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Data Online Migration:Subsequent operations

Last Updated:Sep 20, 2024

This topic describes the operations that you can perform after you create a migration task.

View the status of a migration task

After you create a migration task, the migration task can be in one of the following states:

  • Created: The migration task is created. You can manually start the migration task or wait until the system starts the migration task at the specified start time.

  • Started: The migration task is created and started. The task is waiting for scheduling.

  • Preparing: Data is being preprocessed.

  • Migrating: Data is being migrated. Wait until the migration task is complete.

  • Deleting: The migration task is being deleted. After the migration task is deleted, the task is removed from the task list.

  • Paused: The migration task is paused.

  • Closing: The migration task is being closed. After the migration task is closed, the state of the task changes to Stopped.

  • Stopped: The migration task is complete.

  • Interrupted: The migration task is unexpectedly interrupted.

View a migration report

  1. Log on to the Data Online Migration console.

  2. In the left-side navigation pane, choose Data Online Migration > Migration Tasks.

  3. On the Migration Tasks page, find the migration task that you want to manage and click Manage in the Actions column.

    • If you set the Migration Report parameter to Do not push when you create the migration task, click Generate Migration Report in the History section of the task details page. After a migration report is generated, click Download Migration Report to download the migration report files to your computer.

    • If you set the Migration Report parameter to Push when you create the migration task, click Download Migration Report in the History section of the task details page after a migration report is generated.

  • Before a migration task is complete, the generated migration report may be incomplete. To obtain a complete migration report, download the migration report files after your migration task is complete.

  • A migration report is for reference only. The actual information about a migration task prevails.

After a migration report is generated, the migration report files are stored in the specified Object Storage Service (OSS) bucket. The prefixes of the directories in which migration report files are stored are in the following formats:





The OSS bucket to which data is migrated.


The prefix that is specified for the destination data address.


The ID of your Alibaba Cloud account.


The ID of the migration task. You can view the migration task ID in the Details section of the task details page.


The execution record ID of the migration task. You can view the execution record ID in the History section of the task details page.

  1. Log on to the OSS console and find the generated migration report files in the destination bucket. You can download the files to view detailed file lists. We recommend that you use the ossbrowser or ossutil tool to view these files.

A migration report contains three types of files: the file that lists all files to be migrated, the file that lists the files that fail to be migrated, and the file that lists the files that are skipped during migration.


Naming rules for report files

  • A file named uid@jobid@runtimeid_total_list_n lists all files to be migrated. One or more files of this type may exist. The value of n is an integer greater than or equal to 0.

  • A file named uid@jobid@runtimeid_failed_list_n lists the files that fail to be migrated. One or more files of this type may exist. The value of n is an integer greater than or equal to 0.

  • A file named uid@jobid@runtimeid_skipped_list_n lists the files that are skipped during migration. One or more files of this type may exist. The value of n is an integer greater than or equal to 0.

The fields contained in the report files describe various attributes of the files during the migration from the source to the destination data address. The following table describes the fields.




The name of the source file.


The name of the destination file.


The size of the source file.


The size of the destination file.


The MD5 hash value of the source file, which is used for consistency verification.


The MD5 hash value of the destination file, which is used for consistency verification.


The CRC-64 value of the source file, which is used for consistency verification.


The CRC-64 value of the destination file, which is used for consistency verification.


The time when the source file was last modified.


The time when the destination file was last modified.


The version ID of the source file. This field is available only if you migrate data of multiple versions.


The version ID of the destination file. This field is available only if you migrate data of multiple versions.


The time when the migration started.


The time when the migration was complete.


Indicates whether an exception occurred during migration. A value of false indicates that no exception occurred. A value of true indicates that an exception occurred.


The cause of the exception.

View migration logs

You can view the logs of completed migration tasks in the Simple Log Service console. You can use filter conditions such as the task name, task ID, Alibaba Cloud account ID, or file name to search for the logs of a migration task.

  • The logs of a migration task are pushed to Simple Log Service only if you set the Migration Logs parameter to Push or Push only file error logs when you create the migration task. If you set the Migration Logs parameter to Do not push when you create a migration task, the logs of the migration task are not pushed to Simple Log Service.

  • Before a migration task is complete, the migration logs may be incomplete. You can obtain complete migration logs after your migration task is complete.

  • The migration logs are for reference only. The actual information about a migration task prevails.

Data Online Migration creates projects in Simple Log Service to store migration logs. A project is named in the aliyun-oss-import-log-Alibaba Cloud account ID-ID of the region selected in the Data Online Migration console format. Example: aliyun-oss-import-log-137918634953****-cn-hangzhou. You can view the logs of migration tasks in the corresponding project. The following two types of logs are stored:

  • drs_import_success_log: the logs about files that are migrated.

  • drs_import_fail_log: the logs about files that failed to be migrated.

The following table describes the key fields in migration logs.




The name of the migration task.


The ID of the migration task.


The region that is selected in the Data Online Migration console.


The state of the file. Valid values:

  • succeed: The file is migrated.

  • skipped: The file is skipped.


    In one of the two following scenarios, a file is skipped:

    • The source file does not exist because it has been deleted.

    • The system skips the file based on the overwrite policy.

  • failed: The file fails to be migrated.


The ID of your Alibaba Cloud account.


The ID of the execution record.


The time when the migration started.


The time when the migration was completed.


The time when the file was scanned.


The current time.


The name of the source file. The fields whose names start with Src are the fields about the source file.


The file name is URL-encoded. Example: docs%2Fmy.docir%2Fexample.log.


The size of the source file.


The name of the destination file. The fields whose names start with Dest are the fields about the destination file.


The file name is URL-encoded. Example: docs%2Fmy.docir%2Fexample.log.


The size of the destination file.

Modify the throttling settings

During migration, you can modify the throttling settings of a migration task based on your business requirements. The modified throttling settings take effect after a period of time.

  1. Log on to the Data Online Migration console.

  2. In the top navigation bar, select the region in which your migration task is created.

  3. In the left-side navigation pane, choose Data Online Migration > Migration Tasks.

  4. On the Migration Tasks page, find the migration task for which you want to modify the throttling settings and click Manage in the Actions column to go to the task details page.

  5. In the Configurations section, click Reset next to Maximum Migration Bandwidth.

  6. In the dialog box that appears, modify the maximum migration bandwidth.

    • Default: Use the default upper limit for the migration bandwidth. The actual migration bandwidth is based on the file size and the number of files.

    • Specify an upper limit: Specify a custom upper limit for the migration bandwidth as prompted.

  7. Click OK.

Modify the maximum number of files that can be migrated per second

During data migration, you can modify the maximum number of files that can be migrated per second based on your business requirements. The modified settings take effect after a period of time.

  1. Log on to the Data Online Migration console.

  2. In the top navigation bar, select the region in which your migration task is created.

  3. In the left-side navigation pane, choose Data Online Migration > Migration Tasks.

  4. On the Migration Tasks page, find the migration task for which you want to modify the maximum number of files that can be migrated per second, and click Manage in the Actions column to go to the task details page.

  5. In the Configurations section, click Reset next to Maximum Files That Can Be Migrated Per Second.

  6. In the dialog box that appears, modify the maximum number of files that can be migrated per second.

    • Default: Use the default number of files that can be migrated per second. The actual migration speed depends on the file size and the number of files to be migrated.

    • Specify an upper limit: Specify a custom upper limit as prompted for the number of files that can be migrated per second.

  7. Click OK.

Rerun a failed migration task

If some files in a migration task fail to be migrated, you can migrate the failed files again.

  1. Log on to the Data Online Migration console.

  2. In the top navigation bar, select the region in which your migration task is created.

  3. In the left-side navigation pane, choose Data Online Migration > Migration Tasks.

  4. On the Migration Tasks page, find the migration task for which you want to migrate the failed files and click Manage in the Actions column to go to the task details page.

  5. In the History section, click Retry in the Actions column of the migration task to rerun the migration task.

  6. Modify the name of the subtask and click Next.

  7. After you confirm the parameters such as Migration Bandwidth, Files Migrated Per Second, and Overwrite Mode, click Next.

  8. Click OK. The subtask is started and the failed files are migrated again.