From June 1, 2024, WhatsApp updates its authentication rates and introduces authentication-international rates. The rate updates apply in the following countries:
Indonesia (country calling code +62). An authentication-international rate applies in Indonesia from June 1, 2024.
India (country calling code +91). An authentication-international rate applies in India from July 1, 2024.
The existing authentication rates in other countries or regions remain unchanged.
The following table describes the related updates.
Country or region where messages are received | Authentication message (USD per conversation) | Authentication message - international authentication (USD per conversation) |
India | 0.0014 | 0.028 |
Indonesia | 0.03 | 0.136 |
From July 1, 2024, the authentication rate applies in India.
Authentication-international rates apply in Indonesia from June 1, 2024 and in India from July 1, 2024.
What is an authentication-international rate?
If you open an authentication conversation with a WhatsApp user whose country calling code is for a country or region that has an authentication-international rate, you are charged the authentication-international rate under the following conditions:
Your enterprise is eligible for authentication-international rates. For more information, see the Eligibility section of this topic.
Your primary business location is another country or region. For more information, see the Primary business location section of this topic.
The conversation is opened after the authentication-international rate applies.
For example, if your enterprise resides in Indonesia and you open an authentication conversation with a WhatsApp user whose country calling code is +62 for Indonesia, you are not charged the authentication-international rate because your enterprise and the user reside in the same country. However, if your enterprise resides in India and all the preceding conditions are met, you are charged the authentication-international rate.
If your enterprise opens more than 750 thousand authentication conversations with WhatsApp users by using all WhatsApp Business Accounts (WABAs) within 30 days, and the country calling codes of the WhatsApp users are for countries or regions that have authentication-international rates, your enterprise is eligible for authentication-international rates.
If your enterprise is deemed eligible, WhatsApp specifies the start time of your enterprise 30 days later for each country or region that has an authentication-international rate. In addition, WhatsApp attempts to determine your primary business location by using public information.
Then, WhatsApp sends you an eligibility email that includes the start times and the country or region that WhatsApp determines as your primary business location. The notification is sent to you 30 days before authentication-international rates apply.
Eligibility is permanent. If your enterprise is deemed eligible, all authentication conversations opened on or after your start times are charged authentication-international rates in countries or regions where authentication-international rates apply.
Start times
Start times are timestamps for specific enterprises, or countries or regions. Start times indicate when newly opened authentication conversations are charged authentication-international rates. Authentication conversations opened by your enterprise with WhatsApp users in applied countries or regions on or after start times are charged authentication-international rates. Start times are specified when your enterprise is first deemed eligible for authentication-international rates, and start 30 days from your eligibility date. The notification is sent to you 30 days before authentication-international rates apply.
Primary business location
Your primary business location is the country or region where your enterprise resides. If WhatsApp can determine where your enterprise resides by using public information, your primary business location is displayed in the Primary Business Location field in the Business Manager from May 1, 2024.
Public information includes the following content:
Location where your enterprise is publicly traded and listed.
Corporate structure of your enterprise, including the location where your parent company or subsidiary resides or is listed
WhatsApp attempts to determine where your enterprise resides under the following conditions:
Your enterprise is deemed eligible for authentication-international rates.
You change your primary business location in the Business Manager.
This process takes up to three business days, and the following results may be obtained:
Verified: WhatsApp determines the country or region where your enterprise resides and specifies this country or region as your primary business location.
Need more information: WhatsApp requires more information to make a determination.
Rejected: WhatsApp disagrees with the country or region you specify as your primary business location in the Business Manager.
The result is included in your initial eligibility email, or in another email if you change your primary business location in the Business Manager.
If your primary business location is rejected by WhatsApp, WhatsApp requires more information to make a determination, or you disagree with the country or region WhatsApp determines to be your primary business location, you can change your primary business location in the Business Manager.
If your primary business location is not verified but the start time for a country has passed, all authentication conversations that you open with WhatsApp users in the country are charged an authentication-international rate.
Change your primary business location
You can change your primary business location at any time in the Business Manager.
To change your primary business location, perform the following steps in the Business Manager: In the left-side navigation pane, click Business portfolio info. On the Business portfolio info page, click Edit in the Primary business location section. Then, specify your primary business location and answer the questions to submit the change.
The Primary Business Location field in the Business Manager displays the status of your primary business location. Valid values:
Verified: WhatsApp has verified your primary business location.
Pending verification: WhatsApp is determining your primary business location.
Rejected: WhatsApp disagrees with the country or region you specify based on public information and what you specify as your primary business location in the Business Manager. You can change your primary business location again and submit another country or region as your primary business location.
Eligibility email
By sending authentication messages over WhatsApp, you acknowledge and agree that when your enterprise is deemed eligible for authentication-international rates, an eligibility email is sent to all of the email addresses associated with the administrators of your accounts, and all third parties with which your WABAs are shared. The third parties include the administrators of Solution Partners that can access your WABAs.
The email includes the following content:
Your exact start time for each country that has an authentication-international rate
Country or region that WhatsApp determines as your primary business location
For more information about authentication-international rates, see Authentication-International Rates.