This product(
) OpenAPI adopts RPC Signature style. See signature details in Description of the signature mechanism. We have packaged SDKs for common programming languages for developers. Developers can directly call the OpenAPI of this product by downloading the SDK without paying attention to the technical details. If the existing SDK cannot meet the usage requirements, you can connect through the signature mechanism. It will take about 5 working days. Therefore, it is recommended to join our DingTalk service group (78410016550) and sign under the guidance of experts. Before using the API, you need to prepare your identity account and access key (AccessKey) to effectively access the API through client tools (SDK, CLI, etc.). For details see getAccessKey.
Capital Flow
API | Title | Description |
QueryAccountBalance | QueryAccountBalance | Queries the balance of your account. |
QueryAccountTransactionDetails | QueryAccountTransactionDetails | Queries the details of transactions within your account. |
QueryAccountTransactions | QueryAccountTransactions | Queries transactions within your Alibaba Cloud account. |
Financial Association
API | Title | Description |
QueryRelationList | QueryRelationList | Queries the members of a management account. |
QueryPermissionList | QueryPermissionList | Queries, by relationship ID, permissions granted to accounts between which a management-member relationship is established. |
GetAccountRelation | GetAccountRelation | Queries the details of a financial relationship. |
AddAccountRelation | AddAccountRelation | Creates a financial relationship. |
ModifyAccountRelation | ModifyAccountRelation | Adds or removes permissions granted to a member in a financial relationship. |
ConfirmRelation | ConfirmRelation | Confirms the invitation initiated by the master account. |
RelieveAccountRelation | RelieveAccountRelation | Terminates a financial relationship between the management account and a member. |
Resource Tag
API | Title | Description |
QueryInstanceByTag | QueryInstanceByTag | Queries instances by tag. |
TagResources | TagResources | Add tags to resources. |
UntagResources | UntagResources | Removes tags from resources. |
Card Coupon
API | Title | Description |
QueryPrepaidCards | QueryPrepaidCards | Queries prepaid cards. |
QueryRedeem | QueryRedeem | Queries the information about a voucher. |
QueryCashCoupons | QueryCashCoupons | Queries the information about vouchers. |
Saving Plan
API | Title | Description |
CreateSavingsPlansInstance | CreateSavingsPlansInstance | Creates a savings plan. After you call this operation, a savings plan is purchased and paid for. |
QuerySavingsPlansInstance | QuerySavingsPlansInstance | Queries the information about the savings plans of the current user. |
QuerySavingsPlansDeductLog | QuerySavingsPlansDeductLog | Queries the deduction details of savings plans. |
DescribeSavingsPlansUsageTotal | DescribeSavingsPlansUsageTotal | Queries the usage summary of savings plans. |
DescribeSavingsPlansUsageDetail | DescribeSavingsPlansUsageDetail | Queries the usage details of savings plans. |
DescribeSavingsPlansCoverageTotal | DescribeSavingsPlansCoverageTotal | Queries the coverage summary of savings plans. |
DescribeSavingsPlansCoverageDetail | DescribeSavingsPlansCoverageDetail | Queries the coverage details of savings plans. |
QuerySavingsPlansDiscount | QuerySavingsPlansDiscount | Queries discounts on savings plans. |
Virtual Quotient Quota
API | Title | Description |
SetResellerUserQuota | Modify the quota ledger and consumption ledger. | Modify the quota ledger and consumption ledger. |
ChangeResellerConsumeAmount | ChangeResellerConsumeAmount | |
SetResellerUserStatus | SetResellerUserStatus |
Virtual Merchant Account
API | Title | Description |
CreateAgAccount | CreateAgAccount | Creates an account to establish a financial relationship. |
GetCustomerAccountInfo | GetCustomerAccountInfo | Queries the account information about a customer of a virtual network operator (VNO). |
GetCustomerList | GetCustomerList | Queries the IDs of customers of a virtual network operator (VNO). |
Resource Package
API | Title | Description |
QueryResourcePackageInstances | QueryResourcePackageInstances | Queries the instances of a resource plan. You can query the resource plans that are expired within one year. |
QueryDPUtilizationDetail | QueryDPUtilizationDetail | Queries the usage of resource plans, including reserved instances (RIs) and storage capacity units (SCUs). |
QueryRIUtilizationDetail | QueryRIUtilizationDetail | Queries the usage details of a reserved instance (RI). |
DescribeResourceUsageTotal | DescribeResourceUsageTotal | Queries the total usage data of reserved instances or storage capacity units (SCUs). |
DescribeResourceUsageDetail | DescribeResourceUsageDetail | Queries the usage details of reserved instances (RIs) or storage capacity units (SCUs). |
DescribeResourceCoverageTotal | DescribeResourceCoverageTotal | Queries the total coverage data of reserved instances (RIs) or storage capacity units (SCUs). |
DescribeResourceCoverageDetail | DescribeResourceCoverageDetail | Queries the coverage details of reserved instances (RIs) or storage capacity units (SCUs). |
DescribeResourcePackageProduct | DescribeResourcePackageProduct | Queries the information about resource plans of an Alibaba Cloud service. |
GetResourcePackagePrice | GetResourcePackagePrice | Queries the price of a resource plan. |
CreateResourcePackage | CreateResourcePackage | Creates a resource plan. |
RenewResourcePackage | RenewResourcePackage | Renews a resource plan. |
UpgradeResourcePackage | UpgradeResourcePackage | Upgrades a resource plan. |
Financial Bills
API | Title | Description |
SubscribeBillToOSS | SubscribeBillToOSS | Subscribes to the bills that are stored in Object Storage Service (OSS) buckets. |
UnsubscribeBillToOSS | UnsubscribeBillToOSS | Unsubscribes from the bills that are stored in Object Storage Service (OSS) buckets. |
QueryBillToOSSSubscription | QueryBillToOSSSubscription | Queries the subscribed bills that are stored in Object Storage Service (OSS) bucket. |
QueryBillOverview | QueryBillOverview | Queries the bill overview information in a billing cycle. |
QueryBill | QueryBill | Queries the bills in a billing cycle. |
QueryAccountBill | QueryAccountBill | Queries the bills of your Alibaba Cloud account within a billing cycle. You can summarize the bills by resource owner. |
QueryInstanceBill | QueryInstanceBill | Queries the bills of instances or billable items in a billing cycle. |
DescribeInstanceBill | DescribeInstanceBill | Queries the billing information about instances or billable items in a billing cycle. |
DescribeInstanceAmortizedCostByAmortizationPeriod | DescribeInstanceAmortizedCostByAmortizationPeriod | Queries the monthly allocated costs of instances by allocation month. |
DescribeProductAmortizedCostByAmortizationPeriod | DescribeProductAmortizedCostByAmortizationPeriod | Queries the allocated costs of services by allocation month. |
DescribeSplitItemBill | DescribeSplitItemBill | Queries split bills. |
API | Title | Description |
InquiryPriceRefundInstance | InquiryPriceRefundInstance | Queries the refundable amount for an instance from which you want to unsubscribe. |
GetPayAsYouGoPrice | GetPayAsYouGoPrice | Queries the pay-as-you-go price of an Alibaba Cloud service. |
GetSubscriptionPrice | GetSubscriptionPrice | Queries the subscription price of an Alibaba Cloud service. |
API | Title | Description |
QueryAvailableInstances | QueryAvailableInstances | Queries available instances. |
ReleaseInstance | ReleaseInstance | Releases instances by Virtual Network Operators (VNOs). |
CreateInstance | 实例创建服务 | Creates an instance. If you call this operation, an order for a new instance is created and the order is automatically paid for. You cannot create Elastic Compute Service (ECS) instances or ApsaraDB RDS instances by calling the operation. |
ModifyInstance | ModifyInstance | Modifies the configurations of an instance. When you call this operation, the system generates a modification order and automatically completes the payment. You cannot call this operation to modify the configurations of an Elastic Compute Service (ECS) instance or ApsaraDB RDS instance. To modify the configurations of an ECS or ApsaraDB RDS instance, call the dedicated operation of the corresponding service. |
SetRenewal | SetRenewal | Enables auto-renewal for an instance. |
ConvertChargeType | ConvertChargeType | Changes the billing method of an instance. You can call this operation to switch the billing method from pay-as-you-go to subscription for Server Load Balancer (SLB) instances, elastic IP addresses (EIPs), and NAT gateways, and switch the billing method from subscription to pay-as-you-go for SLB instances and EIPs. |
RenewInstance | RenewInstance | Renews a specified instance. You cannot call this operation to renew Elastic Compute Service (ECS) instances, ApsaraDB RDS instances, or ApsaraDB for Redis instances. To renew these types of instances, call the dedicated operation of the corresponding service. |
RefundInstance | RefundInstance | Unsubscribes from an instance that is no longer needed. |
API | Title | Description |
GetOrderDetail | GetOrderDetail | Queries the details of an order that belongs to your Alibaba Cloud account or distributors. |
QueryOrders | QueryOrders | Queries the orders of your Alibaba Cloud account or distributors. By default, orders within the last hour are queried. To query earlier orders, specify the CreateTimeStart and CreateTimeEnd parameters. |
CancelOrder | CancelOrder | Cancels an unpaid order. |
Financial Unit
API | Title | Description |
CreateCostUnit | CreateCostUnit | Creates a cost center. You can create multiple cost centers at a time. |
AllocateCostUnitResource | AllocateCostUnitResource | Transfers resource instances from the source cost center to the destination cost center. |
DeleteCostUnit | DeleteCostUnit | Deletes a cost center. |
ModifyCostUnit | ModifyCostUnit | Modifies one or more cost centers. |
QueryCostUnit | QueryCostUnit | Queries all cost centers within the current node of the cost center tree. If the ParentUnitId parameter is set to -1, all cost centers are queried. |
QueryCostUnitResource | QueryCostUnitResource | Queries the resource instances that are allocated to a cost center. If the unitId parameter is set to 0, the unallocated primary resource instances and sub-resource instances are queried. |
QueryFinancialAccountInfo | QueryFinancialAccountInfo | Queries the information about a financial account. |
API | Title | Description |
QueryEvaluateList | QueryEvaluateList | Queries the information about the orders for which you want to apply for invoices. |
QueryCustomerAddressList | QueryCustomerAddressList | Queries the addresses to which invoices are mailed. |
QueryInvoicingCustomerList | QueryInvoicingCustomerList | Queries the information about invoice titles. |
ApplyInvoice | ApplyInvoice | Submits an application for an invoice. |
API | Title | Description |
QuerySkuPriceList | QuerySkuPriceList | Queries the stock keeping units (SKUs) of a service. In most cases, a service has one or more SKUs. A service may even have tens of thousands of SKUs. You can call this operation to query the SKUs of a specific service and the prices of the SKUs. You can configure request parameters to query the specified SKUs based on the configurations of the SKUs. |
QueryCommodityList | QueryCommodityList | Queries the information about a service based on the service code. |
QueryPriceEntityList | QueryPriceEntityList | Queries the billable items of a service. |
DescribePricingModule | DescribePricingModule | Queries the pricing information about an Alibaba Cloud service. |
QueryProductList | QueryProductList | Queries the information about all Alibaba Cloud services. |
API | Title | Description |
QueryUserOmsData | QueryUserOmsData | Queries the usage data of an Alibaba Cloud service. |
SetAllExpirationDay | SetAllExpirationDay | Sets an expiration date for all Elastic Compute Service (ECS) instances. |
DescribeCostBudgetsSummary | DescribeCostBudgetsSummary | Query the summary information of the user "Cost Management-Budget". |