You can use the cluster management feature provided by Database Autonomy Service (DAS) to group database instances into clusters by database engine such as MySQL. Then, you can view information, such as performance trends, slow query log trends, and global storage usage, about these database instances at the cluster level.
Supported database engines
RDS SQL Server
PolarDB for MySQL
PolarDB for PostgreSQL
PolarDB for PostgreSQL (Compatible with Oracle)
PolarDB-X 2.0
MySQL, Redis, MongoDB, and PostgreSQL databases can be Alibaba Cloud databases or self-managed databases.
A database instance can be added to only one cluster.
Log on to the DAS console.
In the left-side navigation pane, click Clusters.
On the Clusters page, click Add Cluster in the upper-right corner.
In the Add Cluster dialog box, configure the parameters described in the following table. Then, click Save.
Cluster Name
The name of the cluster.
Select Environment
The environment to which the cluster belongs. Valid values:
Development Environment: development environment.
test: test environment.
online: production environment.
Select Engine
The database engine that supports cluster management.
Cluster Description
The description of the cluster.
On the Clusters page, find the cluster that you want to manage and click a button in the Actions column. The following operations are supported:
Edit: Modify the cluster information, such as the cluster environment and cluster description.
Delete: Delete the cluster.
Monitor: View the basic information, performance trends, and storage information of the cluster.