This topic provides relevant examples of resource change logs that are delivered to Simple Message Queue (formerly MNS) for storage. The following sections describe the content of the examples and the parameters that are used.
The following three snippets show sample resource change logs for the create, modify, and delete operations on resources:
Create a resource
In single-account mode, you use an Alibaba Cloud account whose ID is
to create an Object Storage Service (OSS) bucket namedtest_bucket
in the China (Beijing) region. The following code shows the corresponding resource change log:{ "requestId": "c9e582cf-8aba-47bc-8bf3-8c2c5c7fa615", "dataType": "ConfigurationItemChangeNotification", "eventName": "ResourceAdd", "configurationItemDiff": { "changedProperties": {}, "changeType": "DISCOVERED" }, "eventType": "ResourceChange", "notificationCreationTime": 1629883217558, "configurationItem": { "accountId": 132585902944****, "resourceCreateTime": 1629883110000, "resourceId": "test_bucket", "resourceStatus": "", "regionId": "cn-beijing", "configuration": { "AccessControlList": { "Grant": "private" }, "ServerSideEncryptionRule": { "SSEAlgorithm": "None" }, "Comment": "", "CreationDate": "2021-08-25T09:18:30.000Z", "Owner": { "DisplayName": "132585902944****", "ID": "132585902944****" }, "StorageClass": "Standard", "DataRedundancyType": "LRS", "AllowEmptyReferer": "true", "Name": "test_bucket", "BucketPolicy": { "LogPrefix": "", "LogBucket": "" }, "ExtranetEndpoint": "", "IntranetEndpoint": "", "Location": "oss-cn-beijing" }, "captureTime": 1629883213000, "resourceName": "test_bucket", "availabilityZone": "", "resourceType": "ACS::OSS::Bucket", "tags": {} } }
Modify a resource
In single-account mode, you use an Alibaba Cloud account whose ID is
to change the name of a disk in Elastic Compute Service (ECS) in the China (Hohhot) region fromtest_disk1
. The following code shows the corresponding resource change log:{ "requestId": "bb6f19ff-9c58-45c3-b79d-a20469c37eae", "dataType": "ConfigurationItemChangeNotification", "eventName": "ResourceUpdate", "configurationItemDiff": { "changedProperties": { "DiskName": { "changeType": "MODIFY", "previousValue": "test_disk1", "updatedValue": "test_disk2" } }, "changeType": "MODIFY" }, "eventType": "ResourceChange", "notificationCreationTime": 1629879815173, "configurationItem": { "accountId": 100931896542****, "resourceCreateTime": 162987938****, "resourceId": "d-hp3ezlgii0ltupns****", "resourceStatus": "Available", "regionId": "cn-huhehaote", "configuration": { "DetachedTime": "", "Category": "cloud_essd", "KMSKeyId": "", "Description": "", "ResourceGroupId": "", "Size": 40, "Encrypted": false, "DeleteAutoSnapshot": false, "DiskChargeType": "PostPaid", "MultiAttach": "Disabled", "ExpiredTime": "2029-09-08T16:00Z", "ImageId": "", "StorageSetId": "", "Tags": { "Tag": [] }, "Status": "Available", "AttachedTime": "", "StorageClusterId": "", "ZoneId": "cn-huhehaote-a", "InstanceId": "", "ProductCode": "", "SourceSnapshotId": "", "Device": "", "PerformanceLevel": "PL1", "DeleteWithInstance": false, "EnableAutomatedSnapshotPolicy": false, "EnableAutoSnapshot": true, "AutoSnapshotPolicyId": "", "DiskName": "test_disk2", "BdfId": "", "OperationLocks": { "OperationLock": [] }, "Portable": true, "Type": "data", "SerialNumber": "hp3ezlgii0ltupns****", "CreationTime": "2021-08-25T08:16:20Z", "RegionId": "cn-huhehaote", "DiskId": "d-hp3ezlgii0ltupns****" }, "captureTime": 1629879808000, "resourceName": "test_disk2", "availabilityZone": "cn-huhehaote-a", "resourceType": "ACS::ECS::Disk", "tags": {} } }
Delete a resource
In single-account mode, you use an Alibaba Cloud account whose ID is
to delete an OSS bucket namedtest_bucket
in the China (Beijing) region. The following code shows the corresponding resource change log:{ "requestId": "e63b8fca-74d4-4709-9ea3-b7e0a3159294", "dataType": "ConfigurationItemChangeNotification", "eventName": "ResourceDelete", "configurationItemDiff": { "changedProperties": {}, "changeType": "REMOVE" }, "eventType": "ResourceChange", "notificationCreationTime": 1629883026181, "configurationItem": { "accountId": 132585902944****, "resourceCreateTime": 1629882024000, "resourceId": "test_bucket", "resourceStatus": "", "regionId": "cn-beijing", "configuration": { "AccessControlList": { "Grant": "private" }, "ServerSideEncryptionRule": { "SSEAlgorithm": "None" }, "Comment": "", "CreationDate": "2021-08-25T09:00:24.000Z", "Owner": { "DisplayName": "132585902944****", "ID": "132585902944****" }, "StorageClass": "Standard", "DataRedundancyType": "LRS", "AllowEmptyReferer": "true", "Name": "test_bucket", "BucketPolicy": { "LogPrefix": "", "LogBucket": "" }, "ExtranetEndpoint": "", "IntranetEndpoint": "", "Location": "oss-cn-beijing" }, "captureTime": 1629883020000, "resourceName": "test_bucket", "availabilityZone": "", "resourceType": "ACS::OSS::Bucket", "tags": {} } }
The following table describes the parameters used in resource change logs that are delivered to SMQ.
Parameter | Description |
dataType | The type of the message received by SMQ. Valid values:
eventName | The name of the event. Valid values:
configurationItemDiff | The information about the resource change, including the change type and details. |
eventType | The type of the event. Valid values:
notificationCreationTime | The timestamp when the message was generated. |
configurationItem | The current configuration of the resource, including the ID and status of the resource, the region where the resource resides, and the ID of the account to which the resource belongs. |
captureTime | The timestamp when Cloud Config detected the resource change and generated the event. |
resourceName | The name of the resource. |
availabilityZone | The ID of the zone where the resource resides. |
resourceType | The type of resource. For more information about the resource types supported by Cloud Config, see Alibaba Cloud services and resource types supported by Cloud Config. |
tags | The tags of the resource. |