This topic describes different categories of EdgeScript built-in functions.
Category | Function |
Logical functions | and, or, not, eq, ne, and null |
Numeric functions | add, sub, mul, div, mod, gt, ge, lt, le, floor, and ceil |
String functions | substr, concat, upper, lower, len, byte, match_re, capture_re, gsub_re, split, split_as_key, tohex, tostring, tochar, reverse, find, format, tobin, and trim |
Dictionary functions | set, get, foreach, and del |
Request processing functions | add_req_header, del_req_header, add_rsp_header, del_rsp_header, encode_args, decode_args, rewrite, say, print, exit, get_rsp_header, and add_rsp_cookie. |
Throttling functions | limit_rate_after and limit_rate |
Cache functions | set_cache_ttl |
Time functions | today, time, now, localtime, utctime, cookie_time, http_time, parse_http_time, and unixtime |
Cipher algorithm functions | aes_new, aes_enc, aes_dec, sha1, sha2, hmac, hmac_sha1, md5, and md5_bin |
JSON functions | json_enc and json_dec |
Miscellaneous functions | base64_enc, base64_dec, url_escape, url_unescape, rand, rand_hit, crc, tonumber, base64_enc_safe, base64_dec_safe, and randomseed |
Array functions | arr_concat, arr_insert, arr_remove, arr_sort, and arr_len |
Request logic functions | server_addr, server_port, client_addr, client_country, client_region, client_isp, ip_country, ip_region, ip_isp, req_uri, req_uri_basename, req_uri_ext, req_uri_seg, req_uri_arg, req_uri_query_string, req_scheme, req_method, req_host, req_user_agent, req_referer, req_cookie, req_first_x_forwarded, req_header, and req_id. |