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Create a workspace

Updated at: 2023-04-27 02:27

This topic describes the quota limits and new steps for workspaces in the DataV service.

Resource quotas

The number of workspaces that you can create varies based on the editions of DataV:

  • Basic Edition provides only one workspace and does not allow you to create more workspaces.

  • Enterprise Edition allows you to create a maximum of two workspaces.

  • Professional Edition allows you to create a maximum of five workspaces.

Add Step

  1. Log on to the DataV console.
  2. Move the pointer over the workspace in the upper-right corner of the console and select Create and Manage from the drop-down list. 工作空间新建与管理

  3. On the Workspaces page, click the + icon on the right side of My Workspaces.

  4. In the Basic Information section, enter the information about the workspace. 新建工作空间页面






    The name of the current workspace. Duplicate names are not supported.

    Project Quota

    The number of visualization applications that can be created in the current workspace.


    The total number of project quotas varies for different versions.

    • Basic Edition: up to five.

    • Enterprise Edition: up to 20.

    • Professional Edition: No more than 40.

    Favorite Quota

    The number of widget sets that can be collected in the current workspace.


    The total number of favorites varies based on the edition.

    • Basic Edition: This feature is not supported.

    • Enterprise Edition: up to 20.

    • Professional Edition: No more than 40.

  5. Click Submit.

    The created workspace is displayed in the Default Workspace drop-down list on the homepage in the DataV console. You can select this workspace from the Default Workspace drop-down list to configure the basic information of the workspace and manage member permissions.

  • On this page (1, M)
  • Resource quotas
  • Add Step
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