Checks whether the period between the time when an AccessKey pair of a RAM user was created and the time when the compliance evaluation starts is shorter than or equal to the period specified by the input parameter.


An AccessKey pair may be disclosed in code, configuration files, or cloud storage files, and thus stolen by an attacker. Regular rotation of AccessKey pairs reduces the business losses if an AccessKey pair is leaked.

Risk level

Default risk level: high.

You can change the risk level as required when you apply this rule.

Compliance evaluation logic

  • If the period between the time when an AccessKey pair of a RAM user was created and the time when the compliance evaluation starts is shorter than or equal to the period specified by the input parameter, the evaluation result is compliant.
  • If the period between the time when an AccessKey pair of a RAM user was created and the time when the compliance evaluation starts is longer than the period specified by the input parameter, the evaluation result is non-compliant. For more information about how to correct the non-compliant configuration, see Non-compliance remediation.

Rule details

Item Description
Rule name ram-user-ak-create-date-expired-check
Rule ID ram-user-ak-create-date-expired-check
Tag RAM and User
Automatic remediation Not supported
Trigger type Periodic execution
Time interval 24 hours
Supported resource type RAM user
Input parameter days. Default value: 90.

Non-compliance remediation

Rotate the AccessKey pairs of the RAM user. For more information, see Rotate AccessKey pairs.