Checks whether the Terway network plug-in is used in each Container Service for Kubernetes (ACK) cluster.


We recommend that you configure the Terway network plug-in when you create an ACK cluster. The Terway network plug-in enables internal communications within the ACK cluster.

Risk level

Default risk level: medium.

You can change the risk level as required when you apply this rule.

Compliance evaluation logic

  • If the Terway network plug-in is used in each ACK cluster, the evaluation result is compliant.
  • If the Terway network plug-in is not used in an ACK cluster, the evaluation result is non-compliant. For more information about how to correct the non-compliant configuration, see Non-compliance remediation.

Rule details

Item Description
Rule name ack-cluster-network-type-check
Rule ID ack-cluster-network-type-check
Automatic remediation Not supported
Trigger type Configuration change
Supported resource type ACK cluster
Input parameter None

Non-compliance remediation

Select the Terway network plug-in when you create an ACK cluster. For more information, see Work with Terway.