| object | The details of the ALB instance. | |
AccessLogConfig | object | The configuration of the access log feature. | |
LogProject | string | | sls-setter |
LogStore | string | | test |
AddressAllocatedMode | string | The mode in which IP addresses are allocated. Valid values:
- Fixed: allocates a static IP address to the ALB instance.
- Dynamic: dynamically allocates an IP address to each zone of the ALB instance.
| Dynamic |
AddressType | string | The network type of the ALB instance. Valid values:
- Internet: The ALB instance uses a public IP address. The domain name of the ALB instance is resolved to the public IP address. Therefore, the ALB instance can be accessed over the Internet.
- Intranet: The ALB instance uses a private IP address. The domain name of the ALB instance is resolved to the private IP address. In this case, the ALB instance can be accessed over the virtual private cloud (VPC) where the ALB instance is deployed.
| Intranet |
BandwidthPackageId | string | The ID of the elastic IP address (EIP) bandwidth plan that is associated with the Internet-facing ALB instance. | cbwp-bp1vevu8h3ieh**** |
CreateTime | string | The time when the resource was created. The time follows the ISO 8601 standard in the yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ format. The time is displayed in UTC. | 2022-07-02T02:49:05Z |
DNSName | string | The domain name of the ALB instance. | alb-95qnr2itwu9orb****.cn-hangzhou.alb.aliyuncs.com |
DeletionProtectionConfig | object | The configuration of deletion protection. | |
Enabled | boolean | Indicates whether the deletion protection feature is enabled. Valid values:
| true |
EnabledTime | string | The time when the deletion protection feature was enabled. The time follows the ISO 8601 standard in the yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ format. The time is displayed in UTC. | 2022-08-02T02:49:05Z |
LoadBalancerBillingConfig | object | The billing method of the ALB instance. | |
PayType | string | The billing method.
Only PostPay is returned, which indicates the pay-as-you-go billing method. | PostPay |
LoadBalancerBussinessStatus | string | The service status of the ALB instance. Valid values:
| Normal |
LoadBalancerEdition | string | The edition of the ALB instance. The features and billing rules vary based on the edition of the ALB instance. Valid values:
- Basic
- Standard
- StandardWithWaf
| Standard |
LoadBalancerId | string | | alb-o9ulmq5hgn68jk**** |
LoadBalancerName | string | The name of the ALB instance.
The name must be 2 to 128 characters in length, and can contain letters, digits, periods (.), underscores (_), and hyphens (-). The name must start with a letter. | alb1 |
LoadBalancerOperationLocks | array<object> | The type of the lock. Valid values:
- SecurityLocked: The ALB instance is locked due to security reasons.
- RelatedResourceLocked: The ALB instance is locked due to association issues.
- FinancialLocked: The ALB instance is locked due to overdue payments.
- ResidualLocked: The ALB instance is locked because the associated resources have overdue payments and the resources are released.
| |
LoadBalancerOperationLock | object | | |
LockReason | string | The reason why the ALB instance is locked. This parameter is valid only if LoadBalancerBussinessStatus is set to Abnormal. | nolock |
LockType | string | The lock type. Valid values:
- SecurityLocked: The ALB instance is locked due to security reasons.
- RelatedResourceLocked: The ALB instance is locked due to other resources that are associated with the ALB instance.
- FinancialLocked: The ALB instance is locked due to overdue payments.
- ResidualLocked: The ALB instance is locked because the associated resources have overdue payments and the resources are released.
| FinancialLocked |
LoadBalancerStatus | string | The status of the ALB instance. Valid values:
- Inactive: The ALB instance is disabled. ALB instances in the Inactive state do not forward traffic.
- Active: The ALB instance is running.
- Provisioning: The ALB instance is being created.
- Configuring: The ALB instance is being modified.
- CreateFailed: The system failed to create the ALB instance. In this case, you are not charged for the ALB instance. You can only delete the ALB instance.
| Active |
ModificationProtectionConfig | object | The configuration of the configuration read-only mode. | |
Reason | string | The reason for enabling the configuration read-only mode. The reason must be 2 to 128 characters in length, and can contain letters, digits, periods (.), underscores (_), and hyphens (-). The reason must start with a letter.
This parameter is valid only if ModificationProtectionStatus is set to ConsoleProtection. | test |
Status | string | The status of the configuration read-only mode. Valid values:
- NonProtection: The configuration read-only mode is disabled. In this case, you cannot specify ModificationProtectionReason. If you specify ModificationProtectionReason, the value of the parameter is cleared.
- ConsoleProtection: The configuration read-only mode is enabled. In this case, you can specify ModificationProtectionReason.
If you set this parameter to ConsoleProtection, you cannot use the ALB console to modify instance configurations. However, you can call API operations to modify instance configurations.
| ConsoleProtection |
RegionId | string | The region ID of the ALB instance. | cn-hangzhou |
RequestId | string | | 365F4154-92F6-4AE4-92F8-7FF34B540710 |
ResourceGroupId | string | | rg-atstuj3rtop**** |
Tags | array<object> | The tag value.
The tag value can be up to 128 characters in length and cannot start with acs: or aliyun . The tag value cannot contain http:// or https:// . | |
Tag | object | | |
Key | string | The tag key.
The tag key can be up to 128 characters in length, and cannot contain http:// or https:// . It cannot start with acs: or aliyun . | FinanceDept |
Value | string | The tag value.
The tag value can be up to 128 characters in length, and cannot contain http:// or https:// . It cannot start with aliyun or acs: . | FinanceJoshua |
VpcId | string | The ID of the VPC in which the ALB instance is deployed. | vpc-bp1b49rqrybk45nio**** |
ZoneMappings | array<object> | The mappings between zones and vSwitches. At most 10 zones are returned. If the current region supports two or more zones, at least two zones are returned. | |
ZoneMapping | object | The mappings between zones and vSwitches. At most 10 zones are returned. If the current region supports two or more zones, at least two zones are returned. | |
LoadBalancerAddresses | array<object> | The address of the ALB instance. | |
LoadBalancerAddress | object | The address of the ALB instance. | |
Address | string | An IPv4 address.
This parameter takes effect when AddressIPVersion is set to IPv4 or DualStack. The network type is determined by the value of AddressType. | |
Ipv6Address | string | An IPv6 address.
This parameter takes effect only when AddressIPVersion is set to DualStack. The network type is determined by the value of Ipv6AddressType. | 2408:XXXX:39d:eb00::/56 |
IntranetAddress | string | The private IPv4 address. | |
AllocationId | string | The elastic IP address (EIP). | eip-uf6wm****1zj9 |
EipType | string | The type of EIP. Valid values:
- Common: an EIP.
- Anycast: an Anycast EIP.
For more information about the regions in which ALB supports Anycast EIPs, see Limits .
| Common |
IntranetAddressHcStatus | string | The health status of the private IPv4 address of the ALB instance.
This parameter is returned only when the Status of the zone is Active.Valid values:
| Healthy |
Ipv6AddressHcStatus | string | The health status of the private IPv6 address of the ALB instance.
This parameter is returned only when the Status of the zone is Active.Valid values:
| Healthy |
Ipv4LocalAddresses | array | The IPv4 link-local addresses. The IP addresses that the ALB instance uses to communicate with the backend servers. | |
Ipv4LocalAddress | string | The IPv4 link-local address. | |
Ipv6LocalAddresses | array | The IPv6 link-local addresses. The IP addresses that the ALB instance uses to communicate with the backend servers. | |
ipv6LocalAddress | string | The IPv6 link-local address. | 2408:xxxx:249:dd01:6f4:750f:xxxx:bcda |
VSwitchId | string | The vSwitch in the zone. You can specify only one vSwitch (subnet) in each zone of an ALB instance. | vsw-bp12mw1f8k3jgy**** |
ZoneId | string | The zone ID of the ALB instance.
You can call the DescribeZones operation to query the most recent zone list. | cn-hangzhou-a |
Status | string | The zone status. Valid values:
Active: The ALB instance is running.
Stopped: The ALB instance is disabled.
Shifted: The ALB instance is removed.
Starting: The ALB instance is starting.
Stopping: The ALB instance is stopping.
| Active |
AddressIpVersion | string | The IP version. Valid values:
| DualStack |
Ipv6AddressType | string | The type of IPv6 address that is used by the ALB instance. Valid values:
- Internet: The ALB instance uses a public IP address. The domain name of the ALB instance is resolved to the public IP address. Therefore, the ALB instance can be accessed over the Internet.
- Intranet: The ALB instance uses a private IP address. The domain name of the ALB instance is resolved to the private IP address. Therefore, the ALB instance can be accessed over the VPC in which the ALB instance is deployed.
| Intranet |
SecurityGroupIds | array | The IDs of the security groups to which the ALB instance is added. | |
SecurityGroupId | string | The ID of the security group to which the ALB instance is added. | sg-uf63j385dzwlm6cy**** |