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Alibaba Cloud DNS:Delete a built-in authoritative zone

Last Updated:Nov 07, 2023


You can directly delete a built-in authoritative zone that has not been configured with an effective scope. For a built-in authoritative zone that has been configured with an effective scope, you must disassociate it from the effective scope before you can delete it.


To delete a built-in authoritative zone that has not been configured with an effective scope, perform the following steps:

  1. Log on to the Alibaba Cloud DNS console.

  1. In the left-side navigation pane, click Private DNS (PrivateZone). In the upper-right corner, click Configuration Mode. Then, click the Built-in Authoritative Module tab. On this tab, click the User Defined Zones tab.

  2. On the User Defined Zones tab, find the zone that you want to delete and click Delete in the Actions column. In the Delete Zone Confirmation message, click OK.


    The procedure for deleting a built-in authoritative regular zone is the same as that for deleting a built-in authoritative acceleration zone.