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Cloud Backup:Restore a VMware VM

Last Updated:Dec 23, 2024

This topic describes how to restore a VMware virtual machine (VM) to an on-premises server or the vCenter Server of Alibaba Cloud VMware Service (ACVS) in the Cloud Backup console.


A VMware VM is backed up. For more information, see Back up VMware VMs.

Background information

  • After you back up a VMware VM, you can use the Cloud Backup console to restore the VMware VM to an on-premises server or the vCenter Server of ACVS in the case of VMware VM failure to ensure business continuity.

  • For a gateway whose versions is 1.0.13 or later, the on-premises VMware VM backup feature supports centralized management of backup and restore jobs in the Cloud Backup console. If you have configured on-premises backup plans, reconfigure them in the Cloud Backup console.


  1. Log on to the Cloud Backup console.

  2. In the left-side navigation pane, choose Backup > VMware Backup & Disaster Recovery. In the top navigation bar, select a region. On the Backup Jobs tab, find the backup job and click Restore to VMware in the Actions column.


    • You can restore the VMware VM data to an on-premises server or the vCenter Server of ACVS.

    • During the restoration, a new VM is generated with the name format "Random prefix-Original virtual machine name". This operation does not affect the existing VM.

  3. In the Create Restore Job panel, configure the parameters in the Select VMs, Select Destination, Select Compute Node, Select Storage, Select Network, and Confirm steps. After you configure the parameters, click Create.

    After the restore job is created, you can view the job information on the Restore Jobs tab. The information includes the job status and the volume of data that is restored.