This topic describes how to report monitoring data by sending an HTTP request.


For more information about the endpoints for reporting custom events, see Appendix 3: Endpoints for reporting monitoring data.

Request syntax

The following code shows the syntax of an HTTP request that is used to report monitoring data.
POST /metric/custom/upload HTTP/1.1 
Content-Length:<Content Length>
Content-MD5:<Content MD5>
Date:<GMT Date>

Request headers and parameters

The following tables describe the headers and parameters in an HTTP request that is used to report monitoring data.
  • Request headers
    Header Type Description Example
    Authorization String The authorization string that is in the AccessKeyID:SignString format. testKey:F86ADF652A6466FCCD860B867D9518D48C24E7F6
    Content-Length Long The body length of the HTTP request that is defined in RFC 2616. The request body is measured by the number of bytes encoded in UTF-8.
    Note This header is required only if the request has a body.
    Content-MD5 String The MD5 hash of the HTTP request body. The MD5 hash is a string that consists of uppercase letters and digits.
    Note This header is required only if the request has a body.
    Content-Type String The type of the content that is sent in the HTTP request. Set the value to application/json. application/json
    Date String The standard timestamp header of the HTTP request. This timestamp header follows the time format defined in RFC 1123 and uses the UTC standard time.

    Example: Mon, 3 Jan 2010 08:33:47 UTC.

    Fri, 27 Aug 2021 06:33:55 GMT
    Host String The full hostname of the HTTP request. This header does not include protocol headers such as https://.

    x-cms-api-version String The version of the API. Set the value to 1.0. 1.0
    x-cms-signature String The signature algorithm. CloudMonitor supports the HMAC-SHA1 signature algorithm. hmac-sha1
    x-cms-ip String The IP address of the host that reports the monitoring data. 192.168.XX.XX
    User-Agent String The description of the client. cms-java-sdk-v-1.0
  • Request parameters
    Parameter Type Required Description
    groupId Long Yes The ID of the application group.
    metricName String Yes The name of the metric. For more information, see Appendix 1: Metrics.
    dimensions Object Yes The dimensions that specify the resources whose monitoring data you want to query.

    The value is a collection of key-value pairs. A typical pair is instanceId:i-abcdefgh12****.

    time String Yes The timestamp when the metric is generated. Valid values:
    • yyyyMMdd'T'HHmmss.SSSZ

      Example: 20171012T132456.888+0800

    • long

      Example: 1508136760000

    type Int Yes

    The type of the reported data. Valid values: 0 and 1. The value 0 indicates raw data and the value 1 indicates aggregate data.

    We recommend that you report aggregate data in both the aggregation periods of 60s and 300s. Otherwise, you cannot query monitoring data in a time span that is more than seven days.

    period String No

    The aggregation period. Unit: seconds.

    If the type parameter is set to 1, the period parameter is required. Valid values:
    • 60
    • 300
    values Object Yes The collection of metric values.

    If the type parameter is set to 0, the keys in this parameter must be set to the specified value. CloudMonitor aggregates raw data in each aggregation period to generate multiple statistical values, such as the maximum value, the count, and the total value.

Sample response

The following code shows the sample response to an HTTP request that reports monitoring data.

  "code":"200",// The HTTP status code 200 indicates that the request was successful. 
  "msg":""// The value is empty if the monitoring data is reported. 