Queries scaling groups. You can call the DescribeScalingGroups operation to query the basic information, instances, and scaling configurations of a scaling group.
Request parameters
Parameter | Type | Required | Example | Description |
Action | String | Yes | DescribeScalingGroups | The operation that you want to perform. Set the value to DescribeScalingGroups. |
RegionId | String | Yes | cn-qingdao | The region ID of the scaling group. |
PageNumber | Integer | No | 1 | The page number. Pages start from page 1. Default value: 1. |
PageSize | Integer | No | 10 | The number of entries per page. Maximum value: 50. Default value: 10. |
ScalingGroupName | String | No | scalinggroup**** | The name of the scaling group. |
ScalingGroupName.1 | String | No | scalinggroup**** | The name of the scaling group that you want to query. The names of inactive scaling groups are not displayed in the query results, and no error is returned. |
ScalingGroupName.2 | String | No | scalinggroup**** | The name of the scaling group that you want to query. The names of inactive scaling groups are not displayed in the query results, and no error is returned. |
ScalingGroupName.3 | String | No | scalinggroup**** | The name of the scaling group that you want to query. The names of inactive scaling groups are not displayed in the query results, and no error is returned. |
ScalingGroupName.4 | String | No | scalinggroup**** | The name of the scaling group that you want to query. The names of inactive scaling groups are not displayed in the query results, and no error is returned. |
ScalingGroupName.5 | String | No | scalinggroup**** | The name of the scaling group that you want to query. The names of inactive scaling groups are not displayed in the query results, and no error is returned. |
ScalingGroupName.6 | String | No | scalinggroup**** | The name of the scaling group that you want to query. The names of inactive scaling groups are not displayed in the query results, and no error is returned. |
ScalingGroupName.7 | String | No | scalinggroup**** | The name of the scaling group that you want to query. The names of inactive scaling groups are not displayed in the query results, and no error is returned. |
ScalingGroupName.8 | String | No | scalinggroup**** | The name of the scaling group that you want to query. The names of inactive scaling groups are not displayed in the query results, and no error is returned. |
ScalingGroupName.9 | String | No | scalinggroup**** | The name of the scaling group that you want to query. The names of inactive scaling groups are not displayed in the query results, and no error is returned. |
ScalingGroupName.10 | String | No | scalinggroup**** | The name of the scaling group that you want to query. The names of inactive scaling groups are not displayed in the query results, and no error is returned. |
ScalingGroupName.11 | String | No | scalinggroup**** | The name of the scaling group that you want to query. The names of inactive scaling groups are not displayed in the query results, and no error is returned. |
ScalingGroupName.12 | String | No | scalinggroup**** | The name of the scaling group that you want to query. The names of inactive scaling groups are not displayed in the query results, and no error is returned. |
ScalingGroupName.13 | String | No | scalinggroup**** | The name of the scaling group that you want to query. The names of inactive scaling groups are not displayed in the query results, and no error is returned. |
ScalingGroupName.14 | String | No | scalinggroup**** | The name of the scaling group that you want to query. The names of inactive scaling groups are not displayed in the query results, and no error is returned. |
ScalingGroupName.15 | String | No | scalinggroup**** | The name of the scaling group that you want to query. The names of inactive scaling groups are not displayed in the query results, and no error is returned. |
ScalingGroupName.16 | String | No | scalinggroup**** | The name of the scaling group that you want to query. The names of inactive scaling groups are not displayed in the query results, and no error is returned. |
ScalingGroupName.17 | String | No | scalinggroup**** | The name of the scaling group that you want to query. The names of inactive scaling groups are not displayed in the query results, and no error is returned. |
ScalingGroupName.18 | String | No | scalinggroup**** | The name of the scaling group that you want to query. The names of inactive scaling groups are not displayed in the query results, and no error is returned. |
ScalingGroupName.19 | String | No | scalinggroup**** | The name of the scaling group that you want to query. The names of inactive scaling groups are not displayed in the query results, and no error is returned. |
ScalingGroupName.20 | String | No | scalinggroup**** | The name of the scaling group that you want to query. The names of inactive scaling groups are not displayed in the query results, and no error is returned. |
GroupType | String | No | ECS | The type of the instances in the scaling group. Valid values:
ScalingGroupId.N | String | No | asg-bp14wlu85wrpchm0**** | The ID of scaling group N that you want to query. Valid values of N: 1 to 20. The IDs of inactive scaling groups are not displayed in the query results, and no error is returned. |
ResourceGroupId | String | No | rg-123**** | The ID of the resource group to which the scaling group that you want to query belongs. Note If the specified resource group does not contain scaling groups, null is returned. |
Tag.N.Key | String | No | Department | The key of tag N. |
Tag.N.Value | String | No | Finance | The value of tag N. |
Response parameters
Parameter | Type | Example | Description |
RequestId | String | 473469C7-AA6F-4DC5-B3DB-A3DC0DE3**** | The request ID. |
PageNumber | Integer | 1 | The page number. |
PageSize | Integer | 10 | The number of entries returned per page. |
TotalCount | Integer | 1 | The total number of scaling groups. |
ScalingGroups | Array of ScalingGroup | The scaling groups. | |
ScalingGroup | |||
VpcId | String | vpc-bp1vwnn14rqpyiczj**** | The ID of the virtual private cloud (VPC) in which the scaling group resides. |
CreationTime | String | 2014-08-14T10:58Z | The time when the scaling group was created. |
TotalInstanceCount | Integer | 1 | The total number of ECS instances in the scaling group. |
ScalingGroupName | String | dyrSuvBOtO1dEdIlIbp**** | The name of the scaling group. |
SpotInstancePools | Integer | 5 | The number of instance types. Auto Scaling creates preemptible instances of multiple instance types that are provided at the lowest price. Valid values: 0 to 10. If you set |
StoppedCapacity | Integer | 1 | The number of instances that are in Economical Mode in the scaling group. |
OnDemandPercentageAboveBaseCapacity | Integer | 20 | The percentage of pay-as-you-go instances in the excess instances when the minimum number of pay-as-you-go instances is reached. OnDemandBaseCapacity specifies the minimum number of pay-as-you-go instances that must be contained in the scaling group. Valid values: 0 to 100. If you set |
ModificationTime | String | 2014-08-14T10:58Z | The time when the scaling group was last modified. |
MinSize | Integer | 1 | The lower limit of the number of ECS instances in the scaling group. |
ScalingGroupId | String | asg-bp14wlu85wrpchm0**** | The ID of the scaling group. |
CompensateWithOnDemand | Boolean | true | Indicates whether pay-as-you-go instances can be automatically created to meet the requirement on the number of ECS instances when the expected capacity of preemptible instances cannot be provided due to reasons such as cost-related issues and insufficient resources. This parameter is available only if you set
ScalingPolicy | String | recycle | The instance reclaim mode of the scaling group. Valid values:
For information about how to remove instances, see RemoveInstances. |
RemovingWaitCapacity | Integer | 1 | The number of ECS instances that are in the Pending Remove state in the scaling group. |
ActiveCapacity | Integer | 1 | The number of ECS instances that are in the In Service state in the scaling group. |
OnDemandBaseCapacity | Integer | 30 | The lower limit of the number of pay-as-you-go instances in the scaling group. Valid values: 0 to 1000. If the number of pay-as-you-go instances in the scaling group is less than the value of this parameter, Auto Scaling preferentially creates pay-as-you-go instances. If you set |
ProtectedCapacity | Integer | 1 | The number of ECS instances that are in the Protected state in the scaling group. |
HealthCheckType | String | ECS | The health check modes of the scaling group. Valid values:
LifecycleState | String | Active | The status of the scaling group. Valid values:
GroupDeletionProtection | Boolean | true | Indicates whether the Deletion Protection feature is enabled for the scaling group. Valid values:
ActiveScalingConfigurationId | String | asc-bp1et2qekq3ojr33**** | The ID of the active scaling configuration in the scaling group. |
GroupType | String | ECS | The type of the instances in the scaling group. |
MultiAZPolicy | String | PRIORITY | The scaling policy of the multi-zone scaling group of the ECS type. Valid values:
RemovingCapacity | Integer | 0 | The number of ECS instances that are being removed from the scaling group. |
PendingWaitCapacity | Integer | 1 | The number of ECS instances that are in the Pending Add state in the scaling group. |
StandbyCapacity | Integer | 1 | The number of instances that are in the Standby state in the scaling group. |
PendingCapacity | Integer | 0 | The number of ECS instances that are being added to the scaling group and still being configured. |
LaunchTemplateId | String | lt-m5e3ofjr1zn1aw7**** | The ID of the launch template used by the scaling group. |
TotalCapacity | Integer | 1 | The total weighted capacity of all ECS instances in the scaling group if you specified WeightedCapacity. In other cases, the value of this parameter indicates the total number of ECS instances in the scaling group. |
DesiredCapacity | Integer | 5 | The expected number of ECS instances in the scaling group. Auto Scaling automatically maintains the expected number of ECS instances that you specified. |
SpotInstanceRemedy | Boolean | true | Indicates whether supplementation of preemptible instances is enabled. If this parameter is set to true, Auto Scaling creates an instance to replace a preemptible instance when Auto Scaling receives a system message indicating that the preemptible instance is to be reclaimed. |
LaunchTemplateVersion | String | Default | The version of the launch template used by the scaling group. |
RegionId | String | cn-qingdao | The region ID of the scaling group. |
VSwitchId | String | vsw-bp1whw2u46cn8zubm**** | The vSwitch ID of the scaling group. |
MaxSize | Integer | 2 | The upper limit of the number of ECS instances in the scaling group. |
DefaultCooldown | Integer | 60 | The default cooldown period of the scaling group. During the cooldown period, Auto Scaling does not execute scaling operations that are triggered by CloudMonitor event-triggered tasks. |
VServerGroups | Array of VServerGroup | The backend vServer groups. | |
VServerGroup | |||
LoadBalancerId | String | 147b46d767c-cn-qingdao-cm5**** | The ID of the load balancer to which the backend vServer group belongs. |
VServerGroupAttributes | Array of VServerGroupAttribute | The attributes of the backend vServer group. | |
VServerGroupAttribute | |||
VServerGroupId | String | rsp-bp12bjrny**** | The ID of the backend vServer group. |
Weight | Integer | 1 | The weight of the backend vServer group. |
Port | Integer | 22 | The port number used by the load balancer to provide external services. |
LaunchTemplateOverrides | Array of LaunchTemplateOverride | The instance types that are specified by using the Extend Launch Template feature. | |
LaunchTemplateOverride | |||
WeightedCapacity | Integer | 4 | The weight of the instance type. The value of this parameter indicates the capacity of a single instance of the specified instance type in the scaling group. A greater weight indicates that a smaller number of instances of the specified instance type are required to reach the expected capacity. |
InstanceType | String | ecs.c5.xlarge | The instance type. The instance type that is specified by this parameter overwrites the instance type that is specified in the launch template. |
SpotPriceLimit | Float | 0.025 | The maximum bid price of instance type N that is specified by Note This parameter takes effect only if you specify |
AlbServerGroups | Array of AlbServerGroup | The Application Load Balancer (ALB) server groups. | |
AlbServerGroup | |||
AlbServerGroupId | String | sgp-ddwb0y0g6y9bjm**** | The ID of the ALB server group. |
Weight | Integer | 100 | The weight of each ECS instance in the ALB server group. |
Port | Integer | 80 | The port number used by each ECS instance in the ALB server group. |
ServerGroups | Array of ServerGroup | The server groups. Note This parameter returns the details of the ALB server groups and Network Load Balancer (NLB) server groups that are associated with the scaling group. | |
ServerGroup | |||
ServerGroupId | String | sgp-i9ouakeaerr***** | The ID of the server group. |
Type | String | ALB | The type of the server group. Valid values:
Weight | Integer | 100 | The weight of each ECS instance in the server group. |
Port | Integer | 80 | The port number used by each ECS instance in the server group. |
RemovalPolicies | Array of String | OldestScalingConfiguration | The scale-in policies. Valid values:
DBInstanceIds | Array of String | rm-bp15556qzebg1**** | The IDs of the ApsaraDB RDS instances that are associated with the scaling group. |
LoadBalancerIds | Array of String | lb-bp19byhscefk3x0li**** | The IDs of the load balancers that are associated with the scaling group. |
VSwitchIds | Array of String | vsw-bp1whw2u46cn8zubm**** | The IDs of the vSwitches that are associated with the scaling group. If you specify VSwitchIds, VSwitchId is ignored. |
SuspendedProcesses | Array of String | ScaleIn | The suspended process. If no process is suspended, null is returned. Valid values:
SystemSuspended | Boolean | true | Indicates whether Auto Scaling stops executing the scaling operation in the scaling group. Valid values:
MonitorGroupId | String | 1497**** | The ID of the CloudMonitor application group that is associated with the scaling group. |
AzBalance | Boolean | false | Indicates whether instances in the scaling group are evenly distributed across multiple zones. Valid values:
AllocationStrategy | String | priority | The allocation policy of instances. Auto Scaling selects instance types based on the allocation policy to create instances. The allocation policy applies to pay-as-you-go and preemptible instances. Valid values:
SpotAllocationStrategy | String | lowestPrice | The allocation policy of preemptible instances. This parameter indicates the method by which Auto Scaling selects instance types to create the required number of preemptible instances. This parameter takes effect only if you set
MaxInstanceLifetime | Integer | null | The maximum life span of each instance in the scaling group. Unit: seconds. Valid values: 0 or from 86400 to the value of Default value: null. Note This parameter is unavailable for scaling groups of the Elastic Container Instance type or scaling groups whose ScalingPolicy is set to recycle. |
CustomPolicyARN | String | acs:fc:cn-zhangjiakou:16145688****:services/ess_custom_terminate_policy.LATEST/functions/ess_custom_terminate_policy_name | The Alibaba Cloud Resource Name (ARN) of the custom scale-in policy (Function). This parameter is returned only if you specify CustomPolicy as the first step of the scale-in policy. |
InitCapacity | Integer | 0 | The number of instances that are in the Initialized state and ready to be scaled out in the scaling group. |
ResourceGroupId | String | rg-123**** | The ID of the resource group to which the scaling group belongs. |
LoadBalancerConfigs | Array of LoadBalancerConfig | The configurations of the CLB instances. | |
LoadBalancerConfig | |||
LoadBalancerId | String | 147b46d767c-cn-qingdao-cm5**** | The ID of the CLB instance. |
Weight | Integer | 10 | The weight of an ECS instance as a backend server in the CLB server group. If you increase the weight of an ECS instance in the CLB server group, the number of access requests that are forwarded to the ECS instance also increases. If you set Weight to 0 for an ECS instance in the CLB server group, no access requests are forwarded to the ECS instance. Valid values: 0 to 100. |
EnableDesiredCapacity | Boolean | false | Indicates whether the Expected Number of Instances feature is enabled. Valid values:
Tags | Array of Tag | The tags that are added to the scaling group. | |
Tag | |||
TagKey | String | Department | The tag key of the scaling group. |
TagValue | String | Finance | The tag value of the scaling group. |
Propagate | Boolean | false | Indicates whether the tags of the scaling group can be propagated to instances. Valid values:
Default value: false. |
HealthCheckTypes | Array of String | ECS | The health check modes of the scaling group. Valid values:
DBInstances | Array of DBInstance | The databases that are associated with the scaling group. | |
DBInstance | |||
DBInstanceId | String | rm-m5eqju85s45mu0*** | The database ID. |
Type | String | RDS | The database type. Valid values:
SecurityGroupIds | Array of String | sg-uf65zt66cf2a0q47*** | Indicates whether the security group of the scaling group are removed from the security group whitelists of the associated databases. This parameter takes effect only if you set
SpotCapacity | Integer | 0 | The number of preemptible instances in the scaling group. |
StopInstanceTimeout | Integer | 60 | The period of time that is required by ECS instances to enter the Stopped state during the scale-in process. Unit: seconds. |
Sample requests
&<Common request parameters>
Sample success responses
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
"RequestId" : "473469C7-AA6F-4DC5-B3DB-A3DC0DE3****",
"PageNumber" : 1,
"PageSize" : 10,
"TotalCount" : 1,
"ScalingGroups" : [ {
"VpcId" : "vpc-bp1vwnn14rqpyiczj****",
"CreationTime" : "2014-08-14T10:58Z",
"TotalInstanceCount" : 1,
"ScalingGroupName" : "dyrSuvBOtO1dEdIlIbp****",
"SpotInstancePools" : 5,
"StoppedCapacity" : 1,
"OnDemandPercentageAboveBaseCapacity" : 20,
"ModificationTime" : "2014-08-14T10:58Z",
"MinSize" : 1,
"ScalingGroupId" : "asg-bp14wlu85wrpchm0****",
"CompensateWithOnDemand" : true,
"ScalingPolicy" : "recycle",
"RemovingWaitCapacity" : 1,
"ActiveCapacity" : 1,
"OnDemandBaseCapacity" : 30,
"ProtectedCapacity" : 1,
"HealthCheckType" : "ECS",
"LifecycleState" : "Active",
"GroupDeletionProtection" : true,
"ActiveScalingConfigurationId" : "asc-bp1et2qekq3ojr33****",
"GroupType" : "ECS",
"MultiAZPolicy" : "PRIORITY",
"RemovingCapacity" : 0,
"PendingWaitCapacity" : 1,
"StandbyCapacity" : 1,
"PendingCapacity" : 0,
"LaunchTemplateId" : "lt-m5e3ofjr1zn1aw7****",
"TotalCapacity" : 1,
"DesiredCapacity" : 5,
"SpotInstanceRemedy" : true,
"LaunchTemplateVersion" : "Default",
"RegionId" : "cn-qingdao",
"VSwitchId" : "vsw-bp1whw2u46cn8zubm****",
"MaxSize" : 2,
"DefaultCooldown" : 60,
"VServerGroups" : [ {
"LoadBalancerId" : "147b46d767c-cn-qingdao-cm5****",
"VServerGroupAttributes" : [ {
"VServerGroupId" : "rsp-bp12bjrny****",
"Weight" : 1,
"Port" : 22
} ]
} ],
"LaunchTemplateOverrides" : [ {
"WeightedCapacity" : 4,
"InstanceType" : "ecs.c5.xlarge",
"SpotPriceLimit" : 0.025
} ],
"AlbServerGroups" : [ {
"AlbServerGroupId" : "sgp-ddwb0y0g6y9bjm****",
"Weight" : 100,
"Port" : 80
} ],
"ServerGroups" : [ {
"ServerGroupId" : "sgp-i9ouakeaerr*****",
"Type" : "ALB",
"Weight" : 100,
"Port" : 80
} ],
"RemovalPolicies" : [ "OldestScalingConfiguration" ],
"DBInstanceIds" : [ "rm-bp15556qzebg1****" ],
"LoadBalancerIds" : [ "lb-bp19byhscefk3x0li****" ],
"VSwitchIds" : [ "vsw-bp1whw2u46cn8zubm****" ],
"SuspendedProcesses" : [ "ScaleIn" ],
"SystemSuspended" : true,
"MonitorGroupId" : "1497****",
"AzBalance" : false,
"AllocationStrategy" : "priority",
"SpotAllocationStrategy" : "lowestPrice",
"CustomPolicyARN" : "acs:fc:cn-zhangjiakou:16145688****:services/ess_custom_terminate_policy.LATEST/functions/ess_custom_terminate_policy_name",
"InitCapacity" : 0,
"ResourceGroupId" : "rg-123****",
"LoadBalancerConfigs" : [ {
"LoadBalancerId" : "147b46d767c-cn-qingdao-cm5****",
"Weight" : 10
} ],
"EnableDesiredCapacity" : false,
"Tags" : [ {
"TagKey" : "Department",
"TagValue" : "Finance",
"Propagate" : false
} ],
"HealthCheckTypes" : [ "ECS" ],
"DBInstances" : [ {
"DBInstanceId" : "rm-m5eqju85s45mu0***",
"Type" : "RDS",
"SecurityGroupIds" : [ "sg-uf65zt66cf2a0q47***" ]
} ],
"SpotCapacity" : 0
} ]
Error codes
For a list of error codes, see Service error codes.