This topic describes how to manage file gateways in the Cloud Storage Gateway (CSG) console. For example, you can create, delete, and rename a gateway.
An Alibaba Cloud account is created and real-name verification for the account is successful. For more information, see Create an Alibaba Cloud account.
NoteWe recommend that you perform operations in the CSG console as a RAM user. For more information, see Use RAM to implement account-based access control.
CSG is activated.
If CSG is not activated, follow the on-screen instructions in the CSG console to activate CSG.
A virtual private cloud (VPC) is available in the region where you want to create a cloud file gateway. For more information, see Create a VPC with an IPv4 CIDR block.
An Elastic Compute Service (ECS) instance is available in the region where you want to create a cloud file gateway. The ECS instance runs in the VPC. For more information, see Create an ECS instance.
NoteIf your on-premises host is connected to a VPC over an Express Connect circuit, you can also perform the following steps by using the host.
Create a file gateway
Log on to the CSG console.
In the top navigation bar, select the region in which you want to create the file gateway.
On the Overview page, click Create Gateway Cluster to create a gateway cluster.
If the desired gateway cluster already exists, skip this step.
In the left-side navigation pane, click Gateways.
On the Gateways page, select the desired gateway cluster from the Current Gateway Cluster drop-down list. Click Create.
In the Gateway Information step, set the parameters described in the following table and click Next.
The name of the gateway.
The location where you want to deploy the gateway. Valid values:
On-premises: The file gateway is deployed in your data center. You can deploy an on-premises file gateway by using the CSG console or the on-premises file gateway console.
Alibaba Cloud: The file gateway is deployed on Alibaba Cloud. You can deploy a cloud file gateway only by using the CSG console.
The type of the gateway. Select File Gateway.
In the Gateway Configurations step, set the required parameters and click Next.
If you set Location to Alibaba Cloud, you must set the parameters in this step. The following table describes the parameters.
The gateway edition. You can select Basic, Standard, Enhanced, or Performance Optimized. For more information, see Specifications.
The VPC in which you want to deploy the gateway.
NoteThe specified VPC must be the VPC in which your ECS instance or on-premises host resides.
The vSwitch that you want to use to connect the gateway.
NoteThe specified vSwitch must be the same vSwitch that is connected to your ECS instance or on-premises host.
If no gateway resource is available in the zone where the specified vSwitch resides, create a vSwitch in another zone.
In the Configure Protocol step, configure the parameters and click Next. The following table describes the parameters.
Cross-region Binding
If you select Yes, you can access a bucket that resides in a different region from the gateway.
If you select No, you can access a bucket that resides only in the same region as the gateway.
OSS Endpoint
The endpoint of the region in which the bucket is located.
Bucket Name
You can select an existing bucket from the drop-down list. You can also select the Subdirectory check box and enter a subdirectory of the bucket in the text box that appears.
NoteThe name of a subdirectory can contain only letters and digits.
Starting from V1.0.38, you can map the root directory of a file system to a subdirectory of the bucket. This way, you can isolate file access requests.
You can specify an existing subdirectory or a subdirectory that does not exist in the bucket. After you create a share, the specified subdirectory serves as the root directory and stores all related files and directories.
Buckets for which back-to-origin routing is configured are not supported.
CSG cannot guarantee that only one write operation is performed on an object. Therefore, buckets for which retention policies are configured are not supported.
Public Network Bandwidth
This parameter is available only when Cross-region Binding is set to Yes. The default bandwidth is 5 Mbit/s. We recommend that you increase the bandwidth for better data transfer performance.
NoteIf you want to use the gateway or the express synchronization feature across regions, you need to configure this parameter. For more information, see Configure a public bandwidth limit.
The public bandwidth ranges from 5 Mbit/s to 200 Mbit/s.
The protocol that you use to connect to the OSS bucket. Valid values: NFS and SMB.
Use the NFS protocol if you need to access OSS buckets from Linux.
Use the SMB protocol if you need to access OSS buckets from Windows.
Share Name
The name of the NFS or SMB share. If you set the Protocol parameter to NFS, the share name is also used as the virtual path of NFSv4.
NoteThe name must be 1 to 32 characters in length, and can contain letters and digits. The name cannot start with a digit.
User Mapping
The mapping between an NFS client user and an NFS server user. This parameter is available only when you set Protocol to NFS. Valid values:
none: NFS client users are not mapped to the nobody user on the NFS server.
root_squash: NFS clients that use the root identity are mapped to the nobody user on the NFS server.
all_squash: The NFS client is mapped to the nobody user on the NFS server regardless of the identity that the client uses.
all_anonymous: The NFS client is mapped to the anonymous user on the NFS server regardless of the identity that the client uses.
Reverse Sync
Metadata synchronization from the bucket to your local device. The reverse synchronization feature is helpful in scenarios such as disaster recovery, data recovery, and data sharing.
NoteDuring a reverse synchronization process, the system scans all objects in the bucket. If there are a large number of objects, you are charged for OSS API calls. For more information, see the API Operation Calling Fees section of the OSS pricing page.
Reverse Sync Interval
If you set Reverse Sync to Yes, you must set the Reverse Sync Interval parameter. Unit: seconds. Minimum value: 15. Maximum value: 36000. Default value: 900.
NoteIf the bucket contains a large number of objects, we recommend that you set the interval to a value greater than 3,600. Otherwise, repeated scans result in frequent OSS API calls. This causes an increase in OSS API operation calling fees.
Cache Disk Type
The cache disk type. Valid values: Ultra Disk, Standard SSD, and ESSD.
Cache Capacity
The cache capacity. The cache capacity ranges from 40 GB to 32 TB.
NoteThe maximum cache capacity for a Basic file gateway is 1 TB. A Basic file gateway does not support PL3 ESSD cache disks.
The maximum cache capacity for a Standard file gateway is 2 TB.
In the Billing Information step, configure the parameters and click Next. The following table describes the parameters.
Billing Method
The billing method that you want to apply to the gateway. You can select Pay-as-you-go or Subscription. For more information, see Billable items and billing methods.
If you select Subscription, you are redirected to the Cloud Storage Gateway (Subscription) page after you create the file gateway. You can complete the payment on the page. For more information, see Purchase a gateway.
Expiration Policy
The expiration policy for the gateway. Valid values: Switch to Pay-as-you-go and Release.
In the Confirmation step, verify your settings and click OK.
If you create a cloud file gateway, the system completes the deployment in 5 to 10 minutes. If Running is displayed in the Status column, the gateway is activated and deployed.
If you create an on-premises file gateway, click Activate Gateway in the Actions column. In the Activate Gateway dialog box, set the required parameters to activate the gateway. For more information, see Step 4: Activate the gateway.
What to do next
You can perform the following operations in the gateway list.
Operation | Description |
Delete a gateway | Find the file gateway that you want to delete and choose in the Actions column.Note You can delete only pay-as-you-go file gateways. |
Rename a gateway | Find the file gateway that you want to rename and Choose More > Edit in the Actions column. |
Switch pay-as-you-go to subscription | After you create a pay-as-you-go gateway, you can switch the billing method from pay-as-you-go to subscription. Choose Switch the billing method from pay-as-you-go to subscription. to go to the subscription page. For more information, see |
Upload supported data | Find the file gateway and choose in the Actions column. You can upload the log data that is generated by the gateway for troubleshooting. |
Purchase | If you have not completed the payment of a subscription gateway, choose to complete the payment. |
Change expiration policies | For a subscription file gateway, you can choose Switch the expiration policy. to change the action when the current subscription expires. For more information, see |