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Component Usage FAQ

Updated at: 2023-05-11 10:05

This topic describes the issues that you may encounter when you use DataV components and their solutions.

What should I do if the console widget is not displayed properly and the widget is not displayed properly?

If you find that the display of a widget is abnormal or incomplete when you use the widget, it may be caused by the loss of the login status. Please clear the browser cache (especially cookies) before logging in again.

When you use the map widget, how do you draw the boundaries of the world, cities, counties, and urban areas?

When you use the map widget, you can obtain the GeoJSON data of the geographic boundary and paste it to the Area Surface data interface of the Area Thermal Layer subwidget of Basic Flat Map. You can customize the border style in the Mapping field based on the codes of different areas.

Frequently asked questions when using the map tile component

This topic describes common issues related to DataV map tiles and the corresponding solutions.

In a LAN, how do I call a map tile?

On a local area network, you can cache online tiles on your web server and store them in the form of standard folder names, such as [zoom level]/[row number]/[column number ].png. Then, you can call the tile by using a URL, for example, http://ip:port/path_to_your_tile_directory/{z}/{x}/{y}.png.

What are the coordinate systems and service standards for map tiles in DataV?

In DataV, the default supported map tile format is WGS84 or GCJ-02 spherical coordinates, which are sliced based on the standard Web Mercator(SRID:3857) projection method. Regarding the tile service, in Google Maps, the standard TMS tile service is used; in Google Maps, you can access the service by address, such as{x}&y={y}&z={z}, where {} is a placeholder and will be replaced with the correct tile row and column number when actually calling.

How do I use data in the WGS 84 format in AMAP?

The coordinate system of a GCJ02 basemap is in the GCJ02 format. You must convert the vector data. For more information, see CoordTransform.

How do I cache map tiles?

DataV does not provide services or tools for caching tiles. You can use a map downloader or encode tiles to cache tiles.

FAQ about basemap access

This topic describes the frequently asked questions about how to add a DataV map basemap.

What is TMS?

TMS is an abbreviation of Tile Map Service, which is a tile map service, also known as WMTS(Web Map Tile Service). For specific standards, see OGC website:

What map services are supported by the DataV basemap? Can these map services be deployed offline?

The DataV basemap supports map services that conform to the TMS standard. For example, the basemap loads AMAP vector and projection services by default. These map services can be deployed offline and integrated by using the basemap layer.

Does the online basemap support offline access, that is, local deployment?

Not supported. You can only access the AMAP basemap online from default map templates or map services customized on the AMAP platform.

Does DataV provide offline map tile packages?

The DataV platform does not provide offline tile packages and can only be used online.

How can I obtain offline map tile packages?

You can purchase offline map tile packages from AMAP or other map service providers.

If you need to access a custom base map and support offline or on-premises deployment, what options are available?

You can select one of the following solutions:

  • Use professional map software to generate a custom basemap that conforms to the TMS standard, such as ArcGIS Server, SuperMap, and MapServer. Generally, all professional map software supports this function.

  • You can purchase custom map basemap data from professional map manufacturers that are qualified for surveying and mapping and can sell offline tile packages.

  • You can use MapBox to configure. Custom tiles configured in MapBox support third-party standard access. The bottom layer of sub-components in the basic flat map can be accessed in the TMS standard. For more information, see

    MapBox official website.

What are the advantages of DataV over BI dashboards?

BI dashboards are usually used to present business metrics, KPIs, and other crucial data for organizations, departments, and teams on a single screen. DataV has the following advantages compared with BI dashboards:

  • Scenario: DataV supports multi-screen collaboration and large-screen merging. It supports 8K and higher resolutions, which makes it ideal for exhibitions, real-time data monitoring, geographic data analysis, and multidimensional data presentations.

  • Display media: DataV projects can be displayed on large screens, televisions, computers, and mobile devices.

  • Visual effects: DataV provides exquisite dynamic visual effects.

  • Customization: DataV allows you to customize widgets based on your business needs.

  • Display of geographic data: DataV provides both 2D and 3D spatial engines to display geographic data on 2D and 3D maps.

  • Rich third-party components: DataV integrates a variety of third-party components, such as ECharts and AntV. You can find more third-party widgets in the Alibaba Cloud Marketplace.

  • On this page (1, M)
  • What should I do if the console widget is not displayed properly and the widget is not displayed properly?
  • When you use the map widget, how do you draw the boundaries of the world, cities, counties, and urban areas?
  • Frequently asked questions when using the map tile component
  • In a LAN, how do I call a map tile?
  • What are the coordinate systems and service standards for map tiles in DataV?
  • How do I use data in the WGS 84 format in AMAP?
  • How do I cache map tiles?
  • FAQ about basemap access
  • What is TMS?
  • What map services are supported by the DataV basemap? Can these map services be deployed offline?
  • Does the online basemap support offline access, that is, local deployment?
  • Does DataV provide offline map tile packages?
  • How can I obtain offline map tile packages?
  • If you need to access a custom base map and support offline or on-premises deployment, what options are available?
  • What are the advantages of DataV over BI dashboards?