This topic describes the error codes that may be returned when you call the ChatApp API. You can troubleshoot errors based on the description of error codes.
Error code | Description |
OK | The code returned because the request is successful. |
InvalidParameter.MessageInvalid | The error code returned because the type of message template must be specified. |
InvalidParameter.MessageInvalid | The error code returned because the message contains strings that are not supported by WhatsApp. |
InvalidParameter.FooterHaveVariable | The error code returned because variables cannot be included in the footer. |
InvalidParameter.HeaderMoreVariable | The error code returned because only one variable can be included in the header. |
InvalidParameter.HeaderTypeNotSupport | The error code returned because the type of the content that is contained in the header is not supported. |
InvalidParameter.ButtonTextHaveVariable | The error code returned because variables cannot be included in the text that you want to display on a button. |
InvalidParameter.UrlMoreVariable | The error code returned because only one variable can be included in an URL. |
InvalidParameter.PhoneNumberError | The error code returned because the phone number is invalid. |
InvalidParameter.TemplateNameExist | The error code returned because the specified name is already used by an existing template. |
InvalidParameter.CreateError | The error code returned because an error occurred when the system created a template. Check the format of the relevant request parameter. |
DelError.TemplateNotExist | The error code returned because the specified template does not exist. |
Authentication.NoAuth | The error code returned because you are not authorized to perform operations on the template. |
InvalidParameter.PageInvalid | The error code returned because the format of the specified pagination parameter is invalid. |
TemplateListError.QueryError | The error code returned because an error occurred when the system queried templates. Check the format of the relevant request parameter. |
InvalidParameter.LanguageNotSupport | The error code returned because the specified language is not supported. |
InvalidParameter.AuditStatusNotSupport | The error code returned because the specified review status is not supported. |
InvalidParameter.TemplateTypeNotSupport | The error code returned because the specified template type is not supported. |
InvalidParameter.ChannelTypeNotSupport | The error code returned because the specified channel type is not supported. |
InvalidParameter.MessageTypeNotEmpty | The error code returned because the message type must be specified when you send a non-template message. |
InvalidParameter.ContentNotEmpty | The error code returned because the message content must be specified when you send a non-template message. |
InvalidParameter.ContentError | The error code returned because the format of the message content is invalid. |
InvalidParameter.TextNotEmpty | The error code returned because the text content must be specified when you send a text message. |
InvalidParameter.MessageTypeNotSupport | The error code returned because the specified message type is not supported. |
InvalidParameter.LinkNotEmpty | The error code returned because the Link parameter must be specified when you send a document, audio, or video message. |
InvalidParameter.SendSmsNotSupport | The error code returned because fallback messages cannot be sent. |
InvalidParameter.LanguageNotEmpty | The error code returned because the language must be specified when you send a template message. |
InvalidParameter.TemplateCodeNotEmpty | The error code returned because the template code must be specified when you send a template message. |
InvalidParameter.FromOnlyNumeric | The error code returned because only digits can be included in the value of the From parameter. |
InvalidParameter.ToOnlyNumeric | The error code returned because only digits can be included in the value of the To parameter. |
InvalidParameter.FromNotSupport | The error code returned because you are not authorized to use this phone number to send messages. |
InvalidParameter.TypeNotSupport | The error code returned because the specified type is not supported. |
InvalidParameter.FromNotEmpty | The error code returned because the From parameter must be specified. |
InvalidParameter.ToNotEmpty | The error code returned because the To parameter must be specified. |
InvalidParameter.ChannelTypeNotEmpty | The error code returned because the channel type must be specified. |
InvalidParameter.TypeNotEmpty | The error code returned because the Type parameter must be specified. |
InvalidParameter.TemplateCodeError | The error code returned because messages that use the specified language template cannot be sent. |
InvalidParameter.LongitudeNotEmpty | The error code returned because the longitude information must be specified when you send a location message. |
InvalidParameter.LatitudeNotEmpty | The error code returned because the latitude information must be specified when you send a location message. |
InvalidParameter.NameNotEmpty | The error code returned because the location name must be specified when you send a location message. |
InvalidParameter.AddressNotEmpty | The error code returned because the address of the location must be specified when you send a location message. |
InvalidParameter.ToMaxSize | The error code returned because the value of the To parameter cannot exceed 20 characters in length. |
InvalidParameter.FromErrorStatus | The error code returned because the phone number must be verified before you can use it to send a message. |
InvalidParameter.ContentNull | The error code returned because the message Content must be specified when you send a template message. |
InvalidParameter.TemplateCodeMaxSize | The error code returned because the template code cannot exceed 128 characters in length. |
InvalidParameter.TemplateNull | The error code returned because the template code must be specified when you send a non-template message. |
InvalidParameter.TemplateParamsNull | The error code returned because the template parameters must be specified when you send a non-template message. |
InvalidParameter.TextMaxSize | The error code returned because the text content cannot exceed 1,024 characters in length. |
InvalidParameter.TextLinkNull | The error code returned because the Link parameter must be specified when you send a text message. |
InvalidParameter.TextCaptionNull | The error code returned because the description must be specified when you send a text message. |
InvalidParameter.TextFileNameNull | The error code returned because the file name must be specified when you send a text message. |
InvalidParameter.LinkMaxSize | The error code returned because the value of the Link parameter cannot exceed 1,024 characters in length. |
InvalidParameter.LinkStartHttp | The error code returned because the value of the Link parameter must start with http or https. |
InvalidParameter.LinkError | The error code returned because the file that is specified by the Link parameter is invalid. |
InvalidParameter.ImageError | The error code returned because the Link parameter must specify an image when you send an image message. |
InvalidParameter.VideoError | The error code returned because the Link parameter must specify a video when you send a video message. |
InvalidParameter.AudioError | The error code returned because the Link parameter must specify an audio when you send an audio message. |
InvalidParameter.DocumentError | The error code returned because the Link parameter must specify a document when you send a document message. |
InvalidParameter.AudioCaptionError | The error code returned because the Caption parameter must be specified when you send an audio message. |
InvalidParameter.ImageCaptionMaxSize | The error code returned because the value of the Caption parameter cannot exceed 1,024 characters in length. |
InvalidParameter.FileNameNotEmpty | The error code returned because the FileName parameter must be specified when you send a document message. |
InvalidParameter.MessageTypeNull | The error code returned because the MessageType parameter must be specified when you send a template message. |
InvalidParameter.InteractiveLinkNull | The error code returned because the Link parameter must be specified when you send an Interactive message. |
InvalidParameter.InteractiveCaptionNull | The error code returned because the Caption parameter must be specified when you send an Interactive message. |
InvalidParameter.InteractiveFileNameNull | The error code returned because the FileName parameter must be specified when you send an Interactive message. |
InvalidParameter.PayloadNull | The error code returned because the Payload parameter must be specified when you send a non-template message. |
InvalidParameter.PayloadMaxSize | The error code returned because a message cannot contain more than three payloads. |
InvalidParameter.PayloadMaxLength | The error code returned because the value of the Payload parameter cannot exceed 100 characters in length. |
InvalidParameter.PreviewUrlWithHttp | The error code returned because the preview URL must start with http or https. |
InvalidParameter.PreviewUrlMaxSize | The error code returned because the preview URL cannot exceed 1,024 characters in length. |
InvalidParameter.ImageFileNameEmpty | The error code returned because the FileName parameter must be specified when you send an image message. |
InvalidParameter.VideoFileNameEmpty | The error code returned because the FileName parameter must be specified when you send a video message. |
InvalidParameter.AudioFileNameEmpty | The error code returned because the FileName parameter must be specified when you send an audio message. |