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Last Updated:Oct 17, 2024

Queries information about objects that are created in Data Modeling by using fast modeling language (FML) statements.

Operation description

  • Each time you call this API operation, you must use FML statements to query information about objects that are created in Data Modeling.
  • The information about the objects can be queried by page, except for data layers, business processes, and data domains. You can add an offset to the end of an FML statement. The num LIMIT num statement specifies the offset when the information about the objects is queried, and the number of pages to return each time. The offset value must be a multiple of the number of pages.
  • A maximum of 1,000 entries can be returned each time you call this API operation.


You can run this interface directly in OpenAPI Explorer, saving you the trouble of calculating signatures. After running successfully, OpenAPI Explorer can automatically generate SDK code samples.

Authorization information

There is currently no authorization information disclosed in the API.

Request parameters


The FML statement that is used to query information about objects that are created in Data Modeling. For more information, see Use FML statements to configure and manage data tables. Only SHOW statements are supported.

show dim tables

The DataWorks workspace ID. You can log on to the DataWorks console and go to the Workspace page to query the ID.


Response parameters


The response parameters.


The request ID.


The returned information about objects.


The returned information about the object.

Response description

FML statement used to query data layers

show layers;
Response parameters

codeStringdwsThe code of the data layer.
englishNameStringdwsThe name of the data layer.
nameStringDWS layerThe display name of the data layer.
ownerIdString0123456The owner ID.
ownerNameStringA, B, C, and DThe name of the owner.
descriptionStringDescription of the DWS layerThe description of the data layer.
uuidStringobj-123456The UUID of the data layer.
gmtCreateTimeStamp1644397025000The time when the data layer was created.
gmtModifiedTimeStamp1644459965000The time when the data layer was last modified.
creatorIdString0123456The ID of the user who created the data layer.
creatorNameStringA, B, C, and DThe name of the user who created the data layer.
modifierIdString0123456The ID of the user who last modified the data layer.
modifierNameStringA, B, C, and DThe name of the user who last modified the data layer.

FML statement used to query data domains

show domains;
Response parameters

codeStringmemberThe code of the data domain.
englishNameStringmemberThe name of the data domain.
nameStringMemberThe display name of the data domain.
ownerIdString0123456The owner ID.
ownerNameStringA, B, C, and DThe name of the owner.
businessUnitCodeStringbu-123456The code of the business unit.
descriptionStringDescription of the Member data domainThe description of the data domain.
uuidStringobj-123456The UUID of the data domain.
gmtCreateTimeStamp1644397025000The time when the data domain was created.
gmtModifiedTimeStamp1644459965000The time when the data domain was last modified.
creatorIdString0123456The ID of the user who created the data domain.
creatorNameStringA, B, C, and DThe name of the user who created the data domain.
modifierIdString0123456The ID of the user who last modified the data domain.
modifierNameStringA, B, C, and DThe name of the user who last modified the data domain.

FML statements used to query business processes

  • FML statement used to query business processes without configuring query conditions: show business_processes;
  • FML statement used to query a business process based on the code of the business process: show business_processes where code='bp-code';
  • FML statement used to query business processes based on the code of a data domain: show business_processes where data_domain='dm-code';

Response parameters

codeStringbp-123456The code of the business process.
englishNameStringpayThe name of the business process.
nameStringPaymentThe display name of the business process.
dataDomainCodeStringtradeThe code of the data domain to which the business process belongs.
dataDomainNameStringTransactionThe display name of the data domain to which the business process belongs.
dataDomainUuidStringdm-123456The UUID of the data domain to which the business process belongs.
ownerIdString0123456The owner ID.
ownerNameStringA, B, C, and DThe name of the owner.
descriptionStringPaymentThe description of the business process.
sourceInteger2The source of the business process. Valid values:1: indicates that the business process is created by the system.2: indicates that the business process is created by a user.
uuidStringobj-123456The UUID of the business process.
gmtCreateTimeStamp1644397025000The time when the business process was created.
gmtModifiedTimeStamp1644459965000The time when the business process was last modified.
creatorIdStringcreatorIdThe ID of the user who created the business process.
creatorNameStringA, B, C, and DThe name of the user who created the business process.
modifierIdString0123456The ID of the user who last modified the business process.
modifierNameStringA, B, C, and DThe name of the user who last modified the business process.

FML statements used to query business categories

 show business_categories;
 show business_categories where code='code';
 show business_categories where keyword='keyword';
 show business_categories where uuid='uuid';   

Response parameters

categoryDetailDirectoryDetailDTO{"uuid": "cate_uuid", "code": "trd", "name": "Transaction"}The details of the business category.
nameStringE-commerceThe name of the directory.
detailTypeStringDICTThe type of the directory.
parentUuidStringdy-123456The UUID of the parent directory.
descriptionStringDescriptionThe description of the directory.
codeStringindThe code of the business category.
dataDomainsList[{"uuid": "domain1", "code": "trd", "name": "Transaction data domain"}]The data domains that are associated with the business category.
ownerIdString0123456The owner ID.
ownerNameStringA, B, C, and DThe name of the owner.
businessUnitCodeStringbu-123456The code of the business unit.
descriptionStringDescriptionThe description of the directory.
categoryPathStringtm.indThe path of the business category.

FML statement used to query data marts

show markets; Response parameters

categoryDetailDirectoryDetailDTO{"uuid": "cate_uuid", "code": "trd", "name": "Transaction"}The details of the data mart.
nameStringE-commerceThe name of the directory.
detailTypeStringDICTThe type of the directory.
parentUuidStringdy-123456The UUID of the parent directory.
descriptionStringDescriptionThe description of the directory.
codeStringindThe code of the business category.
subDetailTypeStringcommonThe subtype of the directory.
auditDTOListList[{"baseId":"123","showName":"test"}]The reviewers.
codeStringmemberThe code of the data domain.
englishNameStringmemberThe name of the data domain.
nameStringMemberThe display name of the data domain.
ownerIdString0123456The owner ID.
ownerNameStringA, B, C, and DThe name of the owner.
businessUnitCodeStringbu-123456The code of the business unit.
descriptionStringDescription of the Member data domainThe description of the data domain.
auditDTOListList[{"baseId":"123","showName":"test"}]The reviewers.
categoryPathStringtm.indThe path of the business category.

FML statement used to query subject areas

show subjects; Response parameters

categoryDetailDirectoryDetailDTO{"uuid": "cate_uuid", "code": "trd", "name": "Transaction"}The details of the subject area.
nameStringE-commerceThe name of the directory.
detailTypeStringDICTThe type of the directory.
parentUuidStringdy-123456The UUID of the parent directory.
descriptionStringDescriptionThe description of the directory.
codeStringindThe code of the business category.
subDetailTypeStringcommonThe subtype of the directory.
auditDTOListList[{"baseId":"123","showName":"test"}]The reviewers.
codeStringmemberThe code of the data domain.
englishNameStringmemberThe name of the data domain.
nameStringMemberThe display name of the data domain.
ownerIdString0123456The owner ID.
ownerNameStringA, B, C, and DThe name of the owner.
businessUnitCodeStringbu-123456The code of the business unit.
descriptionStringDescription of the Member data domainThe description of the subject area.
auditDTOListList[{"baseId":"123","showName":"test"}]The reviewers.
categoryPathStringtm.indThe path of the business category.

FML statement used to query data standard sets

show dict groups; Response parameters

nameStringE-commerceThe name of the directory.
detailTypeStringDICTThe type of the directory.
parentUuidStringdy-123456The UUID of the parent directory.
descriptionStringDescriptionThe description of the directory.
codeStringindThe code of the business category.
uuidListobj-123456The UUID of the data standard set.
gmtCreateTimeStamp1644397025000The time when the data standard set was created.
gmtModifiedTimeStamp1644459965000The time when the data standard set was last modified.
creatorIdString0123456The ID of the user who created the data standard set.
creatorNameStringA, B, C, and DThe name of the user who created the data standard set.
modifierIdString0123456The ID of the user who last modified the data standard set.
modifierNameStringA, B, C, and DThe name of the user who last modified the data standard set.

FML statement used to query data standards

show dicts; Response parameters

codeStringshop_typeThe abbreviation for the name of the data standard.
englishNameStringshop typeThe name of the data standard.
nameStringShop typeThe display name of the data standard.
noStringSN00001The data standard ID.
dataTypeStringSTRINGThe data type of the fields that use the data standard.
lengthInteger10The maximum number of digits in the values of the fields that use the data standard.
numericalPrecisionInteger2The number of decimal places that are retained in the values of the fields that use the data standard.
notNullBooleanfalseIndicates whether the values of the fields that use the data standard can be non-null.
defaultValueStringFlagship shopThe default value.
parentNoStringSN0001The ID of the parent data standard.
parentNameStringShopThe name of the parent data standard.
codeTableNoStringshop_typeThe code of the lookup table that defines the value range of the fields that use the data standard.
codeTableNameStringShop typeThe name of the lookup table that defines the value range of the fields that use the data standard.
codeTableUuidStringtb-0001The UUID of the lookup table that defines the value range of the fields that use the data standard.
directoryUuidStringDirectory UUIDThe UUID of the directory in which the data standard is stored.
directoryNameStringShop directoryThe name of the directory in which the data standard is stored.
descriptionStringremarkThe description of the data standard.
uuidStringobj-123456The UUID of the data standard.
gmtCreateTimeStamp1644397025000The time when the data standard was created.
gmtModifiedTimeStamp1644459965000The time when the data standard was last modified.
creatorIdString0123456The ID of the user who created the data standard.
creatorNameStringA, B, C, and DThe name of the user who created the data standard.
modifierIdString0123456The ID of the user who last modified the data standard.
modifierNameStringA, B, C, and DThe name of the user who last modified the data standard.

FML statement used to query lookup tables

show code tables; Response parameters

codeStringshop_typeThe code of the lookup table.
nameStringShop typeThe display name of the lookup table.
extendNameStringshop typeThe name of the lookup table.
descriptionStringremarkThe description of the lookup table.
uuidStringobj-123456The UUID of the lookup table.
gmtCreateTimeStamp1644397025000The time when the lookup table was created.
gmtModifiedTimeStamp1644459965000The time when the lookup table was last modified.
creatorIdString0123456The ID of the user who created the lookup table.
creatorNameStringA, B, C, and DThe name of the user who created the lookup table.
modifierIdString0123456The ID of the user who last modified the lookup table.
modifierNameStringA, B, C, and DThe name of the user who last modified the lookup table.

FML statement used to query measurement unit groups

show measure_unit groups; Response parameters

nameStringE-commerceThe name of the directory.
detailTypeStringDICTThe type of the directory.
parentUuidStringdy-123456The UUID of the parent directory.
descriptionStringDescriptionThe description of the directory.
codeStringindThe code of the business category.
uuidStringobj-123456The UUID of the measurement unit group.
gmtCreateTimeStamp1644397025000The time when the measurement unit group was created.
gmtModifiedTimeStamp1644459965000The time when the measurement unit group was last modified.
creatorIdString0123456The ID of the user who created the measurement unit group.
creatorNameStringA, B, C, and DThe name of the user who created the measurement unit group.
modifierIdString0123456The ID of the user who last modified the measurement unit group.
modifierNameStringA, B, C, and DThe name of the user who last modified the measurement unit group.

FML statement used to query measurement units

show measure_units; Response parameters

codeStringyuanThe abbreviation for the name of the measurement unit.
englishNameStringRMBThe name of the measurement unit.
nameStringYuanThe display name of the measurement unit.
directoryUuidStringdi-0001The UUID of the measurement unit group to which the measurement unit belongs.
directoryNameStringCurrencyThe name of the measurement unit group to which the measurement unit belongs.
descriptionStringremarkThe description of the measurement unit.
uuidStringobj-123456The UUID of the measurement unit.
gmtCreateTimeStamp1644397025000The time when the measurement unit was created.
gmtModifiedTimeStamp1644459965000The time when the measurement unit was last modified.
creatorIdString0123456The ID of the user who created the measurement unit.
creatorNameStringA, B, C, and DThe name of the user who created the measurement unit.
modifierIdString0123456The ID of the user who last modified the measurement unit.
modifierNameStringA, B, C, and DThe name of the user who last modified the measurement unit.

FML statement used to query the data of a lookup table

show codes from code_table; Response parameters

codeContentString0The content of the lookup table.
extendNameContentStringfemaleThe display name of the lookup table.
nameContentStringFemaleThe name of the lookup table.
descriptionStringremarkThe description of the lookup table.
uuidStringobj-123456The UUID of the lookup table.
gmtCreateTimeStamp1644397025000The time when the lookup table was created.
gmtModifiedTimeStamp1644459965000The time when the lookup table was last modified.
creatorIdString0123456The ID of the user who created the lookup table.
creatorNameStringA, B, C, and DThe name of the user who created the lookup table.
modifierIdString0123456The ID of the user who last modified the lookup table.
modifierNameStringA, B, C, and DThe name of the user who last modified the lookup table.

FML statement used to query naming dictionaries

show naming dicts; Response parameters

codeStringshopThe abbreviation for the name of the naming dictionary.
creatorIdString0123456The ID of the user who created the naming dictionary.
creatorNameStringA, B, C, and DThe name of the user who created the naming dictionary.
extendNameStringshopThe name of the naming dictionary.
gmtCreateTimeStamp1644397025000The time when the naming dictionary was created.
gmtModifiedTimeStamp1644459965000The time when the naming dictionary was last modified.
modifierIdString0123456The ID of the user who last modified the naming dictionary.
modifierNameStringA, B, C, and DThe name of the user who last modified the naming dictionary.
nameStringShopThe display name of the naming dictionary.
ownerIdString0123456The owner ID.
ownerNameStringA, B, C, and DThe name of the owner.
uuidStringobj-123456The UUID of the naming dictionary.

FML statement used to query tables

show tables; Response parameters

codeStringdim_shopThe code of the table.
nameStringShop tableThe display name of the table.
typeInteger1The type of the table. Valid values:0: fact table1: dimension table3: aggregate table4: application table5: ODS table6: dimension
detailTypeStringnormalThe subtype of the table. Valid values:Common dimension tableEnumeration dimension tableTransaction fact table
businessProcessUuidStringbp-123456The UUID of the business process.
businessUnitUuidStringbu-123456The UUID of the business unit.
dataWarehouseLayerUuidStringly-123456The UUID of the data layer.
businessCategoryUuidStringbc-123456The UUID of the business category.
ownerIdString0123456The owner ID.
ownerNameStringA, B, C, and DThe name of the owner.
descriptionStringDescriptionThe description of the table.
configStringJSON stringThe extended configurations for the table.
lifeCycleInteger365The lifecycle of the table.
uuidStringobj-123456The UUID of the table.
gmtCreateTimeStamp1644397025000The time when the table was created.
gmtModifiedTimeStamp1644459965000The time when the table was last modified.
creatorIdString0123456The ID of the user who created the table.
creatorNameStringA, B, C, and DThe name of the user who created the table.
modifierIdString0123456The ID of the user who last modified the table.
modifierNameStringA, B, C, and DThe name of the user who last modified the table.

FML statement used to query dimension tables

show dim tables;
Response parameters

codeStringdim_shopThe code of the dimension table.
nameStringShop tableThe display name of the dimension table.
typeInteger1The type of the table. Valid values:0: fact table1: dimension table
detailTypeStringnormalThe subtype of the table. Valid values:Common dimension tableEnumeration dimension table
businessProcessUuidStringbp-123456The UUID of the business process.
businessUnitUuidStringbu-123456The UUID of the business unit.
dataWarehouseLayerUuidStringly-123456The UUID of the data layer.
businessCategoryUuidStringbc-123456The UUID of the business category.
ownerIdString0123456The owner ID.
ownerNameStringA, B, C, and DThe name of the owner.
descriptionStringDescriptionThe description of the dimension table.
configStringJSON stringThe extended configurations for the dimension table.
lifeCycleInteger365The lifecycle of the dimension table.
uuidStringobj-123456The UUID of the dimension table.
gmtCreateTimeStamp1644397025000The time when the dimension table was created.
gmtModifiedTimeStamp1644459965000The time when the dimension table was last modified.
creatorIdString0123456The ID of the user who created the dimension table.
creatorNameStringA, B, C, and DThe name of the user who created the dimension table.
modifierIdString0123456The ID of the user who last modified the dimension table.
modifierNameStringA, B, C, and DThe name of the user who last modified the dimension table.

FML statement used to query fact tables

show fact tables; Response parameters

codeStringdim_shopThe code of the fact table.
nameStringShop tableThe display name of the fact table.
typeInteger1The type of the table. Valid values:0: fact table1: dimension table
detailTypeStringnormalThe subtype of the table. Only transaction fact tables are supported.
businessProcessUuidStringbp-123456The UUID of the business process.
businessUnitUuidStringbu-123456The UUID of the business unit.
dataWarehouseLayerUuidStringly-123456The UUID of the data layer.
businessCategoryUuidStringbc-123456The UUID of the business category.
ownerIdString0123456The owner ID.
ownerNameStringA, B, C, and DThe name of the owner.
descriptionStringDescriptionThe description of the fact table.
configStringJSON stringThe extended configurations for the fact table.
lifeCycleInteger365The lifecycle of the fact table.
uuidStringobj-123456The UUID of the fact table.
gmtCreateTimeStamp1644397025000The time when the fact table was created.
gmtModifiedTimeStamp1644459965000The time when the fact table was last modified.
creatorIdString0123456The ID of the user who created the fact table.
creatorNameStringA, B, C, and DThe name of the user who created the fact table.
modifierIdString0123456The ID of the user who last modified the fact table.
modifierNameStringA, B, C, and DThe name of the user who last modified the fact table.

FML statement used to query aggregate tables

show dws tables; Response parameters

dataDomainUuidStringdm-12345The UUID of the data domain.
dataDomainCodeStringmemberThe code of the data domain.
dataDomainNameStringMemberThe name of the data domain.
timePeriodsList[{"uuid": "uuid", "code": "code", "name": "Display name"}]The periods for the aggregate table.
uuidStringobj-123456The UUID of the aggregate table.
codeStringdws_001The name of the aggregate table.
nameStringPayment aggregate tableThe display name of the aggregate table.
adjunctsList[{"uuid": "uuid", "code": "code", "name": "Display name"}]The modifiers for the aggregate table.
dimensionsList[{"uuid": "uuid", "code": "code", "name": "Display name"}]The dimensions that are associated with the aggregate table.
bizEntityUuidStringdim-123456The UUID of the business object.
bizEntityCodeStringdim_shopThe abbreviation for the name of the business object.
bizEntityNameStringShop tableThe display name of the business object.
relUuidStringdim_a-123456The UUID of the dimension that is associated with the aggregate table.
typeInteger3The type of the table. Only 3 (aggregate table) is supported.
detailTypeStringdws_normalThe subtype of the table. Valid values:dws_normal: single-granularity aggregate tabledws_advanced: multi-granularity aggregate table
businessProcessUuidStringbp-123456The UUID of the business process.
businessUnitUuidStringbu-123456The UUID of the business unit.
dataWarehouseLayerUuidStringly-123456The UUID of the data layer.
businessCategoryUuidStringbc-123456The UUID of the business category.
ownerIdString0123456The owner ID.
ownerNameStringA, B, C, and DThe name of the owner.
descriptionStringDescriptionThe description of the aggregate table.
configStringJSON stringThe extended configurations for the aggregate table.
lifeCycleInteger365The lifecycle of the aggregate table.
gmtCreateTimeStamp1644397025000The time when the aggregate table was created.
gmtModifiedTimeStamp1644459965000The time when the aggregate table was last modified.
creatorIdString0123456The ID of the user who created the aggregate table.
creatorNameStringA, B, C, and DThe name of the user who created the aggregate table.
modifierIdString0123456The ID of the user who last modified the aggregate table.
modifierNameStringA, B, C, and DThe name of the user who last modified the aggregate table.

FML statement used to query application tables

show ads tables; Response parameters

dataDomainUuidStringdm-12345The UUID of the data domain.
dataDomainCodeStringmemberThe code of the data domain.
dataDomainNameStringMemberThe name of the data domain.
timePeriodsList[{"uuid": "uuid", "code": "code", "name": "Display name"}]The periods for the application table.
uuidStringobj-123456The UUID of the application table.
codeStringdws_001The name of the application table.
nameStringPayment application tableThe display name of the application table.
adjunctsList[{"uuid": "uuid", "code": "code", "name": "Display name"}]The modifiers for the application table.
dimensionsList[{"uuid": "uuid", "code": "code", "name": "Display name"}]The dimensions that are associated with the application table.
bizEntityUuidStringdim-123456The UUID of the business object.
bizEntityCodeStringdim_shopThe abbreviation for the name of the business object.
bizEntityNameStringShop tableThe display name of the business object.
relUuidStringdim_a-123456The UUID of the dimension that is associated with the application table.
typeInteger1The type of the table. Valid values:0: fact table1: dimension table4: application table
detailTypeStringnormalThe subtype of the table. Valid values:Common dimension tableEnumeration dimension tableTransaction fact table
businessProcessUuidStringbp-123456The UUID of the business process.
businessUnitUuidStringbu-123456The UUID of the business unit.
dataWarehouseLayerUuidStringly-123456The UUID of the data layer.
businessCategoryUuidStringbc-123456The UUID of the business category.
ownerIdString0123456The owner ID.
ownerNameStringA, B, C, and DThe name of the owner.
descriptionStringDescriptionThe description of the application table.
configStringJSON stringThe extended configurations for the application table.
lifeCycleInteger365The lifecycle of the application table.
gmtCreateTimeStamp1644397025000The time when the application table was created.
gmtModifiedTimeStamp1644459965000The time when the application table was last modified.
creatorIdString0123456The ID of the user who created the application table.
creatorNameStringA, B, C, and DThe name of the user who created the application table.
modifierIdString0123456The ID of the user who last modified the application table.
modifierNameStringA, B, C, and DThe name of the user who last modified the application table.

FML statement used to query tables and return the fields of each table

show full tables; Response parameters

tableUuidStringtb-123456The UUID of the table.
tableCodeStringdim_shopThe code of the table.
tableNameStringShop tableThe name of the table.
columnCodeStringshop_idThe code of the column.
columnNameStringShop IDThe name of the column.
columnUuidStringcol-123456The UUID of the column.
columnTypeStringSTRINGThe data type of the column.
columnCategoryStringATTRIBUTEThe type of the column.

FML statement used to query information about the columns of a table

show columns from table_code; Response parameters

codeStringseller_idThe code of the column.
nameStringSeller IDThe display name of the column.
dataTypeStringSTRINGThe data type of the column.
typeStringATTRIBUTEThe type of the field.
isPrimaryKeyBooleanfalseIndicates whether the field is a primary key column.
isPartitionKeyBooleanfalseIndicates whether the field is a partition key column.
partitionOrderInteger1The order of the partition key column.
notNullBooleantrueIndicates whether the field is non-null.
dataDictionaryUuidStringmember_idThe UUID of the data dictionary.
dataDictionaryCodeStringMember IDThe name of the data dictionary.
codeTableUuidStringcd-123456The UUID of the associated lookup table.
codeTableCodeStringsexThe code of the associated lookup table.
codeTableNameStringGenderThe name of the associated lookup table.
measureUnitCodeStringpercentThe code of the associated measurement unit.
measureUnitNameStringPercentThe name of the associated measurement unit.
sourceProjectNameStringautotestThe name of the source workspace.
sourceTableCodeStringdictThe code of the source table.
sourceColumnCodeStringageThe code of the source field.
sourceRelationTagStringlabelThe tag of the source relationship.
descriptionStringDescriptionThe description of the field.
orderIdString1The order of the field.
columnGroupNameIntegercol_group_1The name of the group to which the field belongs.
configStringJSON stringThe extended configurations for the field.
uuidStringobj-123456The UUID of the field.
gmtCreateTimeStamp1644397025000The time when the field was created.
gmtModifiedTimeStamp1644459965000The time when the field was last modified.
creatorIdString0123456The ID of the user who created the field.
creatorNameStringA, B, C, and DThe name of the user who created the field.
modifierIdString0123456The ID of the user who last modified the field.
modifierNameStringA, B, C, and DThe name of the user who last modified the field.

FML statement used to query modifiers

show adjuncts; Response parameters

businessUnitUuidStringbu-123456The UUID of the business unit.
businessUnitCodeStringtest_buThe code of the business unit.
businessUnitNameStringTestThe name of the business unit.
dataDomainUuidStringdt-123456The UUID of the data domain.
dataDomainCodeStringmemberThe code of the data domain.
dataDomainNameStringMemberThe name of the data domain.
categoryUuidStringcy-123456The UUID of the business category.
categoryCodeStringtradeThe code of the business category.
categoryNameStringE-commerceThe name of the business category.
typeAdjunctTypeEnumDIM_VALThe type of the modifier.
codeStringbeautyThe abbreviation for the name of the modifier.
nameStringMakeupThe display name of the modifier.
extendNameStringbeautyThe name of the modifier.
descriptionStringDescriptionThe description of the modifier.
bizExpressionStringStatistical criterionThe statistical criterion of the modifier.
expressionStringbeauty = 1The expression of the modifier.
bizEntityUuidStringdim-123456The UUID of the business object.
bizEntityCodeStringdim_shopThe abbreviation for the name of the business object.
bizEntityNameStringShop tableThe display name of the business object.
relUuidStringdim_a-123456The UUID of the dimension that is associated with the modifier.
ownerIdString0123456The owner ID.
ownerNameStringA, B, C, and DThe name of the owner.
isDeletedDeleteTagEnumNOIndicates whether the modifier is deleted.
uuidStringobj-123456The UUID of the modifier.
gmtCreateTimeStamp1644397025000The time when the modifier was created.
gmtModifiedTimeStamp1644459965000The time when the modifier was last modified.
creatorIdString0123456The ID of the user who created the modifier.
creatorNameStringA, B, C, and DThe name of the user who created the modifier.
modifierIdString0123456The ID of the user who last modified the modifier.
modifierNameStringA, B, C, and DThe name of the user who last modified the modifier.

FML statement used to query periods

show time_periods; Response parameters

businessUnitUuidStringbu-123456The UUID of the business unit to which the period belongs.
businessUnitCodeStringtest_buThe code of the business unit.
typeTimePeriodTypeEnumDAYThe type of the period.
typeNameStringDayThe name of the type of the period.
codeString1dThe abbreviation for the name of the period.
nameStringOne dayThe display name of the period.
extendNameString1dThe name of the period.
descriptionStringDescriptionThe description of the period.
isDeletedDeleteTagEnumNOIndicates whether the period is deleted.
timeBeginStringstart_expressionThe expression for the start time.
timeEndStringend_expressionThe expression for the end time.
gmtCreateTimeStamp1633885261000The time when the period was created.
gmtModifiedTimeStamp1633885261000The time when the period was last modified.
modifierIdString0123456The ID of the user who last modified the period.
modifierNameStringA, B, C, and DThe name of the user who last modified the period.
ownerIdString0123456The owner ID.
ownerNameStringA, B, C, and DThe name of the owner.
beginOffsetInteger1The offset of the start time.
endOffsetInteger1The offset of the end time.
firstDayInteger1The first day of the period. This parameter is returned if the type of the period is set to WEEK, MONTH, QUARTER, or YEAR. Valid values if the type of the period is set to WEEK: 1 to 7, which indicate Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday. Valid values if the type of the period is set to MONTH: 1, 99, and 2 to 27. The value 1 indicates the first day of the month, the value 99 indicates the end of the month, and values from 2 to 27 indicate the 2nd to 27th days of the month. Valid values if the type of the period is set to QUARTER: 0 to 11, which indicate January to December. Valid values if the type of the period is set to YEAR: 0 to 11, which indicate January to December.
uuidStringobj-123456The UUID of the period.
creatorIdString0123456The ID of the user who created the period.
creatorNameStringA, B, C, and DThe name of the user who created the period.

FML statement used to query atomic metrics

show atomic indicators; Response parameters

dataDistinctYesOrNoEnumYESIndicates whether duplicate data is removed during statistics collection. Valid values:YESNO
aggFunctionTypeAggFunctionEnumSUMThe type of the function for the atomic metric. Valid values:SUMCOUNTAVGMAXMINRATERANKUNDEFINED
calExpressionStringpriceThe expression of the atomic metric.
dataTypeDataTypeNameEnumTINYINTThe type of data that can be collected by the atomic metric. Valid values: TINYINT, SMALLINT, INT, BIGINT, BINARY, FLOAT, DOUBLE, DECIMAL, VARCHAR, CHAR, STRING, DATE, DATETIME, TIMESTAMP, BOOLEAN, ARRAY, MAP, STRUCT, and JSON
dataRoundStringNThe number of decimal places after the decimal point. Valid values:NM
dataUnitUuidStringdu-123456The UUID of the metric unit.
dataUnitCodeStringpercentThe code of the metric unit.
dataUnitNameStringFenThe name of the metric unit.
bizExpressionStringAggregation of payment amountThe statistical criterion.
dataRollUpTypeStringAGG_FUNCTIONThe method of the data roll-up. Valid values:AGG_FUNCTIONSUM_THEN_RATERATE_THEN_AVGNOT_SUPPORT
businessUnitUuidStringbu-0001The UUID of the business unit.
businessUnitCodeStringproject_codeThe code of the business unit.
businessProcessUuidStringdi-0002The UUID of the business process.
businessProcessCodeStringpayThe code of the business process.
businessProcessNameStringPaymentThe name of the business process.
dataDomainUuidStringdi-0003The UUID of the data domain.
dataDomainCodeStringtrdThe code of the data domain.
dataDomainNameStringTransactionThe name of the data domain.
categoryUuidStringdi-0001The UUID of the business category.
categoryCodeStringtbThe code of the business category.
categoryNameStringTaobaoThe name of the business category.
typeStringATOMICThe type of the metric. Valid values:ATOMICDERIVATIVEDERIVATIVE_COMPOSITE
codeStringpay_amtThe abbreviation for the name of the atomic metric.
nameStringPayment amountThe display name of the atomic metric.
extendNameStringpay amountThe name of the atomic metric.
descriptionStringremarkThe description of the atomic metric.
statusStringNORMALThe status of the atomic metric. Valid values:DRAFTDEVNORMAL
ownerIdString0001The owner ID.
ownerNameStringOwner nameThe name of the owner.
isDeletedDeleteTagEnumNOIndicates whether the atomic metric is deleted. Valid values:YESNO
uuidStringobj-123456The UUID of the atomic metric.
gmtCreateTimeStamp1644397025000The time when the atomic metric was created.
gmtModifiedTimeStamp1644459965000The time when the atomic metric was last modified.
creatorIdString0123456The ID of the user who created the atomic metric.
creatorNameStringA, B, C, and DThe name of the user who created the atomic metric.
modifierIdString0123456The ID of the user who last modified the atomic metric.
modifierNameStringA, B, C, and DThe name of the user who last modified the atomic metric.

FML statement used to query derived metrics

show derivative indicators; Response parameters

timePeriodUuidStringtp-0001The UUID of the period.
timePeriodCodeString1dThe abbreviation for the name of the period.
timePeriodNameStringLast dayThe display name of the period.
adjunctUuidsList["adj-001"]The UUIDs of modifiers.
adjunctCodesList["male"]The abbreviations for the names of modifiers.
adjunctNamesListMaleThe display names of modifiers.
atomicIndicatorUuidStringind-a-0001The UUID of the atomic metric.
atomicIndicatorCodeStringpay_amtThe abbreviation for the name of the atomic metric.
atomicIndicatorNameStringPayment amountThe display name of the atomic metric.
dataTypeDataTypeNameEnumBIGINTThe type of data that can be collected by the derived metric. Valid values: TINYINT, SMALLINT, INT, BIGINT, BINARY, FLOAT, DOUBLE, DECIMAL, VARCHAR, CHAR, STRING, DATE, DATETIME, TIMESTAMP, BOOLEAN, ARRAY, MAP, STRUCT, and JSON
bizEntityUuidStringdim-123456The UUID of the business object.
bizEntityCodeStringdim_shopThe abbreviation for the name of the business object.
bizEntityNameStringShop tableThe display name of the business object.
relUuidStringdim_a-123456The UUID of the dimension that is associated with the derived metric.
indHashStringhash-0001The hash value for the elements of the derived metric.
suggestCodeStringpay_amt_1dThe recommended code that is used by the derived metric.
businessUnitUuidStringbu-0001The UUID of the business unit.
businessUnitCodeStringproject_codeThe code of the business unit.
businessProcessUuidStringdi-0002The UUID of the business process.
businessProcessCodeStringpayThe code of the business process.
businessProcessNameStringPaymentThe name of the business process.
dataDomainUuidStringdi-0003The UUID of the data domain.
dataDomainCodeStringtrdThe code of the data domain.
dataDomainNameStringTransactionThe name of the data domain.
categoryUuidStringdi-0001The UUID of the business category.
categoryCodeStringtbThe code of the business category.
categoryNameStringTaobaoThe name of the business category.
typeIndicatorTypeEnumATOMICThe type of the metric. Valid values:ATOMICDERIVATIVEDERIVATIVE_COMPOSITE
codeStringpay_amtThe abbreviation for the name of the derived metric.
nameStringPayment amountThe display name of the derived metric.
extendNameStringpay amountThe name of the derived metric.
descriptionStringremarkThe description of the derived metric.
statusIndicatorStatusEnumNORMALThe status of the derived metric. Valid values:DRAFTDEVNORMAL
ownerIdString0001The owner ID.
ownerNameStringOwner nameThe name of the owner.
isDeletedDeleteTagEnumNOIndicates whether the derived metric is deleted. Valid values:YESNO
uuidStringobj-123456The UUID of the derived metric.
gmtCreateTimeStamp1644397025000The time when the derived metric was created.
gmtModifiedTimeStamp1644459965000The time when the derived metric was last modified.
creatorIdString0123456The ID of the user who created the derived metric.
creatorNameStringA, B, C, and DThe name of the user who created the derived metric.
modifierIdString0123456The ID of the user who last modified the derived metric.
modifierNameStringA, B, C, and DThe name of the user who last modified the derived metric.

FML statement used to query composite metrics

show derivative composite indicators; Response parameters

businessUnitCodeStringproject_codeThe name of the workspace.
businessProcessUuidStringdi-0002The UUID of the business process.
businessProcessCodeStringpayThe code of the business process.
businessProcessNameStringPaymentThe name of the business process.
dataDomainUuidStringdi-0003The UUID of the data domain.
dataDomainCodeStringtrdThe code of the data domain.
dataDomainNameStringTransactionThe name of the data domain.
categoryUuidStringdi-0001The UUID of the business category.
categoryCodeStringtbThe code of the business category.
categoryNameStringTaobaoThe name of the business category.
typeStringDERIVATIVE_COMPOSITEThe computing logic. Valid values: DERIVATIVE_COMPOSITE and DERIVATIVE_COMPARISON. The value DERIVATIVE_COMPOSITE indicates a calculation expression. The value DERIVATIVE_COMPARISON indicates comparison.
codeStringpay_amtThe abbreviation for the name of the composite metric.
nameStringPayment amountThe display name of the composite metric.
extendNameStringpay amountThe name of the composite metric.
descriptionStringremarkThe description of the composite metric.
calculateExpressionString{@pay_amt_1d[Last day_Payment amount]}/{@pay_amt_1m[Last 30 days_Payment amount]}The calculation expression.
comparisonPeriodTypeStringDAY_MOMThe comparison type. Valid values: DAY_MOM, WEEK_MOM, WEEK_YOY, MONTH_MOM, MONTH_YOY, QUARTER_MOM, YEAR_MOM, and YEAR_YOY.
comparisonIndicatorUuidStringobj-123456The UUID of the composite metric that is used for comparison.
comparisonIndicatorCodeStringpay_amt_1dThe abbreviation for the name of the composite metric that is used for comparison.
comparisonIndicatorNameStringLast day_Payment amountThe display name of the composite metric that is used for comparison.
ownerIdString0001The ID of the owner of the composite metric.
ownerNameStringBobThe name of the owner of the composite metric.
isDeletedDeleteTagEnumNOIndicates whether the composite metric is deleted. Valid values: YES and NO.
uuidStringobj-123456The UUID of the composite metric.
gmtCreateTimeStamp1644397025000The time when the composite metric was created.
gmtModifiedTimeStamp1644459965000The time when the composite metric was last modified.
creatorIdString0123456The ID of the user who created the composite metric.
creatorNameStringA, B, C, and DThe name of the user who created the composite metric.
modifierIdString0123456The ID of the user who last modified the composite metric.
modifierNameStringA, B, C, and DThe name of the user who last modified the composite metric.

FML statement used to query information about the model on which a single metric depends

show statistic indicator table_code; Response parameters

uuidStringobj-123456The UUID of the metric.
codeStringpay_amtThe abbreviation for the name of the metric.
nameStringPayment amountThe display name of the metric.
extendNameStringpay amountThe name of the metric.
relationsListExampleThe information about the model on which the metric depends. You can view the following code and table to obtain the structure of the EntityInfo parameter.

Sample structure and description of the EntityInfo parameter

        "uuid": "uuid",
        "code": "code",
        "name": "Display name",
        "extendName": "full name in English",
        "entityType": "EntityTypeEnum.BASE_DERIVATIVE_INDICATOR",
        "entityTypeName": "Entity type name",
        "entitySubType": "DERIVATIVE_INDICATOR",
        "entitySubTypeName": "Entity subtype name",
        "ownerId": "0001",
        "ownerName": "Owner name"
uuidStringobj-123456The UUID of the model.
codeStringdws_001The abbreviation for the name of the model.
nameStringPayment aggregate tableThe display name of the model.
extendNameStringdws_001The name of the model.
entityTypeEntityTypeEnumTableThe entity type of the metric. The values of this parameter include but are not limited to TABLE, BASE_ATOMIC_INDICATOR, and BASE_DERIVATIVE_INDICATOR.
entityTypeNameStringTableThe type name of the entity.
entitySubTypeStringDWS_TABLEThe subtype of the entity. The values of this parameter include but are not limited to DWS_TABLE, ATOMIC_INDICATOR, and DERIVATIVE_INDICATOR.
entitySubTypeNameStringAggregate tableThe subtype name of the entity.
ownerIdString0001The owner ID.
ownerNameStringBobThe name of the owner.


Sample success responses


  "RequestId": "4CFB2DED-7D9B-4C42-B4AA-CFF4991DFFF4",
  "ReturnValue": [
      "test": "test",
      "test2": 1

Error codes

HTTP status codeError codeError messageDescription
400Valid.FML.NoPermissionYou are not authorized to access the project resources.You are not granted the required permissions to access the current project.
400Valid.FML.OnlySupportQueryStatementOnly FML query statement is supported.Only FML statements are supported.
400Valid.FML.ProjectNotExistThe project does not exist.Information about the project is not found. Check input parameters.
400Valid.FML.StatementNotValidThe FML statement is invalid.The FML statement is invalid. For information about the FML syntax, see
400Valid.FML.ProductExpiredThe Data Modeling feature that you purchase expires.
400Valid.FML.ProductNotActivatedThe Data Modeling feature is not enabled.
500Execute.FML.ProcessErrorFailed to execute FML statement.The FML statement fails to be executed. Try again later.

For a list of error codes, visit the Service error codes.

Change history

Change timeSummary of changesOperation
2021-11-16The Error code has changedView Change Details