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Cloud Backup:Precheck an ECS-hosted MySQL database

Last Updated:Dec 03, 2024

After you register a MySQL database, we recommend that you precheck the MySQL database to identify issues that may cause backup failure. This topic describes how to precheck a MySQL database.


A MySQL database is registered in the Cloud Backup console, and the MySQL database is in the Online state. If the status of the MySQL database is abnormal, resolve the exception. For more information, see the "FAQ" section in FAQ.


  1. Log on to the Cloud Backup console.

  2. In the left-side navigation pane, choose Backup > Database Backup. In the top navigation bar, select a region. On the Database Backup page, click the MySQL tab. On the ECS Database Instance tab, find the MySQL database that you want to precheck and click Precheck in the Actions column.


  3. In the Precheck dialog box, click Start Check.

    You can click Check Last Pre-check Result to view the result of the last backup precheck. The following table describes the check items of a precheck.

    Check item


    OSS connectivity check

    Checks whether the MySQL database is connected to the Access from ECS over the VPC (internal network) domain of an OSS bucket in the same region. If the database fails the check, you cannot back up or recover the database.

    Control network connectivity check

    Checks whether the database is connected to the control network. If the database fails the check, you cannot manage the database.

    Support full backup version check

    Checks whether the version of the MySQL database supports full backup. MySQL 8.0 does not support incremental backup.

    BINLOG check

    Checks whether the binlog parameter of the MySQL database is correctly configured. If the database fails the check, you cannot back up the binary logs of the database.

    The precheck process requires about 1 minute. The following figure shows a complete precheck.mysql

    If the database fails a check item, follow the instructions to check whether the failure affects the backup and recovery of the database.

    • If the failure does not affect the backup and recovery of the database, the precheck is complete.

    • Otherwise, you can read the description in the preceding table to fix the issue.

What to do next

Back up a MySQL database