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Edge Security Acceleration:Create an origin pool

Last Updated:Sep 19, 2024

An origin pool is a group of origin servers. You can assign different weights to origin servers and integrate the load balancing feature to configure flexible traffic steering policies.


DCDN can steer traffic among origin servers in a pool based on their weights. Origin pools can be referenced by DCDN-covered domains and TCP/UDP acceleration applications. By integrating origin pools with load balancing, you can flexibly and intelligently steer traffic to reduce origin strain and boost your service availability.  

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  1. Log on to the ESA console.

  2. On the Websites page, find the website that you want to manage, and click the website name or View Details in the Actions column.

  3. In the left-side navigation tree, choose Traffic > Origin Pools.

  4. On the Origin Pools page, click Create Origin Pool. image

  5. On the Create Origin Pool page, set the Pool Name and Origin Server parameters.



Pool Name

The name of the origin pool. The pool name is automatically appended as part of the hostname of the origin pool.


The hostname is automatically generated in the following format:


Origin Server-Name

The name of the origin server.

Origin Server-Type

The type of the origin server.

  • IP/Domain: The value can be an IPv4 address, IPv6 address, or domain name.

  • OSS: Alibaba Cloud Object Storage Service (OSS).

  • AWS S3: AWS Simple Storage Service (S3).

Origin Server-Origin Address

The address of the origin server.

Origin Server-Weight

Valid values: 0.00 to 1.00. The minimum step size for weight adjustments is 0.01.

The system calculates a percentage value based on your configured weight. This percentage indicates the proportion of traffic distribution for your reference.


A weight of 0 indicates that no requests are sent to the origin server.

Origin Server-Origin Host Header

The Host header included in the request to the origin server.

  1. Click Add Origin Server to add another origin server.


An origin pool can have up to 20 origin servers.

  1. Click OK.