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Cloud Data Transfer:Cross-region data transfers

Last Updated:Sep 19, 2024

This topic describes the billing rules for the cross-region data transfers of CDT.

The following content describes the billing rules for different Alibaba Cloud products that provide cross-region access:

  • Global Accelerator (GA) and Anycast Elastic IP Address (EIP): Pay-by-dominant-data-transfer is used. You are charged for data transfers in the dominant direction in each region. The direction in which a greater amount of data is transferred is the dominant direction.

  • Cloud Enterprise Network (CEN), Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) peering connection, and Express Connect Router (ECR): Pay-by-outbound-data-transfer is used. You are charged for data transfers in each region.

  • The cross-region data transfers of CEN support two service levels: Platinum and Gold. You can select a service level based on your business requirements. If you use other products that provide cross-region access, only the Gold service level is supported.


    Service level

    Service availability


    • CEN



    Ideal for products that require high network quality and are sensitive to network jitters and latency, such as securities transactions, online voice conferencing, online video conferencing, and real-time gaming.

    • CEN

    • VPC peering connection

    • Anycast EIP

    • GA

    • ECR



    Ideal for products that do not have high requirements for network quality, such as data synchronization and file transfer.

Cross-region data transfers are classified into the following categories:

  • Local data transfers: Data is transmitted between regions in the Chinese mainland or between regions outside the Chinese mainland.

  • Cross-border data transfers: Data is transmitted between regions in the Chinese mainland and regions outside the Chinese mainland.

    GA supports BGP (Multi-ISP) Pro lines. The unit price is USD 0.96 per GB.

The following table provides the unit prices of cross-region data transfers when the service level is Gold. Unit: USD/GB. The unit prices are not affected by data transfer directions.

Inbound region

Outbound region

Chinese mainland

Asia Pacific


North America

Middle East and South America

Chinese mainland

0.072 USD/GB

0.80 USD/GB

0.80 USD/GB

0.80 USD/GB

0.80 USD/GB

Asia Pacific

0.80 USD/GB

0.08 USD/GB

0.08 USD/GB

0.08 USD/GB

0.38 USD/GB


0.80 USD/GB

0.08 USD/GB

0.02 USD/GB

0.05 USD/GB

0.38 USD/GB

North America

0.80 USD/GB

0.08 USD/GB

0.05 USD/GB

0.02 USD/GB

0.38 USD/GB

Middle East and South America

0.80 USD/GB

0.38 USD/GB

0.38 USD/GB

0.38 USD/GB

0.38 USD/GB

The following table provides the unit prices of cross-region data transfers when the service level is Platinum. Unit: USD/GB. The unit prices are not affected by data transfer directions.

Inbound region

Outbound region

Chinese mainland

Asia Pacific


North America

Middle East and South America

Chinese mainland

0.108 USD/GB

1.20 USD/GB

1.20 USD/GB

1.20 USD/GB

1.20 USD/GB

Asia Pacific

1.20 USD/GB

0.12 USD/GB

0.12 USD/GB

0.12 USD/GB

0.57 USD/GB


1.20 USD/GB

0.12 USD/GB

0.03 USD/GB

0.075 USD/GB

0.57 USD/GB

North America

1.20 USD/GB

0.12 USD/GB

0.075 USD/GB

0.03 USD/GB

0.57 USD/GB

Middle East and South America

1.20 USD/GB

0.57 USD/GB

0.57 USD/GB

0.57 USD/GB

0.57 USD/GB

  1. For more information about supported regions and endpoints, see the Regions in which CDT supports billing for cross-region data transfers.

  2. The actual prices on your bills shall prevail.


Company A creates VPC 1 in the China (Hangzhou) region and VPC 2 in the China (Shenzhen) region, and uses an Enterprise Edition transit router to create a cross-region connection. The line type is set to Gold and the bandwidth allocation mode is set to pay-by-data-transfer. The amount of outbound data transfers in the China (Hangzhou) region is 200 GB, and the amount of outbound data transfers in the China (Shenzhen) region is 100 GB. The fee is calculated by using the following formula:
