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Quota Center:List of operations by function

Last Updated:Feb 17, 2025
This product(quotas/2020-05-10) OpenAPI adopts RPC Signature style. See signature details in Description of the signature mechanism. We have packaged SDKs for common programming languages for developers. Developers can directly call the OpenAPI of this product by downloading the SDK without paying attention to the technical details. If the existing SDK cannot meet the usage requirements, you can connect through the signature mechanism. It will take about 5 working days. Therefore, it is recommended to join our DingTalk service group (78410016550) and sign under the guidance of experts.
Before using the API, you need to prepare your identity account and access key (AccessKey) to effectively access the API through client tools (SDK, CLI, etc.). For details see getAccessKey.


GetProductQuotaGetProductQuotaQueries the details of a quota of a cloud service.
GetProductQuotaDimensionGetProductQuotaDimensionQueries the details of a quota dimension that is supported by an Alibaba Cloud service.
ListProductDimensionGroupsListProductDimensionGroupsQueries the dimension groups of an Alibaba Cloud service.
ListProductQuotaDimensionsListProductQuotaDimensionsQueries the quota dimensions that are supported by the specified Alibaba Cloud service.
ListProductQuotasListProductQuotasQueries the quotas of a specific Alibaba Cloud service.
ListProductsListProductsQueries the Alibaba Cloud services that support Quota Center.
ListDependentQuotasListDependentQuotasQueries the quotas on which a specified quota depends.

Quota Alerts

CreateQuotaAlarmCreateQuotaAlarmCreates a quota alert.
DeleteQuotaAlarmDeleteQuotaAlarmDeletes a quota alert.
UpdateQuotaAlarmUpdateQuotaAlarmModifies a quota alert rule.
ListQuotaAlarmsListQuotaAlarmsQueries quota alerts.
GetQuotaAlarmGetQuotaAlarmIn this example, the operation is called to query the details of a quota alert. The details of the alert are returned. The query results include the alert ID, alert name, alert contact, and time when the quota alert was created.
ListAlarmHistoriesListAlarmHistoriesQueries the alert records.

Quota Increase Requests

CreateQuotaApplicationCreateQuotaApplicationSubmits an application to increase a quota.
GetQuotaApplicationGetQuotaApplicationQueries the details about a specified application that is submitted to increase a quota.
ListQuotaApplicationsListQuotaApplicationsQueries the details of an application that is submitted to increase a quota.

Quota Templates

GetQuotaTemplateServiceStatusGetQuotaTemplateServiceStatusQueries the status of a quota template.
ModifyQuotaTemplateServiceStatusModifyQuotaTemplateServiceStatusChanges the status of a quota template. By default, the quota template is not configured. If the management account of a resource directory uses a quota template for the first time, you must enable the quota template. Only the management account of a resource directory can change the status of quota templates.
CreateTemplateQuotaItemCreateTemplateQuotaItemCreates a quota template by using the management account of a resource directory. After you create a quota template, if a member is added to the resource directory, the quota template automatically submits a quota increase request for the member. The quota values for existing members remain unchanged. You can use a quota template to apply for increases on multiple quotas at the same time. This automated approach improves the efficiency of quota management across your organization. Only the management account of a resource directory can create quota templates.
ModifyTemplateQuotaItemModifyTemplateQuotaItemModifies a quota template by using the management account of a resource directory. After you modify a quota template, the modification takes effect only for the members that are added to the resource directory by the management account. The quota values for existing members remain unchanged.
ListQuotaApplicationTemplatesListQuotaApplicationTemplatesQueries quota templates by using the management account of a resource directory.
DeleteTemplateQuotaItemDeleteTemplateQuotaItemDeletes a quota template by using the management account of a resource directory. After you delete a quota template, if a member is added to the resource directory, the quota template no longer automatically submits a quota increase request for the member. Only the management account of a resource directory can delete quota templates.
CreateQuotaApplicationsForTemplateCreateQuotaApplicationsForTemplateSubmits a quota increase application. After you add a quota item to a quota template, the system automatically submits quota applications only for new members of the resource directory. The quota values for existing members remain unchanged. If you want to increase the quota values of existing members, you can submit a quota application for the members by applying quota templates to the members. Only the management account of a resource directory can create multiple quota applications at a time.
ListQuotaApplicationsDetailForTemplateListQuotaApplicationsDetailForTemplateQueries the details of a quota increase application for member accounts in a resource directory.
ListQuotaApplicationsForTemplateListQuotaApplicationsForTemplateQueries the application records of a quota template that is used to apply for quotas for member accounts.


GetQuotaApplicationApprovalGetQuotaApplicationApprovalQueries the information about quota application approval, such as the average amount of time required for approval, whether approval reminders are supported, and the interval between two consecutive approval reminders.
RemindQuotaApplicationApprovalRemindQuotaApplicationApprovalReminds the approver of a quota application to review the application. This operation is applicable to quota applications that support the approval reminding feature.