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Captcha:View verification statistics

Last Updated:May 22, 2024

After CAPTCHA 2.0 is integrated, you can query the verification statistics within the specified period of time on the Overview page of the CAPTCHA 2.0 console. This allows you to check the protection statistics of CAPTCHA 2.0 in real time. This topic describes how to view verification statistics.


  1. Log on to the CAPTCHA 2.0 console.

  2. In the left-side navigation pane, click Overview.

  3. On the Overview page, view the verification statistics and the basic information about the CAPTCHA 2.0 instance.



    Basic instance information

    You can view the following information in this section:

    • The time period that elapses after CAPTCHA 2.0 is activated.

    • The unique ID of the CAPTCHA 2.0 instance, which is used to integrate CAPTCHA 2.0 into a business client.

    • Available resource plans and total number of available calls. This feature is not released. You can click Purchase Resource Plan to purchase a resource plan. On the CAPTCHA Resource Plan page, specify the specifications and quantity to buy.


    In this section, you can view the summary data of the current day, last seven days, and last 30 days. The data includes initialization requests, verification requests, blocked verification requests, and allowed verification requests.

    Summary chart

    In this section, you can view the trends of initialization requests, verification requests, blocked verification requests, and allowed verification requests within a specific time range. You can query verification statistics by scenario name, CAPTCHA type, and time range.

    • If you click By Hour, you can query data within the last seven days.

    • If you click By Day, you can query data within the last 60 days.

    Summary list

    In this section, you can view the initialization requests, verification requests, blocked verification requests, and block percentage within a specific time range. You can query verification statistics by scenario name, CAPTCHA type, and time range.