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Alibaba Cloud Service Mesh:Migrate common NGINX configurations to an ASM gateway

Last Updated:Sep 06, 2023

This topic describes the mapping relationship between common NGINX configurations and those of a Service Mesh (ASM) gateway, which helps you migrate NGINX configurations to an ASM gateway.

NGINX parameter


Configuration on an ASM gateway


Allows the backend to return the Server header instead of a generic NGINX string.

The default configuration of the corresponding parameter on an ASM gateway is true.


Allows you to add a custom script to the annotations of an Ingress object to modify NGINX configurations.

An ASM gateway does not have a parameter that corresponds to this parameter. You must edit the IstioGateway YAML file to modify the configurations of an ASM gateway.


Adds the remote address to the X-Forwarded-For header instead of replacing the header.

The configuration depends on the use_remote_address parameter of Envoy, and the default value is true. For more information about how Istio processes the X-Forwarded-For header, see Configuring Gateway Network Topology.


Allows for underscores in header names.

This parameter corresponds to the headers_with_underscores_action parameter of Envoy, and the default value is true.


Sets the header field that is used to identify the originating IP address of a client.

ASM gateways do not support custom configurations of this parameter, and the default value is X-Forwarded-For.


Generates a random value of X-Request-ID if X-Request-ID does not exist in a request.

This parameter corresponds to the generate_request_id parameter of Envoy. You can change the value by using an ASM plug-in. The default value is true.


Sets whether to ignore headers with invalid names. A valid header name must contain letters, digits, and hyphens (-), and may contain underscores (_).


Whether a valid header name can contain underscores (_) is controlled by the underscores_in_headers parameter.

Envoy provides Header Validator. If the Header Validator is not configured, the default value is used. In case of an invalid header, the system prompts Bad Request.



Sets the maximum number of requests that can be processed by one keep-alive connection. After the maximum number of requests is reached, the connection is closed.

For more information about how to configure the maximum number of requests for a connection, see connectionPool.maxRequestsPerConnection in Destination Rule.


Customizes the format of logs.

ASM allows you to customize the format of logs on the Observability Settings page in the ASM console. For more information, see Configure Observability Settings.


Sets the maximum number of connections that can be opened by a worker process at the same time.

ASM allows you to configure the connectionPool.tcp.maxConnections field in Destination Rule to set the maximum number of connections to the same host.


Sets the maximum size of a request body that is allowed to a client. If the size of a request body exceeds this value, a 413 error is reported.

ASM does not support this configuration. We recommend that you transmit requests in blocks and do not use large bodies.


Sets the timeout period for establishing a connection with a proxy server. The timeout period cannot exceed 75 seconds.

For more information about how to configure the timeout period, see connectionPool.http.connectTimeout in Destination Rule.


Sets NGINX to create a separate listening socket for each worker process (by using the SO_REUSEPORT parameter) to allow a kernel to distribute incoming connections between worker processes. The default value is true.

The default configuration of the corresponding parameter on an ASM gateway is true.


Sets whether to send the NGINX Server header in responses and display the NGINX version in error pages. The default value is disabled.

By default, an ASM gateway sets the server header to the header of Envoy. However, error pages do not display Envoy versions.


Sets the global value for redirection to HTTPS if the server has a Transport Layer Security (TLS) certificate.

For more information about how to configure the redirection, see tls.httpsRedirect of Gateway.


Sets the maximum number of idle keepalive connections to upstream servers that are kept in the cache of each worker process.

ASM allows you to configure the connectionPool.tcp.maxConnections field in Destination Rule to set the maximum number of all connections to the same host in Istio, which is different from the configuration in NGINX that configures the maximum number of idle connections.


Sets a timeout period, during which idle connections to an upstream server are kept alive.

For more information about how to configure the timeout period for idle connections, see connectionPool.http.idleTimeout in Destination Rule.


  • If the value is true, NGINX forwards the incoming X-Forwarded-* header. In most cases, this parameter is used when NGINX is behind another Layer 7 proxy.

  • If the value is false, NGINX ignores the incoming value and fills in a new one.

For more information about how Istio processes the X-Forwarded-For header, see Configuring Gateway Network Topology.


Binds worker processes to the sets of CPUs.

In container environments, we recommend that you use the default value and do not configure this option.

For more information, see Ingress Nginx.