500 | InitVaultError | Failed to initialize a repository. | - | diagnosis |
500 | BrowseFileError | Failed to browse file. | - | diagnosis |
400 | BadRequest | The request has invalid parameters. | - | diagnosis |
403 | NoPermission | User is not authorized to do this operation. | - | diagnosis |
404 | ResourceNotFound | The specified resource is not found. | - | diagnosis |
500 | InternalError | The request processing has failed due to some unknown error. | - | diagnosis |
403 | ServiceNotActivated | The service is not activated yet. | The cloud backup service is not yet available. | diagnosis |
403 | InDebt | The user account is in debt. | - | diagnosis |
403 | InDebtOverdue | The user account is in debt overdue. | - | diagnosis |
403 | RiskControlProhibited | The user account is prohibited by RiskControl. | - | diagnosis |
404 | ObjectNotExist | OSS object doesn't exist. | - | diagnosis |
500 | AccessVaultFail | Failed to access OSS. | - | diagnosis |
403 | AssumeRoleFail | Failed to assume role. | Cross-service authorization failed, please grant the cloud backup service permission to operate OSS. | diagnosis |
404 | RoleNotExist | The specified role doesn't exist. | The cross-service authorization role required by the cloud backup service does not exist. Please grant the cloud backup service corresponding permissions. | diagnosis |
500 | EcsClientError | Failed to call ECS client. | - | diagnosis |
404 | TaskNotFound | The specified task doesn't exist. | - | diagnosis |
500 | TaskTypeNotSupported | Unsupported task type. | - | diagnosis |
404 | VaultNotExist | The specified vault doesn't exist. | - | diagnosis |
400 | VaultAlreadyExist | The specified vault already exists. | - | diagnosis |
400 | NeedVaultIdInParam | VaultId is needed in the parameter. | - | diagnosis |
400 | TooManyVaults | There are already too many vaults and you cannot create more. | - | diagnosis |
404 | ClientNotExist | The specified client doesn't exist. | - | diagnosis |
400 | InvalidToken | Invalid client token is provided. | - | diagnosis |
400 | NeedClientIdInParam | ClientId is needed in the parameter. | - | diagnosis |
400 | NeedTokenInParam | Token is needed in the parameter. | - | diagnosis |
400 | TooManyClients | There are already too many clients and you cannot create more. | - | diagnosis |
404 | SnapshotNotExist | The specified snapshot doesn't exist. | - | diagnosis |
404 | PolicyNotExist | The specified policy doesn't exist. | - | diagnosis |
400 | PolicyAlreadyExist | The specified policy already exists. | - | diagnosis |
400 | RestoreNotExist | The specified restore doesn't exist. | - | diagnosis |
400 | ServerNotExist | The specified server doesn't exist. | - | diagnosis |
400 | InvalidClientType | Invalid client type. | - | diagnosis |
400 | PlanNotExist | The specified plan doesn't exist. | - | diagnosis |
400 | PolicyInUseError | The specified policy is in use. | - | diagnosis |
400 | GetResourcePackageFailed | Failed to get resource package info. | - | diagnosis |
400 | SourceTypeNotAllowed | Source type not allowed. | - | diagnosis |
400 | ContactNotExist | Contact doesn't exist. | - | diagnosis |
400 | InvalidEmailVerifyCode | Email verify code is invalid | - | diagnosis |
400 | InvalidMobileVerifyCode | Mobile verify code is invalid | - | diagnosis |
400 | ContactInUse | The contact cannot be deleted because it is in use. | - | diagnosis |
400 | SearchNotEnabled | Search in not enabled | - | diagnosis |
400 | ExecuteSearchError | Failed to execute search operation | - | diagnosis |
400 | InvalidSearchOperation | The search operation is invalid | - | diagnosis |
400 | InvalidFieldType | The type of the field is invalid | - | diagnosis |
400 | SearchNotSupportedInThisRegion | Search is not supported in this region | - | diagnosis |
400 | CannotDeleteClientWithSnapshots | Cannot delete client with snapshots | - | diagnosis |
400 | BetaFeatureNotFound | The beta feature is not found. | - | diagnosis |
400 | PagingRequestExceedLimit | Page request exceed the limitation, please use search after instead | - | diagnosis |
400 | HbrRoleNotExist | Aliyun HBR default role doesn't exist. | - | diagnosis |
400 | EcsRoleNotExist | Ecs ram role doesn't exist. | - | diagnosis |
400 | EcsRolePolicyNotExist | Ecs ram role is not attached with policy accessing HBR. | - | diagnosis |
400 | ClientDisconnected | Client is disconnected from server | - | diagnosis |
400 | IDSNotExist | IDS file doesn't exist. | - | diagnosis |
400 | TooManyJobs | Create too many jobs one time | - | diagnosis |
400 | JobNotExist | Job doesn't exist | - | diagnosis |
400 | ClientResponseTimeout | Time out when waiting for response from client | - | diagnosis |
400 | Client.JobStarted | The specific job is already executed. | - | diagnosis |
400 | Client.JobNotFound | The specific job doesn't exist. | - | diagnosis |
400 | Client.JobInvalidType | The job type is invalid. | - | diagnosis |
400 | Client.JobDisabled | The specific job is disabled. | - | diagnosis |
400 | Client.JobInvalidScheduleTime | The schedule time format is invalid. | - | diagnosis |
400 | Client.JobUpdateStatusError | Failed to update job status. | - | diagnosis |
400 | Client.JobCancelInInvalidStatus | The job have already finished, cancel operation do not need perform. | - | diagnosis |
400 | Client.SnapshotNotFound | The specific snapshot doesn't exist. | - | diagnosis |
500 | Client.SnapshotHashNotFound | Cannot get hash value of the specific snapshot. | - | diagnosis |
500 | Client.SnapshotGetHashError | Failed to get snapshot hash. | - | diagnosis |
400 | Client.SnapshotDeleteRunning | Cannot delete running snapshot. | - | diagnosis |
400 | Client.VSSRunning | VSS is already running. | - | diagnosis |
400 | Client.RestoreNotFound | The specific restore does not exist. | - | diagnosis |
400 | Client.RestoreIdRequired | Restore ID is required. | - | diagnosis |
400 | Client.HanaDatabaseNotActive | Cannot execute job because the database is stopped. | - | diagnosis |
400 | Client.HanaConnectionFailure | Cannot connect to the specified database. | - | diagnosis |
400 | Client.HanaAuthenticationFailure | The database username or password is wrong. | - | diagnosis |
400 | Client.HanaCertInaccessible | The specified database certificate is not accessible. | - | diagnosis |
400 | Client.HanaCertInvalidFormat | The specified database certificate is invalid. | - | diagnosis |
400 | Client.HanaCertWrongPassword | The specified database certificate password is wrong. | - | diagnosis |
400 | Client.HanaInvalidParameter | The database restore parameters are invalid. | - | diagnosis |
400 | Client.HanaInvalidParameterRequireBackupID | The backup ID is required for database restore. | - | diagnosis |
400 | Client.HanaInvalidParameterRequireClearLog | Initializing the log area is required when restoring to specified backup. | - | diagnosis |
400 | Client.HanaInvalidParameterRequirePointInTime | The database recovery point in time is required. | - | diagnosis |
400 | Client.HanaInvalidParameterRequireLogPosition | The database log recovery position is required. | - | diagnosis |
400 | Client.HanaInvalidParameterForbidLogPosition | The database log recovery position is invalid for curent restore. | - | diagnosis |
400 | Client.HanaInvalidParameterRequireSource | The source database system is required for System Copy. | - | diagnosis |
400 | Client.HanaInvalidParameterRequireCatalog | The database catalog is required for current restore. | - | diagnosis |
400 | Client.HanaInvalidParameterForbidUseDelta | The database delta data is invalid for current restore. | - | diagnosis |
400 | Client.HanaInvalidParameterLogPaths | The specified database log paths are invalid. | - | diagnosis |
500 | Client.HanaSqlError | Internal HANA SQL error. | - | diagnosis |
400 | ClusterIdNeeded | Cluster ID is needed to create the client | - | diagnosis |
400 | CannotExecuteDisabledPlan | Cannot execute disabled plan | - | diagnosis |
400 | HanaNotExist | The hana instance is not found. | - | diagnosis |
500 | InvalidHanaInfomation | Failed to parse the hana information. | - | diagnosis |
400 | HanaMasterNodeNotProvided | Master node must be provided for restoring system database. | - | diagnosis |
400 | DuplicatedHanaName | The hana name already exists. | - | diagnosis |
400 | HanaNodeNotExist | There is no hana node. | - | diagnosis |
500 | FailedToCreateSchedule | Failed to create scheduled job. | - | diagnosis |
500 | FailedToRemoveSchedule | Failed to remove scheduled job. | - | diagnosis |
500 | FailedToPauseSchedule | Failed to disable scheduled job. | - | diagnosis |
500 | FailedToResumeSchedule | Failed to enable scheduled job. | - | diagnosis |
500 | FailedToTriggerSchedule | Failed to trigger scheduled job. | - | diagnosis |
400 | Client.HanaHADonotSupportSystemDBRecovery | Recovery SYSTEMDB for SAP HANA HA environment is not supported. | - | diagnosis |
400 | Client.HanaScaleOutDonotSupportSystemDBRecovery | Recovery SYSTEMDB for SAP HANA Scale-out environment is not supported. | - | diagnosis |
400 | Client.HanaInvalidCertOrNetworkFailure | Connection to database failed, please ensure the server certificate is valid and network is reachable. | - | diagnosis |
400 | Client.HanaInvalidBackupID | Invalid backup ID, please contact our support team. | - | diagnosis |
400 | ClientInOtherCluster | Client is in another cluster. | - | diagnosis |
400 | ClientInOtherVault | Client is in another vault. | - | diagnosis |
400 | ContactGroupInUse | Cannot delete the contact group because it is still in use. | - | diagnosis |
400 | ContactGroupNotExist | Contact group doesn't exist. | - | diagnosis |
400 | TooManyContactsForContactGroup | Too many contacts are added to the contact group. | - | diagnosis |
400 | TooManyContactsForAlertConfig | Too many contacts or contact groups are assigned to the alert config. | - | diagnosis |
400 | DuplicateContactGroupId | Duplicate contact group ID | - | diagnosis |
500 | OSSAccountNotFound | Cannot find specified OSS resource account id | - | diagnosis |
500 | OSSBucketNotCreatedAfterTimeout | OSS bucket is not created after timeout | - | diagnosis |
500 | VaultResourceShortage | Not enough vault resource | - | diagnosis |
400 | ReplicationSourceVaultNotFound | Replication source vault doesn't exist | - | diagnosis |
400 | ReplicationRegionNotSupported | Replication region is not supported | - | diagnosis |
400 | ReplicationChainNotSupported | Replication chain not supported | - | diagnosis |
400 | VaultAlreadyHasReplication | Vault already has replication | - | diagnosis |
400 | CannotDeleteReplicationSourceVault | Cannot delete replication source vault | - | diagnosis |
400 | SearchNotSupportedForReplicationVault | Search is not supported for replication vault | - | diagnosis |
400 | OperationNotSupportedForReplicationVault | Operation is not supported for replication vault | - | diagnosis |
400 | HistoricalReplicationNotComplete | Historical replication has not complete yet | - | diagnosis |
400 | HanaRetentionSettingNotExist | Hana retention setting doesn't exist. | - | diagnosis |
400 | SqlServerNotExist | The sql server instance is not found | - | diagnosis |
400 | SqlServerSnapshotNotExist | The sql server snapshot is not found | - | diagnosis |
400 | SqlServerRestoreNotExist | The sql server restore is not found | - | diagnosis |
400 | SqlServerJobNotExist | The sql server job is not found | - | diagnosis |
400 | SqlServerNodeNotExist | There is no sql server node | - | diagnosis |
400 | InvalidSqlServerInfomation | Failed to parse the sql server information | - | diagnosis |
400 | BackupSourceGroupNotExist | Backup source group doesn't exist | - | diagnosis |
400 | BackupSourceGroupAlreadyExist | Backup source group already exist | - | diagnosis |
400 | InvalidSourceType | Invalid source type | - | diagnosis |
400 | SourceTypeNeeded | Source type is needed | - | diagnosis |
400 | BackupSourceNotExist | Backup source not exist | - | diagnosis |
400 | BackupSourceAlreadyExist | Backup source already exist | - | diagnosis |
400 | BackupSourceAlreadyInOtherBackupSourceGroup | Backup source already in other backup source group | - | diagnosis |
400 | Client.SqlServerLoginError | Cannot connect to sql server instance | - | diagnosis |
400 | Client.IncorrectSqlServerInstance | Invalid SQL Server instance name. | - | diagnosis |
400 | Client.SQLServerDotNetFrameworkObsoleteOrMissing | .NET Framework 4.5 or above required. | - | diagnosis |
400 | BackupSourceGroupInUse | Cannot delete backup source group which is still referenced by some backup plan. | - | diagnosis |
500 | DeserializeTaskDetailFailed | Failed to deserialize task detail. | - | diagnosis |
400 | CannotRestoreToLowerVersionSqlServerInstance | Cannot restore to lower version sql server instance. | - | diagnosis |
400 | CannotRestoreToOtherSqlServerInstance | Cannot restore to other sql server instance. | - | diagnosis |
400 | ClientInvalidVersion | Client doest not support this operation, please upgrade the client. | - | diagnosis |
400 | AppClientNotAllowed | Client for APP backup is not allowed for this vault | - | diagnosis |
500 | SystemCopyIsNotAllowed | System copy is not allowed for this api. | - | diagnosis |
400 | BackupSourceGroupTooManyMembers | Too many backup sources are added to backup source group | - | diagnosis |
400 | CannotBackupAllDatabase | Cannot backup all databases. Please upgrade the client. | - | diagnosis |
400 | InvalidGateway | The gateway type does not support backup. | - | diagnosis |
400 | GatewayInvalidVersion | Gateway does not support backup, please upgrade the gateway. | - | diagnosis |
400 | InvalidRestoreType | The restore type is invalid | - | diagnosis |
500 | FailedToCreateVpc | Failed to create vpc network | - | diagnosis |
500 | VpcNotExist | Vpc not exist | - | diagnosis |
500 | FailedToDescribeVpcs | Failed to describe VPCs | - | diagnosis |
500 | FailedToDescribeZones | Failed to describe available zones for VPC | - | diagnosis |
500 | FailedToCreateVSwitch | Failed to create virtual switch | - | diagnosis |
500 | FailedToDescribeVSwitches | Failed to describe virtual switches | - | diagnosis |
500 | FailedToDescribeVSwitchAttributes | Failed to describe virtual switch attributes | - | diagnosis |
500 | FailedToDescribeFileSystems | Failed to describe NAS file systems | - | diagnosis |
500 | FailedToCreateMountTarget | Failed to create mount target | - | diagnosis |
500 | FailedToDescribeMountTargets | Failed to describe mount targets | - | diagnosis |
500 | FailedToDeleteMountTarget | Failed to delete mount target | - | diagnosis |
500 | FailedToCreateNasInnerClient | Failed to create nas inner client | - | diagnosis |
400 | NasNotActivated | NAS is not activated | - | diagnosis |
400 | NasNoPermission | No permission to access NAS resource | - | diagnosis |
400 | NasFileSystemNotExist | NAS file system not exist | - | diagnosis |
400 | NasFileSystemAlreadyAdded | NAS file system already added to hbr | - | diagnosis |
400 | CannotDeleteNasInstanceWithMountTarget | Cannot delete NAS instance with mount target, please detach it first | - | diagnosis |
400 | CreateMountTargetNoAllowed | Creating mount target is not allowed in current status | - | diagnosis |
500 | FailedToDescribeAccessGroups | Failed to describe NAS access groups | - | diagnosis |
400 | BackupJobNotExist | Backup job doesn't exist | - | diagnosis |
400 | BackupJobStillRunning | Last Backup job with same backup plan ID is not finished yet | - | diagnosis |
500 | MeteringDataNotFound | Metering data not found | - | diagnosis |
400 | PlanNameDuplicate | Plan with specified name already exists. | - | diagnosis |
400 | TrialPeriodExpired | trial period expired | - | diagnosis |
400 | TrialBackupPlanAlreadyExist | trial backup plan already exist | - | diagnosis |
400 | CannotCreateBackupPlanToTrialVault | cannot create backup plan to trial vault | - | diagnosis |
400 | BackupFrequencyIsTooHighForTrialBackupPlan | backup frequency is too high for trial backup plan | - | diagnosis |
400 | RetentionIsTooLongForTrialBackupPlan | retention is too long for trial backup plan | - | diagnosis |
400 | CannotSpecifyPrefixForTrialOssBackupPlan | cannot specify oss prefix for trial oss backup plan | - | diagnosis |
400 | CannotSpecifyPathsForTrialNasBackupPlan | cannot specify nas paths for trial nas backup plan | - | diagnosis |
400 | OperationNotSupportedForOssBackupVault | Operation is not supported for OSS backup vault | - | diagnosis |
400 | SearchNotSupportedForVaultType | Search is not supported for this type of vault | - | diagnosis |
400 | TrialInfoNotFound | Trial info doesn't exist | - | diagnosis |
400 | OperationNotSupportedForNasBackupVault | Operation is not supported for NAS backup vault | - | diagnosis |
400 | UnsupportedHypervisor | Hypervisor type not supported yet | - | diagnosis |
400 | CreateImageNotSupported | Create image is not supported yet | - | diagnosis |
400 | MigrationPlanNotFound | Cannot find given migration plan | - | diagnosis |
500 | CannotDispatchMigrationJob | Cannot find client to dispatch migration job | - | diagnosis |
400 | VmMigrationNotFound | Cannot find specified vmMigration | - | diagnosis |
400 | MalFormattedMigrationPlan | Migration plan is mal-formatted | - | diagnosis |
400 | MigrationNeedAtLeastOneServer | At least one server is required to create migration plan | - | diagnosis |
400 | VmBackupPlanNotFound | Cannot find given vm backup plan | - | diagnosis |
500 | CannotDispatchVmBackupJob | Cannot find client to dispatch vm backup job | - | diagnosis |
500 | CannotDispatchVmRestoreJob | Cannot find client to dispatch vm restore job | - | diagnosis |
400 | ExecutionNotFound | Cannot find given execution | - | diagnosis |
400 | VmBackupSnapshotNotFound | Cannot find given snapshot | - | diagnosis |
400 | VmBackupSnapshotExpired | Snapshot has been expired | - | diagnosis |
400 | VmBackupExecutionCannotCancel | Cannot cancel execution in current state | - | diagnosis |
400 | DoNotHaveValidClient | Do not have valid client(version >=1.0.13) | - | diagnosis |
400 | CannotDeleteMountTargetInUse | Cannot delete the mount target because it is still in use. | - | diagnosis |
400 | NotSupported | Not supported yet | - | diagnosis |
400 | NativeSnapshotDeleted | Ecs disk snapshot has been deleted | - | diagnosis |
400 | EcsDiskDeleted | Ecs disk has been deleted | - | diagnosis |
400 | InvalidRestoredNetwork | The specified restore network is invalid | - | diagnosis |
500 | CreateDiskError | Internal error when creating disk | - | diagnosis |
400 | InstanceNotExists | Ecs instance does not exist | - | diagnosis |
400 | AttachDiskError | Internal error when attaching disk | - | diagnosis |
400 | DescribeDiskError | Internal error when describe disk | - | diagnosis |
400 | DetachDiskError | Internal error when detaching disk | - | diagnosis |
400 | InstanceNotStopped | Ecs instance is not in stopped state | - | diagnosis |
500 | CreateNativeEbsSnapshotError | Failed to create ebs snapshot | - | diagnosis |
400 | NoAvailableShadowInstanceType | No available shadow instance type | - | diagnosis |
400 | InstanceNotRunning | Ecs instance is not in running state | - | diagnosis |
400 | CloudAssistNotRunningOnInstance | Cloud assist is not running on ecs instance | - | diagnosis |
400 | FailedToInstallAgent | Failed to install agent on ecs instance | - | diagnosis |
400 | UdmBackupPlanAlreadyExists | Udm backup plan already exists | - | diagnosis |
500 | BackupNativeEbsSnapshotError | Failed to backup ebs snapshot | - | diagnosis |
400 | DeleteEbsSnapshotError | Failed to delete ebs snapshot | - | diagnosis |
500 | InstantMountSnapshotError | Failed to mount snapshot | - | diagnosis |
400 | TargetInstanceAlreadyMountError | Target ecs instance has already mounted, please umount first | - | diagnosis |
500 | CopyNativeEbsSnapshotError | Failed to copy ebs snapshot | - | diagnosis |
400 | InvalidDestinationRegionId | Invalid destination region id | - | diagnosis |
400 | CopyToSameRegion | Can not copy snapshot into the same region | - | diagnosis |
400 | BadEbsSnapshotRetention | Bad ebs snapshot retention | - | diagnosis |
500 | CreateSnapshotGroupError | Failed to create snapshot group | - | diagnosis |
400 | DoNotHaveActivatedClient | Do not have activated client | - | diagnosis |
400 | BadRequest | Illegal request. Please modify the parameters. | - | diagnosis |
404 | ResourceNotFound | The resource requested does not exist. | - | diagnosis |
500 | InternalError | Internal server error has occurred. | - | diagnosis |
500 | VaultResourceShortage | Not enough vault resource, please contact us. | - | diagnosis |
400 | AccessOssFailed | Failed to access OSS, please check the parameters. | - | diagnosis |
500 | OSSBucketNotCreatedAfterTimeout | OSS bucket is not created after timeout, please contact us. | - | diagnosis |
404 | VaultNotExist | Specified vault doesn't exist, please modify the parameters. | - | diagnosis |
400 | VaultAlreadyExist | Vault with the same name already exists, please modify the vault name. | - | diagnosis |
400 | NotEnoughVaultQuota | Not enough quota to create more vaults, please add more resource. | - | diagnosis |
400 | InvalidVaultType | Invalid vault type, please modify the parameters. | - | diagnosis |
404 | ReplicationSourceVaultNotFound | Replication source vault doesn't exist, please modify the source vault Id. | - | diagnosis |
400 | ReplicationRegionNotSupported | Replication target region is not supported, please modify the target region. | - | diagnosis |
400 | ReplicationChainNotSupported | Cannot create replication vault from a replication vault, please use another vault. | - | diagnosis |
400 | ReplicationOnlySupportedForStandardVault | Replication is only supported for STANDARD type vault. | - | diagnosis |
400 | VaultAlreadyHasReplication | Vault already has replication, cannot create more replications. | - | diagnosis |
400 | VaultStatusErrorToCreateReplication | Cannot create replication vault for vault not in CREATED status, please wait until the vault is created successfully. | - | diagnosis |
400 | CannotDeleteReplicationSourceVault | Cannot delete replication source vault, please delete the replication vault first. | - | diagnosis |
400 | CannotChangeVaultTypeOfReplicationVault | Cannot change the vault type of replication vault, please change the source vault type. | - | diagnosis |
500 | SearchSnapshotFailed | Failed to search snapshots, please contact us. | - | diagnosis |
400 | CreateScheduleJobFailed | Failed to create scheduled job, please modify the parameters. | - | diagnosis |
500 | CreateInstantJobFailed | Failed to create instant job, please contact us. | - | diagnosis |
400 | UpdateScheduleJobFailed | Failed to update scheduled job, please modify the parameters. | - | diagnosis |
500 | RemoveScheduleJobFailed | Failed to remove job from scheduler, please contact us. | - | diagnosis |
500 | PauseScheduleJobFailed | Failed to pause scheduled job, please contact us. | - | diagnosis |
500 | ResumeScheduleJobFailed | Failed to resume scheduled job, please contact us. | - | diagnosis |
500 | TriggerScheduleJobFailed | Failed to trigger scheduled job now, please contact us. | - | diagnosis |
500 | GetScheduleJobFailed | Failed to get scheduled job. please contact us. | - | diagnosis |
400 | InvalidUserToken | Invalid user token, please verify the user token. | - | diagnosis |
400 | NeedInstanceIdInParam | Instance ID is needed in the parameter. | - | diagnosis |
400 | CannotDeleteActiveClient | Cannot delete active client, please uninstall the client first. | - | diagnosis |
400 | CannotInstallOldClient | Cannot install client on this ECS because a newer version of backup client already installed. | - | diagnosis |
400 | CannotInstallNewClientWithStandardClient | Cannot install client on this ECS because an old version of standard backup client already installed. | - | diagnosis |
400 | CannotInstallNewClientWithAegisClient | Cannot install client on this ECS because an old version of aegis backup client already installed. | - | diagnosis |
400 | EcsBackupSlrNotExist | AliyunServiceRoleForHbrEcsBackup doesn't exist, please create this role. | - | diagnosis |
400 | NasBackupSlrNotExist | AliyunServiceRoleForHbrNasBackup doesn't exist, please create this role. | - | diagnosis |
400 | OssBackupSlrNotExist | AliyunServiceRoleForHbrOssBackup doesn't exist, please create this role. | - | diagnosis |
400 | CsgBackupSlrNotExist | AliyunServiceRoleForHbrCsgBackup doesn't exist, please create this role. | - | diagnosis |
400 | TaskCanceled | Task already canceled. | - | diagnosis |
400 | TaskComplete | Task already complete. | - | diagnosis |
400 | TaskFailed | Task already failed. | - | diagnosis |
400 | TaskExpired | Task already expired. | - | diagnosis |
400 | OssBucketNotFound | OSS bucket not found in specified region | - | diagnosis |
400 | DataSourceNameDuplicate | Data source with specified name already exists | - | diagnosis |
404 | CannotDeleteLatestSnapshot | Can not delete latest snapshot. | - | diagnosis |
404 | ApplianceNotExists | Appliance is not registered | - | diagnosis |
400 | FailedToInitUniBackupUser | Failed to init uniBackup user | - | diagnosis |
400 | FailedToCreateStoragePool | Failed to create storage pool | - | diagnosis |
400 | FailedToDescribeStoragePool | Failed to describe storage pool | - | diagnosis |
400 | FailedToDeleteStoragePool | Failed to delete storage pool | - | diagnosis |
400 | FailedToListUniBackupHosts | Failed to list unibackup hosts | - | diagnosis |
400 | FailedToListUniBackupInstances | Failed to list unibackup instances | - | diagnosis |
400 | FailedToListUniBackupResources | Failed to list unibackup resources | - | diagnosis |
400 | FailedToActivateUniBackupInstance | Failed to activate unibackup instance | - | diagnosis |
400 | FailedToLogoffUniBackupInstance | Failed to logoff unibackup instance | - | diagnosis |
400 | UniBackupNotInit | UniBackup not init, please install agent first | - | diagnosis |
400 | FailedToListUniBackupInstanceDetail | Failed to list unibackup instance detail | - | diagnosis |
400 | HostNotFound | Cannot find specify host | - | diagnosis |
400 | UniBackupResourceNotFound | Cannot find specify unibackup resource | - | diagnosis |
400 | FailedToCreateUniBackupJob | Failed to create unibackup job | - | diagnosis |
400 | FailedToListUniBackupJobs | Failed to list unibackup jobs | - | diagnosis |
400 | FailedToListUniBackupHistories | Failed to list unibackup job histories | - | diagnosis |
400 | FailedToDeleteUniBackupJob | Failed to delete unibackup job | - | diagnosis |
400 | FailedToGetRestoreTimeRange | Failed to get unibackup restore time range | - | diagnosis |
400 | FailedToGetRestoreDetail | Failed to get unibackup restore detail | - | diagnosis |
400 | FailedToEncryptByUniPublicKey | Failed to encrypt by uni public key | - | diagnosis |
400 | FailedToUpdateStoragePool | Failed to update storage pool | - | diagnosis |
400 | EmptyInternalUniBackupVault | Empty internal unibackup vault | - | diagnosis |
400 | InternalErrorAuthVault | Internal error when auth unibackup vault | - | diagnosis |
400 | FailedToUpdateUniBackupJob | Failed to update unibackup job | - | diagnosis |
400 | UniBackupPlanNotFound | Cannot find specify unibackup plan | - | diagnosis |
400 | InsufficientResource | Insufficient resource, please raise a ticket | - | diagnosis |
400 | FailedToCreateDataNodeStoragePool | Failed to create data node storage pool | - | diagnosis |
400 | FailedToControlUniBackupJob | Failed to control unibackup job | - | diagnosis |
400 | FailedToListUniBackupCluster | Failed to list unibackup cluster | - | diagnosis |
400 | FailedToClusterInstances | Failed to cluster instances | - | diagnosis |
400 | FailedToQueryUniBackupInstanceLoginStatus | Failed to query unibackup instance login status | - | diagnosis |
400 | FailedToDeleteCluster | Failed to delete cluster | - | diagnosis |
400 | FailedToDeactivateUniBackupHost | Failed to deactivate unibackup host | - | diagnosis |
400 | CannotDeleteUniBackupVaultWithPlans | Cannot delete unibackup vault with plans | - | diagnosis |
400 | BadDatabaseCredentialProvided | Failed to activate database since bad credential provided | - | diagnosis |
400 | CannotGetUniBackupAgentLink | Cannot get uniBackup agent download link | - | diagnosis |
400 | FailedToGetAlerts | Failed to get unibackup alerts | - | diagnosis |
400 | ContinuousPlanAlreadyExists | Continuous plan already exists | - | diagnosis |
400 | CannotRemoveDataSourceWithBackupPlan | Cannot remove data source, please delete all related plans first | - | diagnosis |
400 | CannotRemoveDataSourceWithIndexEnabled | Cannot remove data source, please turn off indexing first | - | diagnosis |
400 | InventoryConfigurationNotExist | Inventory configuration doesn't exist | - | diagnosis |
400 | InventoryNotEnabled | Inventory is not enabled | - | diagnosis |
400 | InventoryIncludeAllVersionsNotSupported | Include all versions is not supported | - | diagnosis |
400 | InventoryFilterPrefixNotContainBackupPrefix | Inventory filter prefix doesn't contain backup prefix | - | diagnosis |
400 | InventoryFilterPrefixNotEqualToBackupPrefix | Inventory filter prefix doesn't equal to backup prefix | - | diagnosis |
400 | InventoryOptionalFieldsSizeRequired | Inventory optional fields Size is required | - | diagnosis |
400 | InventoryOptionalFieldsLastModifiedDateRequired | Inventory optional fields Last modified time is required | - | diagnosis |
400 | InventoryOptionalFieldsStorageClassRequired | Inventory optional fields storage class is required | - | diagnosis |
400 | InventoryOptionalFieldsETagRequired | Inventory optional fields ETag is required | - | diagnosis |
400 | DifferentConflictPolicyInVaultIsNotAllowed | It is now allowed to create plan with different conflict policy in one vault | - | diagnosis |
404 | InvalidResourceType.NotFound | The ResourceType provided does not exist in our records. | - | diagnosis |
404 | InvalidResourceId.NotFound | The specified ResourceIds are not found in our records. | - | diagnosis |
400 | NumberExceed.ResourceIds | The ResourceIds parameter's number is exceed, Valid : 50. | - | diagnosis |
400 | NumberExceed.Tags | The Tags parameter's number is exceed, Valid : 20. | - | diagnosis |
400 | Duplicate.TagKey | The Tag.N.Key contain duplicate key. | - | diagnosis |
400 | Duplicate.ResourceId | The ResourceIds contain duplicate key. | - | diagnosis |
400 | Invalid.NextToken | The specified NextToken is not valid. | - | diagnosis |
400 | InvalidTagScope.Malformed | The specified Scope is not valid. | - | diagnosis |
400 | InvalidTagCategory.Malformed | The specified Category is not valid. | - | diagnosis |
400 | InvalidTagKey.Malformed | The specified Tag.n.Key is not valid. | - | diagnosis |
400 | InvalidTagValue.Malformed | The specified Tag.n.Value is not valid. | - | diagnosis |
403 | OperationDenied.QuotaExceed | The quota of tags on resource is beyond permitted range. | - | diagnosis |
403 | NoPermission.Operator | The user is not authorized to operate on the specified resource. | - | diagnosis |
400 | MissingParameter.TagOrResourceId | The specified Tags and ResourcesIds are not allow to both empty. | - | diagnosis |
400 | MissingParameter.Tag | The parameter Tags.N should not be null. | - | diagnosis |
400 | MissingParameter.ResourceId | The parameter ResourceIds.N should not be null. | - | diagnosis |
400 | InvalidEncryptConfig | Encryption configuration is invalid, please modify the paramters. | - | diagnosis |
400 | SourceTypeNotSupportedForKmsEncryptedVault | Current source type is not supported for KMS encrypted vault | - | diagnosis |
400 | VaultEncryptionSlrNotExist | AliyunServiceRoleForHbrVaultEncryption doesn't exist, please create this role. | - | diagnosis |
400 | NoPermissionToCreateEcsBackupSlr | No permission to create AliyunServiceRoleForHbrEcsBackup | - | diagnosis |
400 | NoPermissionToCreateNasBackupSlr | No permission to create AliyunServiceRoleForHbrNasBackup | - | diagnosis |
400 | NoPermissionToCreateOssBackupSlr | No permission to create AliyunServiceRoleForHbrOssBackup | - | diagnosis |
400 | NoPermissionToCreateCsgBackupSlr | No permission to create AliyunServiceRoleForHbrCsgBackup | - | diagnosis |
400 | NoPermissionToCreateVaultEncryptionSlr | No permission to create AliyunServiceRoleForHbrVaultEncryption | - | diagnosis |
400 | NoPermissionToCallKms | No permission to call KMS api | - | diagnosis |
400 | ClientBindsToWormVaultCannotBeDeleted | The client is bound to a backup vault that has enabled backup lock. You cannot delete the client. | - | diagnosis |
400 | WormVaultCannotBeDeleted | The vault has enabled backup lock and cannot be deleted. | - | diagnosis |
400 | WormVaultSnapshotsCannotBeDeleted | You cannot delete snapshots in the backup locked vault. | - | diagnosis |
400 | WormVaultSupportedForStandardOnly | You can only enable backup lock for standard backup vaults. | - | diagnosis |
400 | ReplicationVaultCannotBeWormIfSourceVaultNot | The replication vault cannot be immutable if the source vault is not immutable. | - | diagnosis |
400 | OtsBackupSlrNotExist | AliyunServiceRoleForHbrOtsBackup doesn't exist, please create this role. | - | diagnosis |
400 | NoPermissionToCreateOtsBackupSlr | No permission to create AliyunServiceRoleForHbrOtsBackup | - | diagnosis |
400 | HanaUsesWormVaultCannotBeDeleted | Hana instances that use worm vault cannot be deleted. | Hana instances that use locked backup vaults cannot be deleted. | diagnosis |
400 | ContainerBackupJobStillRunning | The previous backup task for this resource is still running. | - | diagnosis |
400 | UdmBackupPlanMayExceedEcsDiskSnapshotQuota | This risky backup plan may cause more than 256 recovery points to exist at the same time, exceeding the maximum number of snapshots that can be created by a single disk, resulting in the failure of creating new snapshots. | - | diagnosis |
400 | InvalidScheduleForOtsIncrementalBackup | The schedule is invalid for tablestore incremental backup | - | diagnosis |
400 | TooLongSinceLastBackupForOtsIncrementalBackup | too long since last backup for ots incremental backup. | - | diagnosis |
400 | BrowseTimeout | Too many files in this folder, backend job have already launched, please wait for a while | - | diagnosis |
400 | BrowseDuplicateLoad | backend job have already submitted | - | diagnosis |
400 | CrossAccountBackupSlrNotExist | AliyunServiceRoleForHbrCrossAccountBackup doesn't exist, please create this role. | AliyunServiceRoleForHbrCrossAccountBackup the role does not exist, create this service association role. | diagnosis |
403 | NoPermissionToCreateCrossAccountBackupSlr | No permission to create AliyunServiceRoleForHbrCrossAccountBackup | - | diagnosis |
403 | CrossAccountItemAlreadyExists | The cross account item already exists. | - | diagnosis |
403 | InvalidCrossAccountType | The cross account type is not valid. | - | diagnosis |
400 | FailedToListOtsInstances | Failed to list ots instances. | - | diagnosis |
400 | FailedToListOtsTables | Failed to list ots tables. | - | diagnosis |
400 | FailedToGetOtsTableSize | Failed to ots table size. | - | diagnosis |
400 | FailedToListOssBuckets | Failed to list oss buckets. | - | diagnosis |
400 | FailedToListOssBucketInventory | Failed to list oss bucket inventory. | - | diagnosis |
400 | FailedToGetOssBucket | Failed to get oss bucket. | - | diagnosis |
400 | EcsAlreadyHasClientInstalledByOthers | This ECS has already been installed a client by other account. | - | diagnosis |
400 | EcsAlreadyHasClientInstalledByItsOwner | This ECS has already been installed a client by ecs owner. | - | diagnosis |
400 | CannotOperateClientInstalledByOthers | Can not operate client on this ECS because it was installed by other account. | - | diagnosis |
400 | CannotOperateClientInstalledByEcsOwner | Can not operate client on this ECS because it was installed by ECS owner. | - | diagnosis |
400 | EcsAlreadyHasAgentInstalledByOthers | Database in this ECS has already been registered for backup by other account. | - | diagnosis |
400 | EcsAlreadyHasAgentInstalledByItsOwner | Database in this ECS has already been registered for backup by ecs owner. | - | diagnosis |
400 | CannotOperateAgentInstalledByOthers | Can not operate client on this ECS because it was installed by other account. | - | diagnosis |
400 | CannotOperateAgentInstalledByEcsOwner | Can not operate client on this ECS because it was installed by ECS owner. | - | diagnosis |
400 | CannotDeleteLatestOtsSnapshot | Can not delete latest TableStore snapshot. | - | diagnosis |
400 | PolicyAlreadyBoundWithThisDataSource | This datasource has already been bound with the policy, please use another one. | - | diagnosis |
400 | ArchiveDaysTooShort | The snapshot should be in standard bucket for at least 30 days. | - | diagnosis |
400 | ArchiveRetentionDaysTooShort | The archive snapshot should be in archive bucket for at least 60 days. | - | diagnosis |
400 | CannotUpgradeClientWithRunningJobs | Cannot upgrade client when there is running job, please try again after job finished. | - | diagnosis |
400 | ReportFileTaskAlreadyExist | Report file task already exist. | - | diagnosis |
400 | InvalidPolicyPolicyNameDuplicate | The policy name is duplicated. | - | diagnosis |
400 | VaultBoundPolicyCannotBeDeleted | The vault bound to policy can not be deleted. | - | diagnosis |
404 | CannotArchiveLatestSnapshot | The latest snapshot can not be archived. | - | diagnosis |
404 | AirBackupPlanNotExists | The air backup plan does not exist. | The ECS Backup Air plan does not exist. | diagnosis |
404 | AirBackupJobNotExists | The air backup job does not exist. | The ECS Backup Air backup job does not exist. | diagnosis |
400 | AirInstanceAtLeastOnePlan | The air instance must have one plan. | The air instance must have at least one plan. | diagnosis |
404 | CommodityCodeNotSupport | The commodity code does not support. | Commodity Code is not supported. | diagnosis |
400 | InstanceHasBeenProtectedByAir | The instance has been protected by air instance. | The ECS instance is protected by other ECS Backup Air instances. | diagnosis |
400 | AirInstanceInitializing | The air instance is in INITIALIZING. | The ECS Backup Air instance is in INITIALIZING or UNBINDING status, does not support this operation. | diagnosis |
400 | ExceedMaxBytes | The bytes done exceeds 500G. | The bytes done exceeds the upper limit. | diagnosis |
400 | AirInstanceExpired | The air instance is expired, does not support this operation. | The Ecs Backup Air instance is expired, does not support this operation. | diagnosis |
400 | AirInstanceError | The air instance is error, does not support this operation. | The ECS Backup Air is in error status. This operation is not supported. Please rebind or unbind ECS. | diagnosis |
404 | AirInstanceNotExists | The air Instance does not exist. | The ECS Backup Air instance does not exist. | diagnosis |
400 | NasFileSystemTypeNotSupported | The NAS file system type is not supported. | This NAS file system type is not supported. | diagnosis |
400 | ClusterNameDuplicate | The cluster name already exists, please modify the cluster name and try again. | The cluster name already exists, please modify the cluster name and try again. | diagnosis |
400 | InvalidDestinationPath | Invalid destination path. | Invalid destination path | diagnosis |
400 | SameSourceAndDestinationDataSourceError | The source and destination data source can not be same. | Source and destination cannot be the same data source | diagnosis |
400 | ClusterNotExist | Cluster does not exist. | Cluster does not exist | diagnosis |
400 | CannotDeletePlanWithRunningJobs | Cannot delete plan with running jobs. | You cannot delete a schedule while a task is running | diagnosis |
400 | PlanNotExist | Plan doesn't exist. | Plan does not exist | diagnosis |
400 | InvalidSourcePath | Invalid source path. | Invalid source path | diagnosis |
400 | DataSourceNotExists | Data source not exist. | Data source does not exist | diagnosis |
400 | CannotDeleteArchivingSnapshot | Can not delete archiving snapshot. | The snapshot is archving, can not delete it manually. Please wait for the snapshot to expire and it will be deleted automatically by Cloud Backup service. | diagnosis |
400 | SnapshotAlreadyArchived | Can not archive archived snapshot. | The snapshot is archived, can not archive again. | diagnosis |
400 | SnapshotDetecting | The snapshot or another snapshot in the same snapshot link is detecting. | The snapshot or another snapshot in the same snapshot link is detecting, cannot detect this snapshot. | diagnosis |
500 | FileDetectionNotExits | File detection not exists. | The file detection record does not exist, please submit the ticket. | diagnosis |
400 | InvalidStatusToDetect | The archiving snapshot can not do detect. | The snapshot is archiving, can not do detect. | diagnosis |
400 | ArchiveSnapshotCannotDetect | Archive snapshot cannot detect. | The snapshot is archived, cannot do detect. | diagnosis |
400 | CannotDeleteDetectingSnapshot | Cannot delete detecting snapshot. | The snapshot is detecting, cannot be deleted. Please wait for the detection to complete before retry. | diagnosis |
400 | CannotDeleteArchivedSnapshot | Can not delete archived snapshot. | The snapshot is archived, can not delete manually. Please wait for the snapshot to expire, it will be deleted automatically by Cloud Backup service. | diagnosis |
400 | CannotArchiveDetectingSnapshot | Can not archive detecting snapshot. | The snapshot is detecting, can not be archived. Please wait for the snapshot detection to complete before retry. | diagnosis |
400 | InvalidScheduleFormat | invalid schedule format, please modify your parameter | - | diagnosis |
400 | UdmEcsInstanceWithSnapshotsCanNotBeDeleted | The ecs instance with snapshots can not be unprotected, please delete snapshots first. | The ECS instance has available backup points and cannot be unprotected. Delete the available recovery points first. | diagnosis |
400 | StandardPolicyMustSetVaultId | The standard policy must set vault id in the rules. | The standard policy must set vault id in the rules. | diagnosis |
400 | UdmEcsOnlyPolicyCanNotSetVaultId | The ecs-instance-backup-only policy can not set vault id in the rules. | The ecs-instance-backup-only policy can not set vault id in the rules. | diagnosis |
400 | InvalidPolicyType | The policy type does not allow binding to this type of data source. Please change the policy and try again. | The policy type does not allow binding to this type of data source. Please change the policy and try again. | diagnosis |
403 | PolicyBindingCreatedByTagCannotDelete | The policy binding is created by tag rule in the policy, can not be deleted. | The policy binding is created by tag rule in the policy, can not be deleted. | diagnosis |
400 | ReplicationVaultEncryptionTypeNotMatch | Replication vault encryption type not match source vault. | The replication vault encryption type is inconsistent with the source vault. Please modify the replication vault encryption type. | diagnosis |
403 | ImmutableSnapshotCannotBeDeleted | This ECS instance backup snapshot is immutable and cannot be deleted. | This ECS instance backup snapshot is immutable and cannot be deleted. | diagnosis |
404 | NoSuchEcsInstance | The ECS Instance does not exist. | - | diagnosis |
400 | SnapshotExistsCanNotDeletePlan | The backup plan or policy binding can not be deleted when snapshots exist. | The backup plan/policy still has snapshots and cannot be deleted. Delete the snapshots first. Before deleting snapshots, you can pause the backup plan if you want the backup plan to no longer run. | diagnosis |
400 | TagKeyCannotBeEmpty | The tag key in the tag filters can not be empty. | The tag key in the policy tag filters can not be empty. | diagnosis |
400 | PolicyOnExecution | The policy is on execution, please wait and retry. | The policy is on execution, please wait and retry. | diagnosis |
403 | MagpieBridgeSlrNotExist | AliyunServiceRoleForHbrMagpieBridge doesn't exist, please create this role. | AliyunServiceRoleForHbrMagpieBridge doesn't exist, please create this role. | diagnosis |
403 | NoPermissionToCreateMagpieBridgeSlr | No permission to create AliyunServiceRoleForHbrMagpieBridge. | AliyunServiceRoleForHbrMagpieBridge you do not have permission to create a service association role, please check the permission. | diagnosis |
400 | JobCanceled | The job has been canceled. | The job has been canceled. | diagnosis |
403 | CrossAccountItemNotExists | The cross account item not exists. | Cross-account information does not exist | diagnosis |
403 | VaultWithFileDetectionRunningCannotBeDeleted | The vault with file detection running cannot be deleted. | The vault with file detection running cannot be deleted. | diagnosis |
400 | NasServiceNotOpened | Alibaba Cloud NAS has not been activated. Go to the Alibaba Cloud NAS console to activate the product. | Alibaba Cloud NAS has not been activated. Go to the Alibaba Cloud NAS console to activate the product. | diagnosis |
403 | CannotUnInstallNewClientWithAegisClient | The client is being used by the Anti-Ransomware feature of Security Center and cannot be deleted. | The client is being used by the Anti-Ransomware feature of Security Center and cannot be deleted. | diagnosis |