumption checkpoint of the change tracking instance. The time follows the ISO 8601 standard in the yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ format. The time is displayed in UTC. |
EtlCalculator | String | { "cells ": [{\"shape\":\"edge\",\"attrs\":{\"line\":{\"stroke\":\"#b1b1b1\",\"strokeWidth\":1,\"targetMarker\":{\"name\":\"block\",\"args\":{\"size\":\"8\"}},\"strokeDasharray\":\"\"}},\"id\":\"cd1ec473-f9b9-4e9b-a742-ac23f442****\",\"source\":{\"cell\":\"8b261182-bfab-4803-ad8e-6bb08e3e****\",\"port\":\"out1\"},\"target\":{\"cell\":\"b36770df-f48c-4d6b-9644-54c5e924****\",\"port\":\"in1\"},\"zIndex\":7 }] } | The operator information of the ETL task. Note This parameter is returned only if you query the details of an ETL task. |
HttpStatusCode | Integer | 200 | The returned HTTP status code. |
BeginTimestamp | String | 2022-03-15T08:25:34Z | The start of the time range for change tracking. The time follows the ISO 8601 standard in the yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ format. The time is displayed in UTC. |
GroupId | String | rg-acfmzawhxxc**** | The resource group ID. |
SynchronizationDirection | String | Forward | The synchronization direction. Valid values:
DtsJobDirection | String | Forward | The synchronization direction. Valid values:
Note This parameter is returned only if the topology of the data synchronization instance is two-way synchronization. |
DemoJob | Boolean | false | Indicates whether the task is a subtask. Valid values:
SourceEndpoint | Object | The connection settings of the source instance. |
OracleSID | String | testsid | The system ID (SID) of the Oracle database. Note This parameter is returned only if the return value of EngineName of the source instance is Oracle and the Oracle database is deployed in a non-Real Application Cluster (RAC) architecture. |
SslSolutionEnum | String | DISABLE | Indicates whether SSL encryption is enabled. Valid values:
Ip | String | 172.16.88.*** | The endpoint of the source instance. |
InstanceID | String | rm-bp1162kryivb8**** | The source instance ID. |
RoleName | String | ram-for-dts | The name of the Resource Access Management (RAM) role configured for the Alibaba Cloud account to which the source instance belongs. |
InstanceType | String | RDS | The type of the source instance. |
Port | String | 3306 | The database service port of the source instance. |
EngineName | String | MySQL | The database engine of the source instance. |
Region | String | cn-hangzhou | The ID of the region in which the source instance resides. For more information, see Supported regions. |
DatabaseName | String | dtstestdata | The name of the database from which the objects are migrated in the source instance. |
AliyunUid | String | 140692647406**** | The ID of the Alibaba Cloud account to which the source instance belongs. |
UserName | String | dtstest | The database account of the source instance. |
CanModifyPassword | Boolean | false | Indicates whether the password can be modified. Valid values:
DestinationEndpoint | Object | The connection settings of the destination instance. |
SslSolutionEnum | String | DISABLE | Indicates whether SSL encryption is enabled. Valid values:
OracleSID | String | testsid | The SID of the Oracle database. Note This parameter is returned only if the return value of EngineName of the destination instance is Oracle and the Oracle database is deployed in a non-RAC architecture. |
DatabaseName | String | dtstestdata | The name of the database to which the objects are migrated in the destination instance. |
Region | String | cn-hangzhou | The ID of the region in which the destination instance resides. For more information, see Supported regions. |
Ip | String | 172.16.XX.XX | The endpoint of the destination instance. |
InstanceID | String | rm-bp1imrtn6fq7h**** | The destination instance ID. |
Port | String | 3306 | The database service port of the destination instance. |
InstanceType | String | RDS | The type of the destination instance. |
UserName | String | dtstest | The database account of the destination instance. |
EngineName | String | MySQL | The database engine of the destination instance. |
CanModifyPassword | Boolean | false | Indicates whether the password can be modified. Valid values:
MigrationMode | Object | The migration types or initial synchronization types. |
DataExtractTransformLoad | Boolean | false | Indicates whether data transformation is performed. Valid values:
DataInitialization | Boolean | true | Indicates whether full data migration or initial full data synchronization is performed. Valid values:
DataSynchronization | Boolean | true | Indicates whether incremental data migration or synchronization is performed. Valid values:
StructureInitialization | Boolean | true | Indicates whether schema migration or initial schema synchronization is performed. Valid values:
SubscriptionHost | Object | The endpoint of the change tracking instance. |
VpcHost | String | dts-cn-****-vpc.aliyuncs.com:18003 | The VPC endpoint of the change tracking instance. The format is |
PublicHost | String | dts-cn-****.aliyuncs.com:18001 | The public endpoint of the change tracking instance. The format is |
PrivateHost | String | dts-cn-****-internal.aliyuncs.com:18002 | The private endpoint of the change tracking instance. The format is |
SubscriptionDataType | Object | The type of data for change tracking. |
Dml | Boolean | true | Indicates whether DML statements are tracked. Valid values:
Ddl | Boolean | true | Indicates whether DDL statements are tracked. Valid values:
SubDistributedJob | Array of SubDistributedJob | The information about the subtasks in the current distributed task. If the DTS task is not a distributed task, the value of this parameter is null. Note This parameter is available only if the DTS task is a data synchronization task. |
SubSyncJob | Array of Any | **** | The information about the subtasks in the current data synchronization task. |
DtsInstanceID | String | dtsnjuc14kp12u**** | The DTS instance ID. |
DtsJobId | String | m06j1g92124**** | The DTS task ID. |
DtsJobName | String | dtstest**** | The DTS instance name. |
GroupId | String | rg-acfmzawhxxc**** | The resource group ID. |
DatabaseCount | Integer | 2 | The number of ApsaraDB RDS for MySQL instances that are attached to the source PolarDB-X 1.0 instance. |
DtsJobClass | String | xlarge | The instance class. |
DtsJobDirection | String | Forward | The synchronization direction. Valid values:
Note This parameter is returned only if the topology of the data synchronization instance is two-way synchronization. |
SynchronizationDirection | String | Forward | The synchronization direction. Valid values:
PayType | String | PrePaid | The billing method. Valid values:
ExpireTime | String | 2023-06-16T08:01:19Z | The time when the instance expires. The time follows the ISO 8601 standard in the yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ format. The time is displayed in UTC. Note This parameter is returned only if the return value of PayType is PrePaid. |
CreateTime | String | 2023-01-12T08:34:11Z | The time when the task was created. The time follows the ISO 8601 standard in the yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ format. The time is displayed in UTC. |
FinishTime | String | 2023-06-16T10:34:17Z | The time when the task was complete. The time follows the ISO 8601 standard in the yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ format. The time is displayed in UTC. |
SourceEndpoint | Object | The connection settings of the source instance. |
InstanceID | String | dtsnjuc14kp12u**** | The source instance ID. |
Region | String | cn-hangzhou | The ID of the region in which the source instance resides. For more information, see Supported regions. |
InstanceType | String | RDS | The type of the source instance. |
EngineName | String | MySQL | The database engine of the source instance. |
Ip | String | 192.168.XX.XX | The endpoint of the source instance. |
Port | String | 3306 | The database service port of the source instance. |
DatabaseName | String | dtstestdata | The name of the database from which the objects are migrated in the source instance. |
OracleSID | String | testsid | The SID of the Oracle database. Note This parameter is returned only if the return value of EngineName of the destination instance is Oracle and the Oracle database is deployed in a non-RAC architecture. |
UserName | String | dtstest | The database account of the source instance. |
SslSolutionEnum | String | DISABLE | Indicates whether SSL encryption is enabled. Valid values:
RoleName | String | ram-for-dts | The name of the RAM role configured for the Alibaba Cloud account to which the source instance belongs. |
AliyunUid | String | 140692647406**** | The ID of the Alibaba Cloud account to which the source instance belongs. |
DestinationEndpoint | Object | The connection settings of the destination instance. |
InstanceID | String | rm-bp1f9guj5rhzq**** | The destination instance ID. |
Region | String | cn-hangzhou | The ID of the region in which the destination instance resides. For more information, see Supported regions. |
InstanceType | String | RDS | The type of the destination instance. |
EngineName | String | MySQL | The database engine of the destination instance. |
Ip | String | 192.168.XX.XX | The endpoint of the destination instance. |
Port | String | 3306 | The database service port of the destination instance. |
DatabaseName | String | dtstestdata | The name of the database to which the objects are migrated in the destination instance. |
OracleSID | String | testid | The SID of the Oracle database. Note This parameter is returned only if the return value of EngineName of the destination instance is Oracle and the Oracle database is deployed in a non-RAC architecture. |
UserName | String | dtstest | The database account of the destination instance. |
SslSolutionEnum | String | DISABLE | Indicates whether SSL encryption is enabled. Valid values:
RoleName | String | ram-for-dts | The name of the RAM role configured for the Alibaba Cloud account to which the destination instance belongs. |
AliyunUid | String | 140692647406**** | The ID of the Alibaba Cloud account to which the destination instance belongs. |
DbObject | String | {\"dtstestdata\":{\"all\":true,\"name\":\"dtstestdata\",\"state\":\"normal\"}} | The objects of the data migration, data synchronization, or change tracking task. For more information, see Objects of DTS tasks. |
MigrationMode | Object | The migration types or initial synchronization types. |
StructureInitialization | Boolean | true | Indicates whether schema migration or initial schema synchronization is performed. Valid values:
DataInitialization | Boolean | true | Indicates whether full data migration or initial full data synchronization is performed. Valid values:
DataSynchronization | Boolean | true | Indicates whether incremental data migration or synchronization is performed. Valid values:
DataExtractTransformLoad | Boolean | false | Indicates whether data transformation is performed. Valid values:
Status | String | Finished | The state of the data migration or synchronization task. Valid values:
ErrorMessage | String | DTS-070211: Connect Source DB failed. cause by **** | The error message returned if the task failed. |
Delay | Long | 0 | The latency of incremental data migration or synchronization. Unit: milliseconds. |
TagList | Array of TagList | The tags of the task. |
Id | Long | 2 | The primary key of the table. |
GmtCreate | String | 2022-03-16T08:01:19Z | The time when the task was created. |
GmtModified | String | 2022-03-16T08:01:19Z | The time when the task was modified. |
ResourceId | String | dtsnjuc14kp12u**** | The ID of the data migration, data synchronization, or change tracking instance. |
ResourceType | String | ALIYUN::DTS::INSTANCE | The resource type. |
RegionId | String | cn-hangzhou | The ID of the region in which the DTS task resides. For more information, see Supported regions. |
AliUid | Long | 191448876515**** | The Alibaba Cloud account ID. |
TagKey | String | key1 | The tag key. |
TagValue | String | value1 | The tag value. |
TagCategory | String | System | The type of the tag. Valid values:
Note By default, if the parameter is left empty, custom tags and system tags are returned. |
SrcRegion | String | cn-hangzhou | The ID of the region in which the DTS task resides. Note In most cases, the ID of the region in which the destination instance resides is returned. |
Scope | String | 0 | Indicates whether the tag is visible. Valid values:
Creator | Long | 191448876515**** | The operator of the tag. |
Checkpoint | String | 1616405159 | The start offset of incremental data migration or data synchronization. This value is a UNIX timestamp. Unit: seconds. |
PrecheckStatus | Object | The precheck state. |
Status | String | Finished | The precheck state. Valid values:
Percent | String | 100 | The precheck progress. Unit: percentage. |
ErrorMessage | String | DTS-070211: Connect Source DB failed. cause by **** | The error message returned if the task failed. |
Detail | Array of Detail | The result of each precheck item. |
CheckItem | String | CHECK_CONN_SRC | The name of the precheck item. |
CheckItemDescription | String | CHECK_CONN_SRC_DETAIL | The description of the precheck item. |
CheckResult | String | Success | The precheck result. Valid values:
FailedReason | String | Original error: Access denied for user 'dtstest'@'100.104.***.**' (using password: YES) | The error message returned if the task failed to pass the precheck. Note This parameter is returned only if the return value of CheckResult is Failed. |
RepairMethod | String | CHECK_ERROR_DEST_CONN_REPAIR2 | The method used to fix the precheck failure. Note This parameter is returned only if the return value of CheckResult is Failed. |
StructureInitializationStatus | Object | The state of initial schema synchronization. |
Status | String | Finished | The state of initial schema synchronization. Valid values:
ErrorMessage | String | DTS-070211: Connect Source DB failed. cause by **** | The error message returned if the task failed. |
Percent | String | 100 | The progress of initial schema synchronization. Unit: percentage. |
Progress | String | 1 | The number of tables whose schemas are synchronized to the destination instance. |
NeedUpgrade | Boolean | true | Indicates whether the instance class needs to be upgraded. Valid values:
DataInitializationStatus | Object | The state of full data migration or initial full data synchronization. |
Status | String | Finished | The state of full data migration or initial full data synchronization. Valid values:
ErrorMessage | String | DTS-070211: Connect Source DB failed. cause by **** | The error message returned if full data migration or initial full data synchronization failed. |
Percent | String | 100 | The progress of full data migration or initial full data synchronization. Unit: percentage. |
Progress | String | 16 | The number of entries that are migrated or synchronized during full data migration or initial full data synchronization. |
NeedUpgrade | Boolean | true | Indicates whether the instance class needs to be upgraded. Valid values:
DataSynchronizationStatus | Object | The state of incremental data migration or synchronization. |
Status | String | Catched | The state of incremental data migration or synchronization. Valid values:
ErrorMessage | String | DTS-070211: Connect Source DB failed. cause by **** | The error message returned if the task failed. |
Percent | String | 95 | The progress of incremental data migration or synchronization. |
Progress | String | 0.00RPS/(0.000MB/s) | The number of rows and size of data that is synchronized or migrated to the destination table per second during incremental data synchronization or migration. |
NeedUpgrade | Boolean | true | Indicates whether the instance class needs to be upgraded. Valid values:
DataEtlStatus | Object | The state of the ETL task. Note This parameter collection is returned only if an ETL task is configured. |
Status | String | Finished | The state of the ETL task. Valid values:
ErrorMessage | String | DTS-070211: Connect Source DB failed. cause by **** | The error message returned if the task failed. |
Percent | String | 100 | The progress of full data migration or initial full data synchronization. Unit: percentage. |
Progress | String | 16 | The number of entries that are migrated or synchronized during full data migration or initial full data synchronization. |
NeedUpgrade | Boolean | true | Indicates whether the instance class needs to be upgraded. Valid values:
Performance | Object | The performance of the data migration or synchronization instance. |
Rps | String | 100 | The number of times that SQL statements are migrated or synchronized per second, including BEGIN, COMMIT, DML, and DDL statements. DML statements include INSERT, DELETE, and UPDATE. |
Flow | String | 1 | The size of data that is migrated or synchronized per second. Unit: Mbit/s. |
ReverseJob | Object | The details of the data synchronization task in the reverse direction. Note This parameter is returned only for two-way data synchronization tasks. |
DtsInstanceID | String | dtsnjuc14kp12u**** | The DTS instance ID. |
DtsJobId | String | m06j1g92124**** | The DTS task ID. |
DtsJobName | String | dtstest**** | The DTS instance name. |
GroupId | String | rg-acfmzawhxxc**** | The resource group ID. |
DatabaseCount | Integer | 2 | The number of ApsaraDB RDS for MySQL instances that are attached to the source PolarDB-X 1.0 instance. |
DtsJobClass | String | xlarge | The instance class. |
DtsJobDirection | String | Forward | The synchronization direction. Valid values:
Note This parameter is returned only if the topology of the data synchronization instance is two-way synchronization. |
SynchronizationDirection | String | Forward | The synchronization direction. Valid values:
PayType | String | PrePaid | The billing method. Valid values:
ExpireTime | String | 2023-06-16T08:01:19Z | The time when the instance expires. The time follows the ISO 8601 standard in the yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ format. The time is displayed in UTC. Note This parameter is returned only if the return value of PayType is PrePaid. |
CreateTime | String | 2023-01-12T08:34:11Z | The time when the task was created. The time follows the ISO 8601 standard in the yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ format. The time is displayed in UTC. |
FinishTime | String | 2023-06-16T10:34:17Z | The time when the task was complete. The time follows the ISO 8601 standard in the yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ format. The time is displayed in UTC. |
SourceEndpoint | Object | The connection settings of the source instance. |
InstanceID | String | rm-bp2f3huj5rhzq**** | The source instance ID. |
Region | String | cn-hangzhou | The ID of the region in which the source instance resides. For more information, see Supported regions. |
InstanceType | String | RDS | The type of the source instance. |
EngineName | String | MySQL | The database engine of the source instance. |
Ip | String | 192.168.XX.XX | The endpoint of the source instance. |
Port | String | 3306 | The database service port of the source instance. |
DatabaseName | String | dtstestdata | The name of the database from which the objects are migrated in the source instance. |
OracleSID | String | testsid | The SID of the Oracle database. Note This parameter is returned only if the return value of EngineName of the destination instance is Oracle and the Oracle database is deployed in a non-RAC architecture. |
UserName | String | dtstest | The database account of the source instance. |
SslSolutionEnum | String | DISABLE | Indicates whether SSL encryption is enabled. Valid values:
RoleName | String | ram-for-dts | The name of the RAM role configured for the Alibaba Cloud account to which the source instance belongs. |
AliyunUid | String | 140692647406**** | The ID of the Alibaba Cloud account to which the source instance belongs. |
DestinationEndpoint | Object | The connection settings of the destination instance. |
InstanceID | String | rm-bp1f9guj5rhzq**** | The destination instance ID. |
Region | String | cn-hangzhou | The ID of the region in which the destination instance resides. For more information, see Supported regions. |
InstanceType | String | RDS | The type of the destination instance. |
EngineName | String | MySQL | The database engine of the destination instance. |
Ip | String | 192.168.XX.XX | The endpoint of the destination instance. |
Port | String | 3306 | The database service port of the destination instance. |
DatabaseName | String | dtstestdata | The name of the database to which the objects are migrated in the destination instance. |
OracleSID | String | testsid | The SID of the Oracle database. Note This parameter is returned only if the return value of EngineName of the destination instance is Oracle and the Oracle database is deployed in a non-RAC architecture. |
UserName | String | dtstest | The database account of the destination instance. |
SslSolutionEnum | String | DISABLE | Indicates whether SSL encryption is enabled. Valid values:
RoleName | String | ram-for-dts | The name of the RAM role configured for the Alibaba Cloud account to which the destination instance belongs. |
AliyunUid | String | 140692647406**** | The ID of the Alibaba Cloud account to which the destination instance belongs. |
DbObject | String | {\"dtstestdata\":{\"all\":true,\"name\":\"dtstestdata\",\"state\":\"normal\"}} | The objects of the data migration, data synchronization, or change tracking task. For more information, see Objects of DTS tasks. |
MigrationMode | Object | The migration types or initial synchronization types. |
StructureInitialization | Boolean | true | Indicates whether schema migration or initial schema synchronization is performed. Valid values:
DataInitialization | Boolean | true | Indicates whether full data migration or initial full data synchronization is performed. Valid values:
DataSynchronization | Boolean | true | Indicates whether incremental data migration or synchronization is performed. Valid values:
DataExtractTransformLoad | Boolean | false | Indicates whether data transformation is performed. Valid values:
Status | String | Finished | The state of the data migration or synchronization task. Valid values:
ErrorMessage | String | DTS-070211: Connect Source DB failed. cause by **** | The error message returned if the task failed. |
Delay | Long | 0 | The latency of incremental data migration or synchronization. Unit: milliseconds. |
TagList | Array of TagList | The tags of the task. |
Id | Long | 2 | The primary key of the table. |
GmtCreate | String | 2022-03-16T08:01:19Z | The time when the task was created. |
GmtModified | String | 2022-03-16T08:01:19Z | The time when the task was modified. |
ResourceId | String | dtsnjuc14kp12u**** | The ID of the data migration, data synchronization, or change tracking instance. |
ResourceType | String | ALIYUN::DTS::INSTANCE | The resource type. |
RegionId | String | cn-hangzhou | The ID of the region in which the DTS instance resides. For more information, see Supported regions. |
AliUid | Long | 191448876515**** | The Alibaba Cloud account ID. |
TagKey | String | key1 | The tag key. |
TagValue | String | value1 | The tag value. |
TagCategory | String | System | The type of the tag. Valid values:
Note By default, if the parameter is left empty, custom tags and system tags are returned. |
SrcRegion | String | cn-hangzhou | The ID of the region in which the DTS task resides. Note In most cases, the ID of the region in which the destination instance resides is returned. |
Scope | String | 0 | Indicates whether the tag is visible. Valid values:
Creator | Long | 191448876515**** | The operator of the tag. |
Checkpoint | String | 1616405159 | The start offset of incremental data migration or data synchronization. This value is a UNIX timestamp. Unit: seconds. |
PrecheckStatus | Object | The precheck state. |
Status | String | Finished | The precheck state. Valid values:
Percent | String | 100 | The precheck progress. Unit: percentage. |
ErrorMessage | String | DTS-070211: Connect Source DB failed. cause by **** | The error message returned if the task failed. |
Detail | Array of Detail | The result of each precheck item. |
CheckItem | String | CHECK_CONN_SRC | The name of the precheck item. |
CheckItemDescription | String | CHECK_CONN_SRC_DETAIL | The description of the precheck item. |
CheckResult | String | Success | The precheck result. Valid values:
FailedReason | String | Original error: Access denied for user 'dtstest'@'100.104.***.**' (using password: YES) | The error message returned if the task failed to pass the precheck. Note This parameter is returned only if the return value of CheckResult is Failed. |
RepairMethod | String | CHECK_ERROR_DEST_CONN_REPAIR2 | The method used to fix the precheck failure. Note This parameter is returned only if the return value of CheckResult is Failed. |
StructureInitializationStatus | Object | The state of initial schema synchronization. |
Status | String | Finished | The state of initial schema synchronization. Valid values:
ErrorMessage | String | DTS-070211: Connect Source DB failed. cause by **** | The error message returned if the task failed. |
Percent | String | 100 | The progress of initial schema synchronization. Unit: percentage. |
Progress | String | 1 | The number of tables whose schemas are synchronized to the destination instance. |
NeedUpgrade | Boolean | true | Indicates whether the instance class needs to be upgraded. Valid values:
DataInitializationStatus | Object | The state of full data migration or initial full data synchronization. |
Status | String | Finished | The state of full data migration or initial full data synchronization. Valid values:
ErrorMessage | String | DTS-070211: Connect Source DB failed. cause by **** | The error message returned if full data migration or initial full data synchronization failed. |
Percent | String | 100 | The progress of full data migration or initial full data synchronization. Unit: percentage. |
Progress | String | 16 | The number of entries that are migrated or synchronized during full data migration or initial full data synchronization. |
NeedUpgrade | Boolean | true | Indicates whether the instance class needs to be upgraded. Valid values:
DataSynchronizationStatus | Object | The state of incremental data migration or synchronization. |
Status | String | Catched | The state of incremental data migration or synchronization. Valid values:
ErrorMessage | String | DTS-070211: Connect Source DB failed. cause by **** | The error message returned if the task failed. |
Percent | String | 95 | The progress of incremental data migration or synchronization. |
Progress | String | 0.00RPS/(0.000MB/s) | The number of rows and size of data that is synchronized or migrated to the destination table per second during incremental data synchronization or migration. |
NeedUpgrade | Boolean | true | Indicates whether the instance class needs to be upgraded. Valid values:
DataEtlStatus | Object | The state of the ETL task. Note This parameter collection is returned only if an ETL task is configured. |
Status | String | Finished | The state of the ETL task. Valid values:
ErrorMessage | String | DTS-070211: Connect Source DB failed. cause by **** | The error message returned if the task failed. |
Percent | String | 100 | The progress of full data migration or initial full data synchronization. Unit: percentage. |
Progress | String | 16 | The number of entries that are migrated or synchronized during full data migration or initial full data synchronization. |
NeedUpgrade | Boolean | true | Indicates whether the instance class needs to be upgraded. Valid values:
Performance | Object | The performance of the data migration or synchronization instance. |
Rps | String | 100 | The number of times that SQL statements are migrated or synchronized per second, including BEGIN, COMMIT, DML, and DDL statements. DML statements include INSERT, DELETE, and UPDATE. |
Flow | String | 1 | The size of data that is migrated or synchronized per second. Unit: Mbit/s. |
ReverseJob | Any | **** | The details of the data synchronization task in the reverse direction. Note This parameter is returned only for two-way data synchronization tasks. |
Reserved | String | {\"srcHostPorts\":\"\",\"whitelist.dms.online.ddl.enable\":false,\"filterDDL\":false,\"sqlparser.dms.original.ddl\":true,\"srcOracleType\":\"sid\",\"maxRetryTime\":43200,\"destSSL\":\"0\",\"destOracleType\":\"sid\",\"srcSSL\":\"0\",\"dbListCaseChangeMode\":\"default\",\"SourceEngineVersion\":\"8.0.18\",\"srcNetType\":\"VPC\",\"destNetType\":\"VPC\",\"srcVpcNetMappingInst\":\"172.16.1**.**:10803\",\"destVpcNetMappingInst\":\"172.16.1**.**:11077\",\"useJobTask\":\"1\"} | The reserved parameter of DTS. The value is a JSON string. You can specify this parameter to meet specific requirements, such as whether to automatically start a precheck. For more information, see MigrationReserved. |
SubscriptionHost | Object | The endpoint of the change tracking instance. |
PublicHost | String | dts-cn-****.aliyuncs.com:18001 | The public endpoint of the change tracking instance. The format is |
PrivateHost | String | dts-cn-****-internal.aliyuncs.com:18002 | The private endpoint of the change tracking instance. The format is |
VpcHost | String | dts-cn-****.aliyuncs.com:18001 | The VPC endpoint of the change tracking instance. The format is |
SubscribeTopic | String | cn_hangzhou_rm_bp1162kryivb8****_dtstest_version2 | The topic of the change tracking instance. Note This parameter is returned only if your change tracking instances are of the new version and you have called the CreateConsumerGroup operation to create a consumer group. |
ConsumptionCheckpoint | String | 2022-03-23T07:30:31Z | The consumption checkpoint of the change tracking instance. The time follows the ISO 8601 standard in the yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ format. The time is displayed in UTC. |
BeginTimestamp | String | 2022-03-15T08:25:34Z | The start of the time range for change tracking. The time follows the ISO 8601 standard in the yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ format. The time is displayed in UTC. |
EndTimestamp | String | 2022-03-26T14:03:21Z | The end of the time range for change tracking. The time follows the ISO 8601 standard in the yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ format. The time is displayed in UTC. |
ConsumptionClient | String | 114.***.***.**:dts******** | The downstream client information in the following format: <IP address of the downstream client>:<Random ID generated by DTS>. |
DestNetType | String | VPC | The network type of the consumer client. Valid values:
SubscriptionDataType | Object | The type of data for change tracking. |
Ddl | Boolean | true | Indicates whether DDL statements are tracked. Valid values:
Dml | Boolean | true | Indicates whether DML statements are tracked. Valid values:
AppName | String | new | Indicates whether the new change tracking feature is used. Note This parameter is returned only for change tracking instances of the new version. |
EtlCalculator | String | { "cells ": [{\"shape\":\"edge\",\"attrs\":{\"line\":{\"stroke\":\"#b1b1b1\",\"strokeWidth\":1,\"targetMarker\":{\"name\":\"block\",\"args\":{\"size\":\"8\"}},\"strokeDasharray\":\"\"}},\"id\":\"cd1ec473-f9b9-4e9b-a742-ac23f442****\",\"source\":{\"cell\":\"8b261182-bfab-4803-ad8e-6bb08e3e****\",\"port\":\"out1\"},\"target\":{\"cell\":\"b36770df-f48c-4d6b-9644-54c5e924****\",\"port\":\"in1\"},\"zIndex\":7 }] } | The operator information of the ETL task. Note This parameter is returned only if you query the details of an ETL task. |
RetryState | Object | The information about the retries performed by DTS due to an exception. |
JobId | String | ta7w132u12h**** | The task ID. |
MaxRetryTime | Integer | 7200 | The maximum duration of a retry. Unit: seconds. |
RetryTime | Integer | 3600 | The time that has elapsed from the point in time when the first retry starts. Unit: seconds. |
RetryCount | Integer | 5 | The number of retries. |
Retrying | Boolean | true | Indicates whether the task is being retried. Valid values:
Module | String | 03 | The progress of the instance when DTS performs retries. |
RetryTarget | String | srcDB | The object on which the retries are performed. Valid values:
ErrMsg | String | CHECK__ERROR_SAME_OBJ | The error message returned. |
OriginType | String | DTS | The source of the task. Valid values:
JobType | String | SYNC | The type of the DTS task. Valid values:
IsDemoJob | Boolean | false | Indicates whether the task is a subtask. Valid values:
TaskType | String | rds | The task type. |
MinDu | double | 1 | The minimum number of DTS Units (DUs). Note This parameter is supported only for serverless instances. |
MaxDu | double | 16 | The maximum number of DUs. Note This parameter is supported only for serverless instances. |
Reserved | String | {\"srcHostPorts\":\"\",\"whitelist.dms.online.ddl.enable\":false,\"filterDDL\":false,\"sqlparser.dms.original.ddl\":true,\"srcOracleType\":\"sid\",\"maxRetryTime\":43200,\"destSSL\":\"0\",\"destOracleType\":\"sid\",\"srcSSL\":\"0\",\"dbListCaseChangeMode\":\"default\",\"SourceEngineVersion\":\"8.0.18\",\"srcNetType\":\"VPC\",\"destNetType\":\"VPC\",\"srcVpcNetMappingInst\":\"172.16.1**.**:10803\",\"destVpcNetMappingInst\":\"172.16.1**.**:11077\",\"useJobTask\":\"1\"} | The reserved parameter of DTS. The value is a JSON string. You can specify this parameter to meet specific requirements, such as whether to automatically start a precheck. For more information, see MigrationReserved. |
SubscriptionHost | Object | The endpoint of the change tracking instance. |
PublicHost | String | dts-cn-****.aliyuncs.com:18001 | The public endpoint of the change tracking instance. The format is |
PrivateHost | String | dts-cn-****-internal.aliyuncs.com:18002 | The private endpoint of the change tracking instance. The format is |
VpcHost | String | dts-cn-****.aliyuncs.com:18001 | The VPC endpoint of the change tracking instance. The format is |
SubscribeTopic | String | cn_hangzhou_rm_bp1162kryivb8****_dtstest_version2 | The topic of the change tracking instance. Note This parameter is returned only if your change tracking instances are of the new version and you have called the CreateConsumerGroup operation to create a consumer group. |
ConsumptionCheckpoint | String | 2022-03-23T07:30:31Z | The consumption checkpoint of the change tracking instance. The time follows the ISO 8601 standard in the yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ format. The time is displayed in UTC. |
BeginTimestamp | String | 2022-03-15T08:25:34Z | The start of the time range for change tracking. The time follows the ISO 8601 standard in the yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ format. The time is displayed in UTC. |
EndTimestamp | String | 2022-03-26T14:03:21Z | The end of the time range for change tracking. The time follows the ISO 8601 standard in the yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ format. The time is displayed in UTC. |
ConsumptionClient | String | 114.***.***.**:dts******** | The downstream client information in the following format: <IP address of the downstream client>:<Random ID generated by DTS>. |
DestNetType | String | VPC | The network type of the consumer client. Valid values:
SubscriptionDataType | Object | The type of data for change tracking. |
Ddl | Boolean | true | Indicates whether DDL statements are tracked. Valid values:
Dml | Boolean | true | Indicates whether DML statements are tracked. Valid values:
AppName | String | new | Indicates whether the new change tracking feature is used. Note This parameter is returned only for change tracking instances of the new version. |
EtlCalculator | String | { "cells ": [{\"shape\":\"edge\",\"attrs\":{\"line\":{\"stroke\":\"#b1b1b1\",\"strokeWidth\":1,\"targetMarker\":{\"name\":\"block\",\"args\":{\"size\":\"8\"}},\"strokeDasharray\":\"\"}},\"id\":\"cd1ec473-f9b9-4e9b-a742-ac23f442****\",\"source\":{\"cell\":\"8b261182-bfab-4803-ad8e-6bb08e3e****\",\"port\":\"out1\"},\"target\":{\"cell\":\"b36770df-f48c-4d6b-9644-54c5e924****\",\"port\":\"in1\"},\"zIndex\":7 }] } | The operator information of the ETL task. Note This parameter is returned only if you query the details of an ETL task. |
RetryState | Object | The information about the retries performed by DTS due to an exception. |
JobId | String | ta7w132u12h**** | The task ID. |
MaxRetryTime | Integer | 7200 | The maximum duration of a retry. Unit: seconds. |
RetryTime | Integer | 3600 | The time that has elapsed from the point in time when the first retry starts. Unit: seconds. |
RetryCount | Integer | 5 | The number of retries. |
Retrying | Boolean | true | Indicates whether the task is being retried. Valid values:
Module | String | 03 | The progress of the instance when DTS performs retries. |
RetryTarget | String | srcDB | The object on which the retries are performed. Valid values:
ErrMsg | String | CHECK__ERROR_SAME_OBJ | The error message returned. |
OriginType | String | DTS | The source of the task. Valid values:
JobType | String | SYNC | The type of the DTS task. Valid values:
IsDemoJob | Boolean | false | Indicates whether the task is a subtask. Valid values:
TaskType | String | rds | The task type. |
MinDu | double | 1 | The minimum number of DUs. Note This parameter is supported only for serverless instances. |
MaxDu | double | 16 | The maximum number of DUs. Note This parameter is supported only for serverless instances. |
SubSyncJob | Array of SubSyncJob | The information about the subtasks in the current data synchronization task. |
SubSyncJob | Array of Any | **** | The information about the subtasks in the current data synchronization task. |
DtsInstanceID | String | dtsnjuc14kp12u**** | The DTS instance ID. |
DtsJobId | String | m06j1g92124**** | The DTS task ID. |
DtsJobName | String | dtstest**** | The DTS instance name. |
GroupId | String | rg-acfmzawhxxc**** | The resource group ID. |
DatabaseCount | Integer | 2 | The number of ApsaraDB RDS for MySQL instances that are attached to the source PolarDB-X 1.0 instance. |
DtsJobClass | String | xlarge | The instance class. |
DtsJobDirection | String | Forward | The synchronization direction. Valid values:
Note This parameter is returned only if the topology of the data synchronization instance is two-way synchronization. |
SynchronizationDirection | String | Forward | The synchronization direction. Valid values:
PayType | String | PrePaid | The billing method. Valid values:
ExpireTime | String | 2023-06-16T08:01:19Z | The time when the instance expires. The time follows the ISO 8601 standard in the yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ format. The time is displayed in UTC. Note This parameter is returned only if the return value of PayType is PrePaid. |
CreateTime | String | 2023-01-12T08:34:11Z | The time when the task was created. The time follows the ISO 8601 standard in the yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ format. The time is displayed in UTC. |
FinishTime | String | 2023-06-16T10:34:17Z | The time when the task was complete. The time follows the ISO 8601 standard in the yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ format. The time is displayed in UTC. |
SourceEndpoint | Object | The connection settings of the source instance. |
InstanceID | String | rm-bp2f3huj5rhzq**** | The source instance ID. |
Region | String | cn-hangzhou | The ID of the region in which the source instance resides. For more information, see Supported regions. |
InstanceType | String | RDS | The type of the source instance. |
EngineName | String | MySQL | The database engine of the source instance. |
Ip | String | 192.168.XX.XX | The endpoint of the source instance. |
Port | String | 3306 | The database service port of the source instance. |
DatabaseName | String | dtstestdata | The name of the database from which the objects are migrated in the source instance. |
OracleSID | String | testsid | The SID of the Oracle database. Note This parameter is returned only if the return value of EngineName of the destination instance is Oracle and the Oracle database is deployed in a non-RAC architecture. |
UserName | String | dtstest | The database account of the source instance. |
SslSolutionEnum | String | DISABLE | Indicates whether SSL encryption is enabled. Valid values:
RoleName | String | ram-for-dts | The name of the RAM role configured for the Alibaba Cloud account to which the source instance belongs. |
AliyunUid | String | 140692647406**** | The ID of the Alibaba Cloud account to which the source instance belongs. |
DestinationEndpoint | Object | The connection settings of the destination instance. |
InstanceID | String | rm-bp1f9guj5rhzq**** | The destination instance ID. |
Region | String | cn-hangzhou | The ID of the region in which the destination instance resides. For more information, see Supported regions. |
InstanceType | String | RDS | The type of the destination instance. |
EngineName | String | MySQL | The database engine of the destination instance. |
Ip | String | 192.168.XX.XX | The endpoint of the destination instance. |
Port | String | 3306 | The database service port of the destination instance. |
DatabaseName | String | dtstestdata | The name of the database to which the objects are migrated in the destination instance. |
OracleSID | String | testsid | The SID of the Oracle database. Note This parameter is returned only if the return value of EngineName of the destination instance is Oracle and the Oracle database is deployed in a non-RAC architecture. |
UserName | String | dtstest | The database account of the destination instance. |
SslSolutionEnum | String | DISABLE | Indicates whether SSL encryption is enabled. Valid values:
RoleName | String | ram-for-dts | The name of the RAM role configured for the Alibaba Cloud account to which the destination instance belongs. |
AliyunUid | String | 140692647406**** | The ID of the Alibaba Cloud account to which the destination instance belongs. |
DbObject | String | {\"dtstestdata\":{\"all\":true,\"name\":\"dtstestdata\",\"state\":\"normal\"}} | The objects of the data migration, data synchronization, or change tracking task. For more information, see Objects of DTS tasks. |
MigrationMode | Object | The migration types or initial synchronization types. |
StructureInitialization | Boolean | true | Indicates whether schema migration or initial schema synchronization is performed. Valid values:
DataInitialization | Boolean | true | Indicates whether full data migration or initial full data synchronization is performed. Valid values:
DataSynchronization | Boolean | true | Indicates whether incremental data migration or synchronization is performed. Valid values:
DataExtractTransformLoad | Boolean | false | Indicates whether data transformation is performed. Valid values:
Status | String | Finished | The state of the data migration or synchronization task. Valid values:
ErrorMessage | String | DTS-070211: Connect Source DB failed. cause by **** | The error message returned if the task failed. |
Delay | Long | 0 | The latency of incremental data migration or synchronization. Unit: milliseconds. |
TagList | Array of TagList | The tags of the task. |
Id | Long | 2 | The primary key of the table. |
GmtCreate | String | 2022-03-16T08:01:19Z | The time when the task was created. |
GmtModified | String | 2022-03-16T08:01:19Z | The time when the task was modified. |
ResourceId | String | dtsnjuc14kp12u**** | The ID of the data migration, data synchronization, or change tracking instance. |
ResourceType | String | ALIYUN::DTS::INSTANCE | The resource type. |
RegionId | String | cn-hangzhou | The ID of the region in which the DTS instance resides. For more information, see Supported regions. |
AliUid | Long | 191448876515**** | The Alibaba Cloud account ID. |
TagKey | String | key1 | The tag key. |
TagValue | String | value1 | The tag value. |
TagCategory | String | System | The type of the tag. Valid values:
Note By default, if the parameter is left empty, custom tags and system tags are returned. |
SrcRegion | String | cn-hangzhou | The ID of the region in which the DTS task resides. Note In most cases, the ID of the region in which the destination instance resides is returned. |
Scope | String | 0 | Indicates whether the tag is visible. Valid values:
Creator | Long | 191448876515**** | The operator of the tag. |
Checkpoint | String | 1616405159 | The start offset of incremental data migration or data synchronization. This value is a UNIX timestamp. Unit: seconds. |
PrecheckStatus | Object | The precheck state. |
Status | String | Finished | The precheck state. Valid values:
Percent | String | 100 | The precheck progress. Unit: percentage. |
ErrorMessage | String | DTS-070211: Connect Source DB failed. cause by **** | The error message returned if the task failed. |
Detail | Array of Detail | The result of each precheck item. |
CheckItem | String | CHECK_CONN_SRC | The name of the precheck item. |
CheckItemDescription | String | CHECK_CONN_SRC_DETAIL | The description of the precheck item. |
CheckResult | String | Success | The precheck result. Valid values:
FailedReason | String | Original error: Access denied for user 'dtstest'@'100.104.***.**' (using password: YES) | The error message returned if the task failed to pass the precheck. Note This parameter is returned only if the return value of CheckResult is Failed. |
RepairMethod | String | CHECK_ERROR_DEST_CONN_REPAIR2 | The method used to fix the precheck failure. Note This parameter is returned only if the return value of CheckResult is Failed. |
StructureInitializationStatus | Object | The state of initial schema synchronization. |
Status | String | Finished | The state of initial schema synchronization. Valid values:
ErrorMessage | String | DTS-070211: Connect Source DB failed. cause by **** | The error message returned if the task failed. |
Percent | String | 100 | The progress of initial schema synchronization. Unit: percentage. |
Progress | String | 1 | The number of tables whose schemas are synchronized to the destination instance. |
NeedUpgrade | Boolean | true | Indicates whether the instance class needs to be upgraded. Valid values:
DataInitializationStatus | Object | The state of full data migration or initial full data synchronization. |
Status | String | Finished | The state of full data migration or initial full data synchronization. Valid values:
ErrorMessage | String | DTS-070211: Connect Source DB failed. cause by **** | The error message returned if full data migration or initial full data synchronization failed. |
Percent | String | 100 | The progress of full data migration or initial full data synchronization. Unit: percentage. |
Progress | String | 16 | The number of entries that are migrated or synchronized during full data migration or initial full data synchronization. |
NeedUpgrade | Boolean | true | Indicates whether the instance class needs to be upgraded. Valid values:
DataSynchronizationStatus | Object | The state of incremental data migration or synchronization. |
Status | String | Catched | The state of incremental data migration or synchronization. Valid values:
ErrorMessage | String | DTS-070211: Connect Source DB failed. cause by **** | The error message returned if the task failed. |
Percent | String | 95 | The progress of incremental data migration or synchronization. |
Progress | String | 0.00RPS/(0.000MB/s) | The number of rows and size of data that is synchronized or migrated to the destination table per second during incremental data synchronization or migration. |
NeedUpgrade | Boolean | true | Indicates whether the instance class needs to be upgraded. Valid values:
DataEtlStatus | Object | The state of the ETL task. Note This parameter collection is returned only if an ETL task is configured. |
Status | String | Finished | The state of the ETL task. Valid values:
ErrorMessage | String | DTS-070211: Connect Source DB failed. cause by **** | The error message returned if the task failed. |
Percent | String | 100 | The progress of full data migration or initial full data synchronization. Unit: percentage. |
Progress | String | 16 | The number of entries that are migrated or synchronized during full data migration or initial full data synchronization. |
NeedUpgrade | Boolean | true | Indicates whether the instance class needs to be upgraded. Valid values:
Performance | Object | The performance of the data migration or synchronization instance. |
Rps | String | 100 | The number of times that SQL statements are migrated or synchronized per second, including BEGIN, COMMIT, DML, and DDL statements. DML statements include INSERT, DELETE, and UPDATE. |
Flow | String | 1 | The size of data that is migrated or synchronized per second. Unit: Mbit/s. |
ReverseJob | Object | The details of the data synchronization task in the reverse direction. Note This parameter is returned only for two-way data synchronization tasks. |
DtsInstanceID | String | dtsnjuc14kp12u**** | The DTS instance ID. |
DtsJobId | String | m06j1g92124**** | The DTS task ID. |
DtsJobName | String | dtstest**** | The DTS instance name. |
GroupId | String | rg-acfmzawhxxc**** | The resource group ID. |
DatabaseCount | Integer | 2 | The number of ApsaraDB RDS for MySQL instances that are attached to the source PolarDB-X 1.0 instance. |
DtsJobClass | String | xlarge | The instance class. |
DtsJobDirection | String | Forward | The synchronization direction. Valid values:
Note This parameter is returned only if the topology of the data synchronization instance is two-way synchronization. |
SynchronizationDirection | String | Forward | The synchronization direction. Valid values:
PayType | String | PrePaid | The billing method. Valid values:
ExpireTime | String | 2023-06-16T08:01:19Z | The time when the instance expires. The time follows the ISO 8601 standard in the yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ format. The time is displayed in UTC. Note This parameter is returned only if the return value of PayType is PrePaid. |
CreateTime | String | 2023-01-12T08:34:11Z | The time when the task was created. The time follows the ISO 8601 standard in the yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ format. The time is displayed in UTC. |
FinishTime | String | 2023-06-16T10:34:17Z | The time when the task was complete. The time follows the ISO 8601 standard in the yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ format. The time is displayed in UTC. |
SourceEndpoint | Object | The connection settings of the source instance. |
InstanceID | String | rm-bp2f3huj5rhzq**** | The DTS instance ID. |
Region | String | cn-hangzhou | The ID of the region in which the source instance resides. For more information, see Supported regions. |
InstanceType | String | RDS | The type of the source instance. |
EngineName | String | MySQL | The database engine of the source instance. |
Ip | String | 192.168.XX.XX | The endpoint of the source instance. |
Port | String | 3306 | The database service port of the source instance. |
DatabaseName | String | dtstestdata | The name of the database from which the objects are migrated in the source instance. |
OracleSID | String | testsid | The SID of the Oracle database. Note This parameter is returned only if the return value of EngineName of the destination instance is Oracle and the Oracle database is deployed in a non-RAC architecture. |
UserName | String | dtstest | The database account of the source instance. |
SslSolutionEnum | String | DISABLE | Indicates whether SSL encryption is enabled. Valid values:
RoleName | String | ram-for-dts | The name of the RAM role configured for the Alibaba Cloud account to which the source instance belongs. |
AliyunUid | String | 140692647406**** | The ID of the Alibaba Cloud account to which the source instance belongs. |
DestinationEndpoint | Object | The connection settings of the destination instance. |
InstanceID | String | rm-bp1f9guj5rhzq**** | The destination instance ID. |
Region | String | cn-hangzhou | The ID of the region in which the destination instance resides. For more information, see Supported regions. |
InstanceType | String | RDS | The type of the destination instance. |
EngineName | String | MySQL | The database engine of the destination instance. |
Ip | String | 192.168.XX,XX | The endpoint of the destination instance. |
Port | String | 3306 | The database service port of the destination instance. |
DatabaseName | String | dtstestdata | The name of the database to which the objects are migrated in the destination instance. |
OracleSID | String | testsid | The SID of the Oracle database. Note This parameter is returned only if the return value of EngineName of the destination instance is Oracle and the Oracle database is deployed in a non-RAC architecture. |
UserName | String | dtstest | The database account of the destination instance. |
SslSolutionEnum | String | DISABLE | Indicates whether SSL encryption is enabled. Valid values:
RoleName | String | ram-for-dts | The name of the RAM role configured for the Alibaba Cloud account to which the destination instance belongs. |
AliyunUid | String | 140692647406**** | The ID of the Alibaba Cloud account to which the destination instance belongs. |
DbObject | String | {\"dtstestdata\":{\"all\":true,\"name\":\"dtstestdata\",\"state\":\"normal\"}} | The objects of the data migration, data synchronization, or change tracking task. For more information, see Objects of DTS tasks. |
MigrationMode | Object | The migration types or initial synchronization types. |
StructureInitialization | Boolean | true | Indicates whether schema migration or initial schema synchronization is performed. Valid values:
DataInitialization | Boolean | true | Indicates whether full data migration or initial full data synchronization is performed. Valid values:
DataSynchronization | Boolean | true | Indicates whether incremental data migration or synchronization is performed. Valid values:
DataExtractTransformLoad | Boolean | false | Indicates whether data transformation is performed. Valid values:
Status | String | Finished | The state of the data migration or synchronization task. Valid values:
ErrorMessage | String | DTS-070211: Connect Source DB failed. cause by **** | The error message returned if the task failed. |
Delay | Long | 0 | The latency of incremental data migration or synchronization. Unit: milliseconds. |
TagList | Array of TagList | The tags of the task. |
Id | Long | 2 | The primary key of the table. |
GmtCreate | String | 2022-03-16T08:01:19Z | The time when the task was created. |
GmtModified | String | 2022-03-16T08:01:19Z | The time when the task was modified. |
ResourceId | String | dtsnjuc14kp12u**** | The ID of the data migration, data synchronization, or change tracking instance. |
ResourceType | String | ALIYUN::DTS::INSTANCE | The resource type. |
RegionId | String | cn-hangzhou | The ID of the region in which the DTS instance resides. For more information, see Supported regions. |
AliUid | Long | 191448876515**** | The Alibaba Cloud account ID. |
TagKey | String | key1 | The tag key. |
TagValue | String | value1 | The tag value. |
TagCategory | String | System | The type of the tag. Valid values:
Note By default, if the parameter is left empty, custom tags and system tags are returned. |
SrcRegion | String | cn-hangzhou | The ID of the region in which the DTS task resides. Note In most cases, the ID of the region in which the destination instance resides is returned. |
Scope | String | 0 | Indicates whether the tag is visible. Valid values:
Creator | Long | 191448876515**** | The operator of the tag. |
Checkpoint | String | 1616405159 | The start offset of incremental data migration or data synchronization. This value is a UNIX timestamp. Unit: seconds. |
PrecheckStatus | Object | The precheck state. |
Status | String | Finished | The precheck state. Valid values:
Percent | String | 100 | The precheck progress. Unit: percentage. |
ErrorMessage | String | DTS-070211: Connect Source DB failed. cause by **** | The error message returned if the task failed. |
Detail | Array of Detail | The result of each precheck item. |
CheckItem | String | CHECK_CONN_SRC | The name of the precheck item. |
CheckItemDescription | String | CHECK_CONN_SRC_DETAIL | The description of the precheck item. |
CheckResult | String | Success | The precheck result. Valid values:
FailedReason | String | Original error: Access denied for user 'dtstest'@'100.104.***.**' (using password: YES) | The error message returned if the task failed to pass the precheck. Note This parameter is returned only if the return value of CheckResult is Failed. |
RepairMethod | String | CHECK_ERROR_DEST_CONN_REPAIR2 | The method used to fix the precheck failure. Note This parameter is returned only if the return value of CheckResult is Failed. |
StructureInitializationStatus | Object | The state of initial schema synchronization. |
Status | String | Finished | The state of initial schema synchronization. Valid values:
ErrorMessage | String | DTS-070211: Connect Source DB failed. cause by **** | The error message returned if the task failed. |
Percent | String | 100 | The progress of initial schema synchronization. Unit: percentage. |
Progress | String | 1 | The number of tables whose schemas are synchronized to the destination instance. |
NeedUpgrade | Boolean | true | Indicates whether the instance class needs to be upgraded. Valid values:
DataInitializationStatus | Object | The state of full data migration or initial full data synchronization. |
Status | String | Finished | The state of full data migration or initial full data synchronization. Valid values:
ErrorMessage | String | DTS-070211: Connect Source DB failed. cause by **** | The error message returned if full data migration or initial full data synchronization failed. |
Percent | String | 100 | The progress of full data migration or initial full data synchronization. Unit: percentage. |
Progress | String | 16 | The number of entries that are migrated or synchronized during full data migration or initial full data synchronization. |
NeedUpgrade | Boolean | true | Indicates whether the instance class needs to be upgraded. Valid values:
DataSynchronizationStatus | Object | The state of incremental data migration or synchronization. |
Status | String | Finished | The state of incremental data migration or synchronization. Valid values:
ErrorMessage | String | DTS-070211: Connect Source DB failed. cause by **** | The error message returned if the task failed. |
Percent | String | 95 | The progress of incremental data migration or synchronization. |
Progress | String | 0.00RPS/(0.000MB/s) | The number of rows and size of data that is synchronized or migrated to the destination table per second during incremental data synchronization or migration. |
NeedUpgrade | Boolean | true | Indicates whether the instance class needs to be upgraded. Valid values:
DataEtlStatus | Object | The state of the ETL task. Note This parameter collection is returned only if an ETL task is configured. |
Status | String | Finished | The state of the ETL task. Valid values:
ErrorMessage | String | DTS-070211: Connect Source DB failed. cause by **** | The error message returned if the task failed. |
Percent | String | 100 | The progress of full data migration or initial full data synchronization. Unit: percentage. |
Progress | String | 16 | The number of entries that are migrated or synchronized during full data migration or initial full data synchronization. |
NeedUpgrade | Boolean | true | Indicates whether the instance class needs to be upgraded. Valid values:
Performance | Object | The performance of the data migration or synchronization instance. |
Rps | String | 100 | The number of times that SQL statements are migrated or synchronized per second, including BEGIN, COMMIT, DML, and DDL statements. DML statements include INSERT, DELETE, and UPDATE. |
Flow | String | 1 | The size of data that is migrated or synchronized per second. Unit: Mbit/s. |
ReverseJob | Any | **** | The details of the data synchronization task in the reverse direction. Note This parameter is returned only for two-way data synchronization tasks. |
Reserved | String | {\"srcHostPorts\":\"\",\"whitelist.dms.online.ddl.enable\":false,\"filterDDL\":false,\"sqlparser.dms.original.ddl\":true,\"srcOracleType\":\"sid\",\"maxRetryTime\":43200,\"destSSL\":\"0\",\"destOracleType\":\"sid\",\"srcSSL\":\"0\",\"dbListCaseChangeMode\":\"default\",\"SourceEngineVersion\":\"8.0.18\",\"srcNetType\":\"VPC\",\"destNetType\":\"VPC\",\"srcVpcNetMappingInst\":\"172.16.1**.**:10803\",\"destVpcNetMappingInst\":\"172.16.1**.**:11077\",\"useJobTask\":\"1\"} | The reserved parameter of DTS. The value is a JSON string. You can specify this parameter to meet specific requirements, such as whether to automatically start a precheck. For more information, see MigrationReserved. |
SubscriptionHost | Object | The endpoint of the change tracking instance. |
PublicHost | String | dts-cn-****.aliyuncs.com:18001 | The public endpoint of the change tracking instance. The format is |
PrivateHost | String | dts-cn-****-internal.aliyuncs.com:18002 | The private endpoint of the change tracking instance. The format is |
VpcHost | String | dts-cn-****.aliyuncs.com:18001 | The VPC endpoint of the change tracking instance. The format is |
SubscribeTopic | String | cn_hangzhou_rm_bp1162kryivb8****_dtstest_version2 | The topic of the change tracking instance. Note This parameter is returned only if your change tracking instances are of the new version and you have called the CreateConsumerGroup operation to create a consumer group. |
ConsumptionCheckpoint | String | 2022-03-23T07:30:31Z | The consumption checkpoint of the change tracking instance. The time follows the ISO 8601 standard in the yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ format. The time is displayed in UTC. |
BeginTimestamp | String | 2022-03-15T08:25:34Z | The start of the time range for change tracking. The time follows the ISO 8601 standard in the yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ format. The time is displayed in UTC. |
EndTimestamp | String | 2022-03-26T14:03:21Z | The end of the time range for change tracking. The time follows the ISO 8601 standard in the yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ format. The time is displayed in UTC. |
ConsumptionClient | String | 114.***.***.**:dts******** | The downstream client information in the following format: <IP address of the downstream client>:<Random ID generated by DTS>. |
DestNetType | String | VPC | The network type of the consumer client. Valid values:
SubscriptionDataType | Object | The type of data for change tracking. |
Ddl | Boolean | true | Indicates whether DDL statements are tracked. Valid values:
Dml | Boolean | true | Indicates whether DML statements are tracked. Valid values:
AppName | String | new | Indicates whether the new change tracking feature is used. Note This parameter is returned only for change tracking instances of the new version. |
EtlCalculator | String | { "cells ": [{\"shape\":\"edge\",\"attrs\":{\"line\":{\"stroke\":\"#b1b1b1\",\"strokeWidth\":1,\"targetMarker\":{\"name\":\"block\",\"args\":{\"size\":\"8\"}},\"strokeDasharray\":\"\"}},\"id\":\"cd1ec473-f9b9-4e9b-a742-ac23f442****\",\"source\":{\"cell\":\"8b261182-bfab-4803-ad8e-6bb08e3e****\",\"port\":\"out1\"},\"target\":{\"cell\":\"b36770df-f48c-4d6b-9644-54c5e924****\",\"port\":\"in1\"},\"zIndex\":7 }] } | The operator information of the ETL task. Note This parameter is returned only if you query the details of an ETL task. |
RetryState | Object | The information about the retries performed by DTS due to an exception. |
JobId | String | ta7w132u12h**** | The task ID. |
MaxRetryTime | Integer | 7200 | The maximum duration of a retry. Unit: seconds. |
RetryTime | Integer | 3600 | The time that has elapsed from the point in time when the first retry starts. Unit: seconds. |
RetryCount | Integer | 5 | The number of retries. |
Retrying | Boolean | true | Indicates whether the task is being retried. Valid values:
Module | String | 03 | The progress of the instance when DTS performs retries. |
RetryTarget | String | srcDB | The object on which the retries are performed. Valid values:
ErrMsg | String | CHECK__ERROR_SAME_OBJ | The error message returned. |
OriginType | String | DTS | The source of the task. Valid values:
JobType | String | SYNC | The type of the DTS task. Valid values:
IsDemoJob | Boolean | false | Indicates whether the task is a subtask. Valid values:
TaskType | String | rds | The task type. |
Reserved | String | {\"srcHostPorts\":\"\",\"whitelist.dms.online.ddl.enable\":false,\"filterDDL\":false,\"sqlparser.dms.original.ddl\":true,\"srcOracleType\":\"sid\",\"maxRetryTime\":43200,\"destSSL\":\"0\",\"destOracleType\":\"sid\",\"srcSSL\":\"0\",\"dbListCaseChangeMode\":\"default\",\"SourceEngineVersion\":\"8.0.18\",\"srcNetType\":\"VPC\",\"destNetType\":\"VPC\",\"srcVpcNetMappingInst\":\"172.16.1**.**:10803\",\"destVpcNetMappingInst\":\"172.16.1**.**:11077\",\"useJobTask\":\"1\"} | The reserved parameter of DTS. The value is a JSON string. You can specify this parameter to meet specific requirements, such as whether to automatically start a precheck. For more information, see MigrationReserved. |
SubscriptionHost | Object | The endpoint of the change tracking instance. |
PublicHost | String | dts-cn-****.aliyuncs.com:18001 | The public endpoint of the change tracking instance. The format is |
PrivateHost | String | dts-cn-****-internal.aliyuncs.com:18002 | The private endpoint of the change tracking instance. The format is |
VpcHost | String | dts-cn-****.aliyuncs.com:18001 | The VPC endpoint of the change tracking instance. The format is |
SubscribeTopic | String | cn_hangzhou_rm_bp1162kryivb8****_dtstest_version2 | The topic of the change tracking instance. Note This parameter is returned only if your change tracking instances are of the new version and you have called the CreateConsumerGroup operation to create a consumer group. |
ConsumptionCheckpoint | String | 2022-03-23T07:30:31Z | The consumption checkpoint of the change tracking instance. The time follows the ISO 8601 standard in the yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ format. The time is displayed in UTC. |
BeginTimestamp | String | 2022-03-15T08:25:34Z | The start of the time range for change tracking. The time follows the ISO 8601 standard in the yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ format. The time is displayed in UTC. |
EndTimestamp | String | 2022-03-26T14:03:21Z | The end of the time range for change tracking. The time follows the ISO 8601 standard in the yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ format. The time is displayed in UTC. |
ConsumptionClient | String | 114.***.***.**:dts******** | The downstream client information in the following format: <IP address of the downstream client>:<Random ID generated by DTS>. |
DestNetType | String | VPC | The network type of the consumer client. Valid values:
SubscriptionDataType | Object | The type of data for change tracking. |
Ddl | Boolean | true | Indicates whether DDL statements are tracked. Valid values:
Dml | Boolean | true | Indicates whether DML statements are tracked. Valid values:
AppName | String | new | Indicates whether the new change tracking feature is used. Note This parameter is returned only for change tracking instances of the new version. |
EtlCalculator | String | { "cells ": [{\"shape\":\"edge\",\"attrs\":{\"line\":{\"stroke\":\"#b1b1b1\",\"strokeWidth\":1,\"targetMarker\":{\"name\":\"block\",\"args\":{\"size\":\"8\"}},\"strokeDasharray\":\"\"}},\"id\":\"cd1ec473-f9b9-4e9b-a742-ac23f442****\",\"source\":{\"cell\":\"8b261182-bfab-4803-ad8e-6bb08e3e****\",\"port\":\"out1\"},\"target\":{\"cell\":\"b36770df-f48c-4d6b-9644-54c5e924****\",\"port\":\"in1\"},\"zIndex\":7 }] } | The operator information of the ETL task. Note This parameter is returned only if you query the details of an ETL task. |
RetryState | Object | The information about the retries performed by DTS due to an exception. |
JobId | String | ta7w132u12h**** | The task ID. |
MaxRetryTime | Integer | 7200 | The maximum duration of a retry. Unit: seconds. |
RetryTime | Integer | 3600 | The time that has elapsed from the point in time when the first retry starts. Unit: seconds. |
RetryCount | Integer | 5 | The number of retries. |
Retrying | Boolean | true | Indicates whether the task is being retried. Valid values:
Module | String | 03 | The progress of the instance when DTS performs retries. |
RetryTarget | String | srcDB | The object on which the retries are performed. Valid values:
ErrMsg | String | CHECK__ERROR_SAME_OBJ | The error message returned. |
OriginType | String | DTS | The source of the task. Valid values:
JobType | String | SYNC | The type of the DTS task. Valid values:
IsDemoJob | Boolean | false | Indicates whether the task is a subtask. Valid values:
TaskType | String | rds | The task type. |
MinDu | double | 1 | The minimum number of DUs. Note This parameter is supported only for serverless instances. |
MaxDu | double | 16 | The maximum number of DUs. Note This parameter is supported only for serverless instances. |
JobType | String | sync | The type of the DTS task. Valid values:
Note In most cases, this parameter is returned together with TaskType. |
TaskType | String | Distributed_xxx | The type of the task. Note In most cases, this parameter is returned together with JobType. |
DedicatedClusterId | String | dtsxxxxx | The dedicated cluster ID. |
DataSynchronizationStatus | Object | The state of incremental data migration or synchronization. |
Status | String | Catched | The state of incremental data migration or synchronization. Valid values:
NeedUpgrade | Boolean | true | Indicates whether the instance class needs to be upgraded. Valid values:
Percent | String | 95 | The progress of incremental data migration or synchronization. Unit: percentage. |
Progress | String | 0.00RPS/(0.000MB/s) | The number of rows and size of data that is synchronized or migrated to the destination table per second during incremental data synchronization or migration. |
ErrorMessage | String | The task has failed for a long time and cannot be recovered. | The error message returned if incremental data migration or synchronization failed. |
BootTime | String | 2022-03-30T03:36:11.000 | The time when the task was started. The time follows the ISO 8601 standard in the yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ format. The time is displayed in UTC. |
Binlog | String | **** | The binary logs. |
BinlogSite | String | 156629109**** | The current offset. |
BinlogTime | String | **** | The offset range. |
LastUpdateTime | String | 156629109**** | The timestamp when the task was last updated. |
RetryState | Object | The information about the retries performed by DTS due to an exception. |
RetryCount | Integer | 5 | The number of retries. |
MaxRetryTime | Integer | 7200 | The maximum duration of a retry. Unit: seconds. |
ErrMessage | String | Unexpected error | The error message returned if these retries failed. |
RetryTarget | String | srcDB | The object on which the retries are performed. Valid values:
RetryTime | Integer | 3600 | The time that has elapsed from the point in time when the first retry starts. Unit: seconds. |
Module | String | 03 | The progress of the instance when DTS performs retries. |
JobId | String | bi6e22ay243**** | The task ID. |
Retrying | Boolean | false | Indicates whether the task is being retried. Valid values:
ResourceGroupId | String | rg-acfmzawhxxc**** | The resource group ID. |
ResourceGroupDisplayName | String | default resource group | The resource group name. |
DtsBisLabel | String | normal | The environment tag of the DTS instance. Valid values:
DataDeliveryChannelInfo | Object | The information about the data shipping channel. |
PublicDproxyUrl | String | dts-****.aliyuncs.com:18*** | The public endpoint of the data shipping channel. |
VpcDproxyUrl | String | dts-****.aliyuncs.com:18*** | The VPC endpoint of the data shipping channel. |
Topic | String | cn_hangzhou_******_data_delivery_version2 | The destination topic of the data shipping instance. |
Region | String | cn-hangzhou | The region in which the data shipping channel resides. |
PartitionNum | Integer | 3 | The number of partitions of the destination topic. |
MinDu | double | 1 | The minimum number of DUs. Note This parameter is supported only for serverless instances. |
MaxDu | double | 16 | The maximum number of DUs. Note This parameter is supported only for serverless instances. |
Sample requests
&<Common request parameters>
Sample success responses
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
"DtsJobName" : "api_test",
"DtsInstanceID" : "dtsi03e3zty16i****",
"Success" : true,
"Delay" : 0,
"MigrationMode" : {
"DataInitialization" : true,
"DataSynchronization" : true,
"StructureInitialization" : true
"DtsJobClass" : "xlarge",
"DtsJobId" : "i03e3zty16i****",
"HttpStatusCode" : 200,
"Status" : "Migrating",
"RequestId" : "29207299-7C41-493A-BA4F-2FAC5DE4****",
"DbObject" : "{\"dtstestdata\":{\"all\":true,\"name\":\"dtstestdata\",\"state\":\"normal\"}}",
"CreateTime" : "2021-03-16T08:01:19Z",
"PayType" : "PostPaid",
"Checkpoint" : "1616405159",
"DestinationEndpoint" : {
"UserName" : "dtstest",
"InstanceID" : "rm-bp1imrtn6fq7h****",
"SslSolutionEnum" : "DISABLE",
"Port" : "3306",
"DatabaseName" : "dtstestdata",
"Region" : "cn-hangzhou",
"InstanceType" : "RDS",
"EngineName" : "MySQL"
"SourceEndpoint" : {
"RoleName" : "",
"UserName" : "dtstest",
"InstanceID" : "rm-bp1162kryivb8****",
"SslSolutionEnum" : "DISABLE",
"Port" : "3306",
"AliyunUid" : "140692647406****",
"Region" : "cn-hangzhou",
"InstanceType" : "RDS",
"EngineName" : "MySQL"
"Reserved" : "{\"srcHostPorts\":\"\",\"whitelist.dms.online.ddl.enable\":false,\"filterDDL\":false,\"sqlparser.dms.original.ddl\":true,\"srcOracleType\":\"sid\",\"maxRetryTime\":43200,\"destSSL\":\"0\",\"destOracleType\":\"sid\",\"srcSSL\":\"0\",\"dbListCaseChangeMode\":\"default\",\"SourceEngineVersion\":\"8.0.18\",\"srcNetType\":\"VPC\",\"destNetType\":\"VPC\",\"srcVpcNetMappingInst\":\"172.16.1**.**:1****\",\"destVpcNetMappingInst\":\"172.16.1**.**:1****\",\"useJobTask\":\"1\"}"
Error codes
HttpCode |
Error code |
Error message |
Description |
400 | Throttling.User | Request was denied due to user flow control. | The number of calls per second exceeds the limit. Try again later. |
500 | ServiceUnavailable | The request has failed due to a temporary failure of the server. | The response of the server timed out or the server was unavailable. Try again. If the error persists, contact technical support. |
403 | InvalidSecurityToken.Expired | Specified SecurityToken is expired. | The signature expired. Use a new signature. |
For a list of error codes, see Service error codes.