This topic describes the common shortcuts of the code editor.

Shortcuts for Google Chrome in Windows

Ctrl+S: Save the configuration.

Ctrl+Z: Cancel the action.

Ctrl+Shift+Z: Redo the action.

Ctrl+D: Select identical strings.

Ctrl+L: Select the current line.

Ctrl+X: Cut the current line.

Ctrl+Shift+K: Delete the current line.

Ctrl+C: Copy the current line.

Shift+Alt+Drag: Select multiple columns to edit data.

Alt+Click: Edit data in multi-column mode.

Ctrl+Shift+L: Place cursors after all identical strings for batch editing.

Ctrl+F: Search for specific content.

Ctrl+H: Replace the searched data with required content.

Ctrl+G: Locate a specific line.

Ctrl+U: Undo the cursor operation.

Alt+Enter: Select all matched strings.

Alt+↓ or Alt+↑: Move the current line down or up.

Shift+Alt+↓ or Shift+Alt+↑: Copy the current line down or up.

Shift+Ctrl+\: Move the cursor to matched parentheses.

Ctrl+] or Ctrl+[: Increase or decrease the units of indentation.

Home or End: Move the cursor to the beginning or end of the current line.

Ctrl+Home or Ctrl+End: Move the cursor to the beginning or end of the current file.

Ctrl+→ or Ctrl+←: Move the cursor one word to the right or left.

Shift+Ctrl+[ or Shift+Ctrl+]: Hide or show the area that is pointed by the cursor.

Ctrl+K+[ or Ctrl+K+]: Hide or show the sub-area that is pointed by the cursor.

Ctrl+K+0 or Ctrl+K+j: Hide or show all areas.

Ctrl+/: Comment or uncomment the line or code block that is pointed by the cursor.

Shortcuts for Google Chrome in macOS

Cmd+S: Save the configuration.

Cmd+Z: Cancel the action.

Cmd+Shift+Z: Redo the action.

Cmd+D: Select identical strings.

Cmd+X: Cut the current line.

Cmd+Shift+K: Delete the current line.

Cmd+C: Copy the current line.

Cmd+F: Search for specific content.

Cmd+Alt+F: Replace the searched data with required content.

Alt+↓ or Alt+↑: Move the current line down or up.

Shift+Alt+↓ or Shift+Alt+↑: Copy the current line down or up.

Shift+Cmd+\: Move the cursor to matched parentheses.

Cmd+] or Cmd+[: Increase or decrease the units of indentation.

Cmd+← or Cmd+→: Move the cursor to the beginning or end of the current line.

Cmd+↑ or Cmd+↓: Move the cursor to the beginning or end of the current file.

Alt+→ or Alt+←: Move the cursor one word to the right or left.

Alt+Cmd+[ or Alt+Cmd+]: Hide or show the area that is pointed by the cursor.

Cmd+K+[ or Cmd+K+]: Hide or show the sub-area that is pointed by the cursor.

Cmd+K+0 or Cmd+K+j: Hide or show all areas.

Cmd+/: Comment or uncomment the line or code block that is pointed by the cursor.

Multiple selections

Alt+Click: Edit data in multi-column mode.

Alt+Cmd+↑ or Alt+Cmd+↓: Move cursors up or down.

Cmd+U: Undo the last cursor actions.

Shift+Alt+I: Insert cursors at the end of each line in the selected code block.

Cmd+G or Shift+Cmd+G: Find the next or previous string.

Cmd+Shift+L or Cmd+F2: Place cursors after all identical strings for batch editing.

Alt+Enter: Select all matched strings.

Shift+Alt+Drag: Select multiple columns to edit data.

Home or End: Move the cursor to the beginning or end of the current line.