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DataWorks:Manage functions

Last Updated:Jan 10, 2025

This topic describes how to view, clone, delete, or move a function.

View information about a function

After a function is created, you can view the information about the function. The following figure shows how to view the association relationship of the function.查看关联关系

  • In the right-side navigation pane of the configuration tab of the function, click Properties. On the Properties tab, you can view the basic information about the function, such as the function ID and creation time. A function ID uniquely identifies a function and can be used to search for the function.

  • In the right-side navigation pane of the configuration tab of the function, click Association Relationship. On the Association Relationship tab, you can view the association relationships between the function and published or unpublished APIs. We recommend that you view the association relationships before you delete or modify the function to know the APIs that will be affected by the operation.

  • In the right-side navigation pane of the configuration tab of the function, click Version. On the Version tab, you can view the details of the function version.

  • In the right-side navigation pane of the configuration tab of the function, click Resource Group. On the Resource Group tab, you can view the resource group that is used by the function. You can also change the resource group that is used by the function.

Clone, delete, or move a function

  1. On the Service Development page, click the business process to which the function belongs and click Function.

  2. Right-click the function name. In the shortcut menu that appears, you can select an option to clone, delete, or move the function.


    • Select Clone. In the Clone Function dialog box, configure the Function Name and Destination Folder parameters and click Determine. The function is cloned.


      The name of the function can be 4 to 50 characters in length and can contain letters, digits, and underscores (_). The name must start with a letter.

    • Select Delete. In the Delete Function message, click Determine. The function is deleted.


      If the function is referenced by APIs, the function fails to be deleted. In this case, you must remove the function from the filters of the APIs before you can delete the function.

    • Select Mobile. In the Modify file path dialog box, configure the Destination Folder parameter and click Determine. The function is moved to the destination folder.