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CDN:EdgeScript built-in variables

Last Updated:Jan 18, 2024

This topic describes EdgeScript built-in variables and the corresponding NGINX variables.

  • The dollar sign ($) before a variable is used to specify that the variable is a built-in variable. You can remove the dollar sign based on your business requirements.

  • Do not assign values to built-in variables in the same way as parameters.

  • You can specify at most 200 global variables and an unlimited number of local variables in a script. To specify more than 200 global variables in a script, create a custom function and use the global variables as local variables in the function.

The following table describes the EdgeScript built-in variables.

Built-in variable


NGINX variable


The value of the name parameter in the query string. The query string represents request parameters in an HTTP request.



If the {name} field contains a hyphen (-), req_uri_arg instead of $arg_ is used to extract the header value. If the request is, the header value is extracted based on req_uri_arg('example-demo').


The value of the name field in the request header.



Hyphens (-) in the {name} field must be replaced by underscores (_). For example, X-USER-ID must be changed to $http_x_user_id.


The value of the name field in the request cookie header.



If the {name} field contains a hyphen (-), req_cookie instead of $cookie_ is used to extract the header value. If the request is cookie:example-demo=123, the header value is extracted based on req_cookie('example-demo'.


The protocol type.



The protocol version.



The original host.



The original URI.



$args represents all request parameters in an HTTP request, excluding question marks (?). In the request

  • $arg_k1 returns the value of the k1 parameter: v1.

  • $args is used to return the entire query string: k1=v1&k2=v2. Question marks (?) are excluded.



The request method.



The content of uri+'?'+args.



The IP address used by the client to connect to points of presence (POPs).
