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Data Security Center:ExecDatamask

Last Updated:Oct 17, 2024

Dynamically de-identifies sensitive data.


You can run this interface directly in OpenAPI Explorer, saving you the trouble of calculating signatures. After running successfully, OpenAPI Explorer can automatically generate SDK code samples.

Authorization information

There is currently no authorization information disclosed in the API.

Request parameters


The ID of the de-identification template. The ID is generated after you create the de-identification template in the Data Security Center (DSC) console. You can choose Data desensitization > Desensitization Template in the left-side navigation pane and obtain the ID of the de-identification template from the Desensitization Template page.

  • If you select Field name as the matching mode of the template, DSC matches data based on the columns specified by the dataHeaderList parameter in the Data parameter.
  • If you select Sensitive type as the matching mode of the template, DSC matches data based on the sensitive data detection rules specified by the ruleList parameter in the Data parameter.

The sensitive data to be de-identified. The value is a JSON string that contains the following parameters:

  • dataHeaderList: the names of the columns in which data needs to be de-identified. Specify the column names in accordance with the order of data that needs to be de-identified.
  • dataList: the data that needs to be de-identified.
  • ruleList: the IDs of sensitive data detection rules used to detect data that needs to be de-identified. Specify the rule IDs in accordance with the order of data that needs to be de-identified. Each ID identifies a sensitive data detection rule that is used to detect a type of sensitive data. You can call the DescribeRules operation to query the IDs of sensitive data detection rules.

This parameter is deprecated.


The language of the content within the request and response. Default value: zh_cn. Valid values:

  • zh_cn: Simplified Chinese
  • en_us: English

Response parameters


The de-identified data, which is described in a JSON string. The JSON string contains the following parameters:

  • dataHeaderList: the names of columns that contain the de-identified data.
  • dataList: the de-identified data. The column order of the de-identified data is the same as that indicated by the dataHeaderList parameter.
  • ruleList: the IDs of sensitive data detection rules.

The ID of the request, which is used to locate and troubleshoot issues.



Sample success responses


  "Data": "{\"dataHeaderList\":[\"name\",\"age\"],\"dataList\":[[\"l***\",18],[\"l***\",17]],\"ruleList\":[1002,null]}",
  "RequestId": "813BA9FA-D062-42C4-8CD5-11A7640B96E6"

Error codes

For a list of error codes, visit the Service error codes.

Change history

Change timeSummary of changesOperation
2024-04-11API Description UpdateView Change Details
2024-03-25The request parameters of the API has changedView Change Details