Alibaba Cloud DNS PrivateZone (PrivateZone) is an Alibaba Cloud private domain name resolution and management service based on Virtual Private Cloud (VPC). After you attach virtual border routers (VBRs) and Cloud Connect Network (CCN) instances to a Cloud Enterprise Network (CEN) instance, you can configure the on-premises networks connected to the VBRs and CCN instances to access PrivateZone through the CEN instance.
The on-premises networks connected to VBRs or CCN instances must be deployed in the same region as the PrivateZone service.
For example, if the PrivateZone service is deployed in the China (Beijing) region, only on-premises networks connected to VBRs or CCN instances in China (Beijing) can access the PrivateZone service.
- PrivateZone is deployed. For more information, see PrivateZone quick start.
- The following network instances are attached to the same CEN instance: the VPC that is associated with the PrivateZone service, and the VBR and CCN instance that want to access the PrivateZone service. For more information, see Attach a network instance.
- If your on-premises network uses a CCN instance to connect to Alibaba Cloud and the account that owns the CCN instance is different from the account that owns the VPC or CEN instance, you must grant the CCN instance required permissions. For more information, see Grant permissions to CCN.
Configure access to PrivateZone
Delete PrivateZone configurations
- Log on to the CEN console.
- On the Instances page, find the CEN instance that you want to manage and click Manage in the Actions column.
- On the details page of the CEN instance, click the Private Zone tab, find the configuration that you want to delete, and then click Delete in the Actions column.
- In the Delete PrivateZone dialog box, click OK.
- RoutePrivateZoneInCenToVpc: configures access to PrivateZone.
- DescribeCenPrivateZoneRoutes: queries PrivateZone configurations.
- UnroutePrivateZoneInCenToVpc: deletes PrivateZone configurations.