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ApsaraDB for ClickHouse:Computing resource plan

Last Updated:Oct 17, 2024

This topic describes the fee of a computing resource plan and how to purchase and view a computing resource plan of ApsaraDB for ClickHouse Enterprise Edition.


The fees provided in this topic are for reference only. The actual fees in the console shall prevail.

Fee of a computing resource plan

A computing resource plan can be used to offset the computing resource fees of an ApsaraDB for ClickHouse Enterprise Edition cluster that resides in the China (Hangzhou), China (Shanghai), China (Beijing), China (Shenzhen), China (Hong Kong), Singapore, Japan (Tokyo), US (Virginia), or Germany (Frankfurt) region under your Alibaba Cloud account. The following table provides the unit price of computing resources in a computing resource plan.

Billing method

Unit price of computing resources


USD 0.03968/CCU × hour

Offset factors of a computing resource plan

The offset factor of a computing resource plan varies with regions. Therefore, the computing resources that can be offset by a computing resource plan are different for clusters in different regions. For example, the following table provides the computing resources that can be offset by a computing resource plan whose capacity is 360 compute capacity units (CCUs) × hour.


Offset factor

Computing resources that can be offset

China (Beijing), China (Hangzhou), China (Shanghai), and China (Shenzhen)


360.00 CCUs × hour

China (Hong Kong)


127.66 CCUs × hour (360 CCUs × hour/2.82)



135.34 CCUs × hour (360 CCUs × hour/2.66)

Japan (Tokyo)


132.84 CCUs × hour (360 CCUs × hour/2.71)

US (Virginia)


152.54 CCUs × hour (360 CCUs × hour/2.36)

Germany (Frankfurt)


197.93 CCUs × hour (360 CCUs × hour/2.61)


Computing resources that can be offset by a computing resource plan = Actual CCU usage of the current cluster × Offset factor of the region to which the current cluster belongs.

For example, you purchase a computing resource plan whose capacity is 360 CCUs × hour, you have an ApsaraDB for ClickHouse Enterprise Edition cluster in the Singapore region, an ApsaraDB for ClickHouse Enterprise Edition cluster in the US (Virginia) region, and an ApsaraDB for ClickHouse Enterprise Edition cluster in the China (Hangzhou) region, and the consumed computing resources of these clusters can be offset by the computing resource plan. If the used amount of the computing resources of the cluster in the Singapore region is 8 CCUs and the computing resources are used for 1 hour, 21.28 CCUs × hour (8 CCUs × 1 hour × 1.62) in the computing resource plan are offset. If the used amount of the computing resources of the cluster in the US (Virginia) region is 12 CCUs for the first 30 minutes and the used amount of the computing resources of the cluster in the US (Virginia) region is 8 CCUs for the second 30 minutes, 23.6 CCUs × hour (12 CCUs × 0.5 hour × 2.36 + 8 CCUs × 0.5 hour × 2.36) in the computing resource plan are offset. If the used amount of the computing resources of the cluster in the China (Hangzhou) region is 16 CCUs and the computing resources are used for 1 hour, 16 CCUs × hour (16 CCUs × 1 hour × 1) in the computing resource plan are offset. At the end of this hour, the remaining capacity of the computing resource plan is changed from 360 CCUs × hour to 299.12 CCUs × hour (360 CCUs × hour - 21.28 CCUs × hour - 23.6 CCUs × hour - 16 CCUs × hour).

Purchase a computing resource plan


Computing resource plans do not support refunds. We recommend that you estimate your resource usage before you purchase a computing resource plan to avoid waste. If the resource usage exceeds the capacity of a computing resource plan, you are charged for the excess resource usage based on the pay-as-you-go billing method.

  1. Go to the buy page of ApsaraDB for ClickHouse Enterprise Edition.

  2. Select Enterprise Edition Compute Plan for the Product Type parameter.

  3. Configure the Compute Plan Size, Resource Plan Validity Period, and Quantity parameters.

  4. Click Buy Now.

  5. On the Confirm Order page, select Terms of Service.

  6. Click Pay and complete the purchase as prompted.

View the offset information about a computing resource plan

  1. Log on to the Expenses and Costs console.

  2. In the left-side navigation pane, click Manage Reserved Instances.

  3. On the Manage Reserved Instances page, set Resource Type to Resource Packages.

  4. On the Instances tab, find the computing resource plan that you purchased based on the values in the Product Name and Resource Package Name columns, and view the total capacity and remaining capacity of the computing resource plan.

  5. On the Details tab, find the computing resource plan that you purchased, and view the offset capacities, original resource usage of clusters, and offset factors.