Queries scaling activities. You can call the DescribeScalingActivities operation to query the results of scaling activities triggered by scheduled tasks, event-triggered tasks, or manual execution of scaling rules. For example, you can query the status and cause of a scaling activity. You can also query the total number of instances after a scaling activity is complete.
Usage notes
You can specify a scaling group ID to query all scaling activities in the scaling group.
You can filter query results based on the status of scaling activities.
You can query scaling activities that are executed in the previous 30 days.
Request parameters
Parameter | Type | Required | Example | Description |
Action | String | Yes | DescribeScalingActivities | The operation that you want to perform. Set the value to DescribeScalingActivities. |
RegionId | String | Yes | cn-hangzhou | The region ID of the scaling group to which the scaling activity belongs. |
PageNumber | Integer | No | 1 | The page number. Pages start from page 1. Default value: 1. |
PageSize | Integer | No | 10 | The number of entries per page. Valid values: 1 to 50. Default value: 10. |
ScalingGroupId | String | No | asg-bp18p2yfxow2dloq**** | The ID of the scaling group. Note When you call this operation, you must select one of |
StatusCode | String | No | Successful | The status of the scaling activity. Valid values:
ScalingActivityId.N | String | No | asa-bp161xudmuxdzofe**** | The ID of scaling activity N that you want to query. Note When you call this operation, you must select one of |
Response parameters
Parameter | Type | Example | Description |
RequestId | String | CC107349-57B7-4405-B1BF-9BF5AF7F**** | The request ID. |
PageNumber | Integer | 1 | The page number. |
PageSize | Integer | 10 | The number of entries per page. |
TotalCount | Integer | 1 | The total number of scaling activities. |
ScalingActivities | Array of ScalingActivity | The information about the scaling activities. | |
ScalingActivity | |||
Progress | Integer | 100 | The execution progress of the scaling activity. |
ScalingInstanceNumber | Integer | 1 |
AttachedCapacity | String | 0 | The total number of instances that were manually added to the scaling group after the scaling activity was complete. |
TotalCapacity | String | 2 | The total number of instances in the scaling group after the scaling activity was complete. |
ScalingGroupId | String | asg-bp18p2yfxow2dloq**** | The ID of the scaling group. |
AutoCreatedCapacity | String | 2 | The total number of instances that were automatically created by Auto Scaling after the scaling activity was complete. |
EndTime | String | 2020-09-10T09:54Z | The time when the scaling activity ended. |
StartTime | String | 2020-09-10T09:54Z | The time when the scaling activity started. |
Description | String | Add \"1\" ECS instance | The description of the scaling activity. |
StatusCode | String | Successful | The status of the scaling activity. Valid values:
Cause | String | A user requests to execute scaling rule \"asr-bp12tcnol686y1ik****\", changing the Total Capacity from \"1\" to \"2\". | The reason why the scaling activity was triggered. |
ScalingActivityId | String | asa-bp161xudmuxdzofe**** | The ID of the scaling activity. |
StatusMessage | String | \"1\" ECS instances are added | The status information about the scaling activity. |
CreatedCapacity | Integer | 1 | The number of instances that were created during the scale-out activity. |
DestroyedCapacity | Integer | 1 | The number of instances that were released during the scale-in activity. |
StartedCapacity | Integer | 1 | The number of instances that were started from Economical Mode during the scale-out activity. |
StoppedCapacity | Integer | 1 | The number of instances that were stopped in Economical Mode during the scale-in activity. |
CreatedInstances | Array of String | [ "i-abc1", "i-abc2" ] | The instances that were created during the scale-out activity. |
DestroyedInstances | Array of String | [ "i-abc1", "i-abc2" ] | The instances that were released during the scale-in activity. |
StartedInstances | Array of String | [ "i-abc1", "i-abc2" ] | The instances that were started from Economical Mode during the scale-out activity. |
StoppedInstances | Array of String | [ "i-abc1", "i-abc2" ] | The instances that were stopped in Economical Mode during the scale-in activity. |
ErrorCode | String | OperationDenied.NoStock | The error code that is returned when the scaling activity failed. |
ErrorMessage | String | The specified ECS resource is out of stock in this region. Please try again later. | The error message that is returned when the scaling activity failed. |
Detail | String | "new ECS instances "i-j6c8ilerw, i-j6c8iler4mx" are created." | The details of the scaling activity. |
TriggerSourceType | String | Api | The type of the trigger source of the scaling activity. Valid values:
TriggerSourceId | String | 2346366580***** | The ID of the trigger source of the scaling activity.
LifecycleHookContext | Object | The context of the lifecycle hook. | |
DisableLifecycleHook | Boolean | false | Indicates whether all lifecycle hooks were disabled when the scaling activity was triggered. Valid values:
IgnoredLifecycleHookIds | Array of String | ash-bp14zolna43z266bq*** | The IDs of the lifecycle hooks that were disabled. |
ActivityMetadata | String | {\"goatscaler.io/managed\":\"true\"} | The metadata of the scaling activity. |
Sample requests
&<Common request parameters>
Sample success responses
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
<Description>Add \"1\" ECS instance</Description>
<Cause>A user requests to execute scaling rule \"asr-bp12tcnol686y1ik****\", changing the Total Capacity from \"1\" to \"2\".</Cause>
<StatusMessage>\"1\" ECS instances are added</StatusMessage>
<CreatedInstances>[ "i-abc1", "i-abc2" ]</CreatedInstances>
<DestroyedInstances>[ "i-abc1", "i-abc2" ]</DestroyedInstances>
<StartedInstances>[ "i-abc1", "i-abc2" ]</StartedInstances>
<StoppedInstances>[ "i-abc1", "i-abc2" ]</StoppedInstances>
<ErrorMessage>The specified ECS resource is out of stock in this region. Please try again later.</ErrorMessage>
<Detail>"new ECS instances "i-j6c8ilerw, i-j6c8iler4mx" are created."</Detail>
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
"RequestId" : "CC107349-57B7-4405-B1BF-9BF5AF7F****",
"PageNumber" : 1,
"PageSize" : 10,
"TotalCount" : 1,
"ScalingActivities" : [ {
"Progress" : 100,
"ScalingInstanceNumber" : 1,
"AttachedCapacity" : "0",
"TotalCapacity" : "2",
"ScalingGroupId" : "asg-bp18p2yfxow2dloq****",
"AutoCreatedCapacity" : "2",
"EndTime" : "2020-09-10T09:54Z",
"StartTime" : "2020-09-10T09:54Z",
"Description" : "Add \\\"1\\\" ECS instance",
"StatusCode" : "Successful",
"Cause" : "A user requests to execute scaling rule \\\"asr-bp12tcnol686y1ik****\\\", changing the Total Capacity from \\\"1\\\" to \\\"2\\\".",
"ScalingActivityId" : "asa-bp161xudmuxdzofe****",
"StatusMessage" : "\\\"1\\\" ECS instances are added",
"CreatedCapacity" : 1,
"DestroyedCapacity" : 1,
"StartedCapacity" : 1,
"StoppedCapacity" : 1,
"CreatedInstances" : [ "[ \"i-abc1\", \"i-abc2\" ]" ],
"DestroyedInstances" : [ "[ \"i-abc1\", \"i-abc2\" ]" ],
"StartedInstances" : [ "[ \"i-abc1\", \"i-abc2\" ]" ],
"StoppedInstances" : [ "[ \"i-abc1\", \"i-abc2\" ]" ],
"ErrorCode" : "OperationDenied.NoStock",
"ErrorMessage" : "The specified ECS resource is out of stock in this region. Please try again later.",
"Detail" : "\"new ECS instances \"i-j6c8ilerw, i-j6c8iler4mx\" are created.\"",
"TriggerSourceType" : "Api",
"TriggerSourceId" : "2346366580*****",
"LifecycleHookContext" : {
"DisableLifecycleHook" : false,
"IgnoredLifecycleHookIds" : [ "ash-bp14zolna43z266bq***" ]
"ActivityMetadata" : "{\\\"goatscaler.io/managed\\\":\\\"true\\\"}"
} ]
Error codes
For a list of error codes, see Service error codes.