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Cloud Backup:Configure a data backup configuration file

Last Updated:Dec 27, 2024

Before you back up data, you must create a data backup configuration file and add the file path to the Cloud Backup configuration.

Background information

System copy of SAP HANA is the process of copying an existing SAP HANA system to another environment (generally another server or system). System copy can be performed on the same hardware or between different hardware. In this process, all system data and application data are generally transferred from the source system to the destination system. System copy is suitable for various scenarios.

  • We recommend that you use the same configuration file for data backup, log backup, and catalog backup.

  • If an SAP HANA instance consists of multiple nodes, you must configure a data backup configuration file for each node.

  • After you create a data backup configuration file, run the chmod 664 command to grant read and write permissions on the file.

Step 1: Create a data backup configuration file


  1. Create the /usr/sap/<SID>/SYS/global/hdb/opt/hdbconfig directory.

  2. Run the vi /usr/sap/<SID>/SYS/global/hdb/opt/hdbconfig/param command to create the file in the preceding directory.

The following table describes the parameters that you must specify in the configuration file.






The ID of the SAP HANA instance. Cloud Backup automatically generates an ID when you register the SAP HANA instance.


srcClusterId={Instance ID}


Braces {} are not required when you specify an instance ID.


The SID of the source SAP HANA database.




Braces {} are not required when you specify an SID.

Step 2: Add the path of the data backup configuration file

After you create the data backup configuration file, you must add the file path in the Cloud Backup console.

  1. Log on to the Cloud Backup console.

  2. In the left-side navigation pane, choose Backup > SAP HANA Backup.

  3. In the top navigation bar, select a region.

  4. After an SAP HANA instance is registered, find the instance and click the instance link on the SAP HANA Instances tab.

  5. On the Databases tab, view the status of all the SAP HANA databases.

  6. Find the database and choose More > Set Backup Parameters in the Actions column.

  7. In the Set Backup Parameters panel, configure the parameters in the Backint Settings section. The following table describes the parameters.




    Backint Settings

    Data Backup Configuration File


    The path of the Backint parameter file used for data backup. For more information, see Configure a data backup configuration file.

    • We recommend that you use the same configuration file for data backup, log backup, and catalog backup.

    • If an SAP HANA instance consists of multiple nodes, you must configure a data backup configuration file for each node.

    Use this file for log backup and catalog backup


    Specifies whether to use the data backup configuration file for log backup and catalog backup. We recommend that you select this check box.

    Log Backup Configuration File


    The Backint parameter file that is used for log backup. We recommend that you use the data backup configuration file for log backup.

    Catalog Backup Configuration File


    The Backint parameter file that is used for catalog backup. We recommend that you use the data backup configuration file for catalog backup.

    Use Backint for Catalog Backup


    Specifies whether to use Backint to back up catalogs. We recommend that you turn on this switch to improve the backup performance.

    Backint is an API for interconnecting with third-party backup software. SAP HANA backup supports the use of Backint to connect to enterprise-class backup solutions. This way, special backup and restoration (such as catalog backup) can be implemented by third-party software.


    If you turn off this switch, cross-instance database restoration is not supported.

  8. Click Create.