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Application Real-Time Monitoring Service:Automatically install an ARMS agent for Go in a Kubernetes cluster

Last Updated:Feb 26, 2025

You can use the Application Monitoring sub-service of Application Real-Time Monitoring Service (ARMS) to monitor Go applications that are deployed in Kubernetes clusters. ARMS allows you to monitor applications based on various performance metrics, such as the topology, API requests, abnormal transactions, slow transactions, and SQL analysis. This topic describes how to automatically install an ARMS agent for Go in a Kubernetes cluster.


This topic does not apply to Alibaba Cloud Container Service for Kubernetes (ACK) clusters. For information about how to install an ARMS agent for Go in an ACK cluster, see Automatically install an ARMS agent in ACK.


  • The kube-apiserver version of the Kubernetes cluster is 1.10 or later.

  • The cluster is accessible over the Internet, or a network connection is established between an Alibaba Cloud virtual private cloud (VPC) and the cluster by using a Cloud Enterprise Network (CEN) instance.

  • The application uses Go 1.18 or later.

Step 1: Compile the Go binary file

  1. Run the wget command to download the compilation tool instgo based on the region where the environment and machine reside. Store instgo in a directory where the compiling user has the write permissions, because instgo triggers automatic updates during compilation.

    • The compilation tool for Go, instgo, is provided by ARMS to help you monitor your Go applications.

    • If you are able to access Object Storage Service (OSS) over the Internet, you can directly use the public endpoint of the operating system and architecture in the China (Hangzhou) region to obtain the compilation tool.

    wget commands in different regions

    Linux (AMD64)


    Public URL

    VPC address

    China (Hangzhou)

    wget "" -O instgo
    wget "" -O instgo

    China (Shanghai)

    wget "" -O instgo

    wget "" -O instgo

    China (Qingdao)

    wget "" -O instgo

    wget "" -O instgo

    China (Beijing)

    wget "" -O instgo

    wget "" -O instgo

    China (Zhangjiakou)

    wget "" -O instgo

    wget "" -O instgo

    China (Hohhot)

    wget "" -O instgo

    wget "" -O instgo

    China (Ulanqab)

    wget "" -O instgo

    wget "" -O instgo

    China (Shenzhen)

    wget "" -O instgo

    wget "" -O instgo

    China (Heyuan)

    wget "" -O instgo

    wget "" -O instgo

    China (Guangzhou)

    wget "" -O instgo

    wget "" -O instgo

    China (Chengdu)

    wget "" -O instgo

    wget "" -O instgo

    China (Hong Kong)

    wget "" -O instgo

    wget "" -O instgo


    wget "" -O instgo

    wget "" -O instgo

    Malaysia (Kuala Lumpur)

    wget "" -O instgo
    wget "" -O instgo

    Indonesia (Jakarta)

    wget "" -O instgo

    wget "" -O instgo

    Japan (Tokyo)

    wget "" -O instgo

    wget "" -O instgo

    Germany (Frankfurt)

    wget "" -O instgo

    wget "" -O instgo

    UK (London)

    wget "" -O instgo

    wget "" -O instgo

    US (Virginia)

    wget "" -O instgo

    wget "" -O instgo

    US (Silicon Valley)

    wget "" -O instgo

    wget "" -O instgo

    China East 1 Finance


    wget "" -O instgo

    China East 2 Finance


    wget "" -O instgo

    China South 1 Finance


    wget "" -O instgo

    China North 2 Ali Gov

    wget "" -O instgo

    wget "" -O instgo

    Linux (ARM64)


    Public URL

    VPC address

    China (Hangzhou)

    wget "" -O instgo

    wget "" -O instgo

    China (Shanghai)

    wget "" -O instgo

    wget "" -O instgo

    China (Qingdao)

    wget "" -O instgo

    wget "" -O instgo

    China (Beijing)

    wget "" -O instgo

    wget "" -O instgo

    China (Zhangjiakou)

    wget "" -O instgo

    wget "" -O instgo

    China (Hohhot)

    wget "" -O instgo

    wget "" -O instgo

    China (Ulanqab)

    wget "" -O instgo

    wget "" -O instgo

    China (Shenzhen)

    wget "" -O instgo

    wget "" -O instgo

    China (Heyuan)

    wget "" -O instgo

    wget "" -O instgo

    China (Guangzhou)

    wget "" -O instgo

    wget "" -O instgo

    China (Chengdu)

    wget "" -O instgo

    wget "" -O instgo

    China (Hong Kong)

    wget "" -O instgo

    wget "" -O instgo


    wget "" -O instgo

    wget "" -O instgo

    Malaysia (Kuala Lumpur)

    wget "" -O instgo

    wget "" -O instgo

    Indonesia (Jakarta)

    wget "" -O instgo

    wget "" -O instgo

    Japan (Tokyo)

    wget "" -O instgo

    wget "" -O instgo

    Germany (Frankfurt)

    wget "" -O instgo

    wget "" -O instgo

    UK (London)

    wget "" -O instgo

    wget "" -O instgo

    US (Virginia)

    wget "" -O instgo

    wget "" -O instgo

    US (Silicon Valley)

    wget "" -O instgo

    wget "" -O instgo

    China East 1 Finance


    wget "" -O instgo

    China East 2 Finance


    wget "" -O instgo

    China South 1 Finance


    wget "" -O instgo

    China North 2 Ali Gov

    wget "" -O instgo

    wget "" -O instgo

    Darwin (ARM64)


    Public URL

    VPC address

    China (Hangzhou)

    wget "" -O instgo

    wget "" -O instgo

    China (Shanghai)

    wget "" -O instgo

    wget "" -O instgo

    China (Qingdao)

    wget "" -O instgo

    wget "" -O instgo

    China (Beijing)

    wget "" -O instgo

    wget "" -O instgo

    China (Zhangjiakou)

    wget "" -O instgo

    wget "" -O instgo

    China (Hohhot)

    wget "" -O instgo

    wget "" -O instgo

    China (Ulanqab)

    wget "" -O instgo

    wget "" -O instgo

    China (Shenzhen)

    wget "" -O instgo

    wget "" -O instgo

    China (Heyuan)

    wget "" -O instgo

    wget "" -O instgo

    China (Guangzhou)

    wget "" -O instgo

    wget "" -O instgo

    China (Chengdu)

    wget "" -O instgo

    wget "" -O instgo

    China (Hong Kong)

    wget "" -O instgo

    wget "" -O instgo


    wget "" -O instgo

    wget "" -O instgo

    Malaysia (Kuala Lumpur)

    wget "" -O instgo

    wget "" -O instgo

    Indonesia (Jakarta)

    wget "" -O instgo

    wget "" -O instgo

    Japan (Tokyo)

    wget "" -O instgo

    wget "" -O instgo

    Germany (Frankfurt)

    wget "" -O instgo

    wget "" -O instgo

    UK (London)

    wget "" -O instgo

    wget "" -O instgo

    US (Virginia)

    wget "" -O instgo

    wget "" -O instgo

    US (Silicon Valley)

    wget "" -O instgo

    wget "" -O instgo

    China East 1 Finance


    wget "" -O instgo

    China East 2 Finance


    wget "" -O instgo

    China South 1 Finance


    wget "" -O instgo

    China North 2 Ali Gov

    wget "" -O instgo

    wget "" -O instgo

    Darwin (AMD64)


    Public URL

    VPC address

    China (Hangzhou)

    wget "" -O instgo

    wget "" -O instgo

    China (Shanghai)

    wget "" -O instgo

    wget "" -O instgo

    China (Qingdao)

    wget "" -O instgo

    wget "" -O instgo

    China (Beijing)

    wget "" -O instgo

    wget "" -O instgo

    China (Zhangjiakou)

    wget "" -O instgo

    wget "" -O instgo

    China (Hohhot)

    wget "" -O instgo

    wget "" -O instgo

    China (Ulanqab)

    wget "" -O instgo

    wget "" -O instgo

    China (Shenzhen)

    wget "" -O instgo

    wget "" -O instgo

    China (Heyuan)

    wget "" -O instgo

    wget "" -O instgo

    China (Guangzhou)

    wget "" -O instgo

    wget "" -O instgo

    China (Chengdu)

    wget "" -O instgo

    wget "" -O instgo

    China (Hong Kong)

    wget "" -O instgo

    wget "" -O instgo


    wget "" -O instgo

    wget "" -O instgo

    Malaysia (Kuala Lumpur)

    wget "" -O instgo

    wget "" -O instgo

    Indonesia (Jakarta)

    wget "" -O instgo

    wget "" -O instgo

    Japan (Tokyo)

    wget "" -O instgo

    wget "" -O instgo

    Germany (Frankfurt)

    wget "" -O instgo

    wget "" -O instgo

    UK (London)

    wget "" -O instgo

    wget "" -O instgo

    US (Virginia)

    wget "" -O instgo

    wget "" -O instgo

    US (Silicon Valley)

    wget "" -O instgo

    wget "" -O instgo

    China East 1 Finance


    wget "" -O instgo

    China East 2 Finance


    wget "" -O instgo

    China South 1 Finance


    wget "" -O instgo

    China North 2 Ali Gov

    wget "" -O instgo

    wget "" -O instgo

    Windows (AMD64)


    Public URL

    VPC address

    China (Hangzhou)

    wget "" -O instgo.exe

    wget "" -O instgo.exe

    China (Shanghai)

    wget "" -O instgo.exe

    wget "" -O instgo.exe

    China (Qingdao)

    wget "" -O instgo.exe

    wget "" -O instgo.exe

    China (Beijing)

    wget "" -O instgo.exe

    wget "" -O instgo.exe

    China (Zhangjiakou)

    wget "" -O instgo.exe

    wget "" -O instgo.exe

    China (Hohhot)

    wget "" -O instgo.exe

    wget "" -O instgo.exe

    China (Ulanqab)

    wget "" -O instgo.exe

    wget "" -O instgo.exe

    China (Shenzhen)

    wget "" -O instgo.exe

    wget "" -O instgo.exe

    China (Heyuan)

    wget "" -O instgo.exe
    wget "" -O instgo.exe

    China (Guangzhou)

    wget "" -O instgo.exe

    wget "" -O instgo.exe

    China (Chengdu)

    wget "" -O instgo.exe

    wget "" -O instgo.exe

    China (Hong Kong)

    wget "" -O instgo.exe

    wget "" -O instgo.exe


    wget "" -O instgo.exe

    wget "" -O instgo.exe

    Malaysia (Kuala Lumpur)

    wget "" -O instgo.exe

    wget "" -O instgo.exe

    Indonesia (Jakarta)

    wget "" -O instgo.exe

    wget "" -O instgo.exe

    Japan (Tokyo)

    wget "" -O instgo.exe

    wget "" -O instgo.exe

    Germany (Frankfurt)

    wget "" -O instgo.exe

    wget "" -O instgo.exe

    UK (London)

    wget "" -O instgo.exe

    wget "" -O instgo.exe

    US (Virginia)

    wget "" -O instgo.exe

    wget "" -O instgo.exe

    US (Silicon Valley)

    wget "" -O instgo.exe

    wget "" -O instgo.exe

    China East 1 Finance


    wget "" -O instgo.exe

    China East 2 Finance


    wget "" -O instgo.exe

    China South 1 Finance


    wget "" -O instgo.exe

    China North 2 Ali Gov

    wget "" -O instgo.exe

    wget "" -O instgo.exe

  2. Grant the compilation tool the permissions required to perform the related operations.


    # Grant the permissions.
    chmod +x instgo


    In Windows, you do not need to grant permissions.

  3. Optional. Obtain the license key and set the compilation parameter.


    If you skip this step, instgo enters Dev mode and installs the ARMS agent of the latest version by default. To deploy the agent in a production environment, we recommend that you set the DescribeTraceLicenseKey parameter.

    You can call an API operation to obtain the license key. For more information, see DescribeTraceLicenseKey.

    After you obtain the license key, run the set command to set the compilation parameter.

    instgo set --licenseKey=${YourLicenseKey} --regionId=${YourRegionId} --dev=false
  4. Add instgo as a prefix to your existing compilation command and run the following command:

    instgo go build {arg1} {arg2} {arg3}
  5. Use the binary file compiled in the previous step to build the image.


  • The first time that you compile the application, the ARMS agent is downloaded to the /opt directory (C:\ProgramData in Windows) by default. If you have no permissions on the directory, you can use the --cacheDir flag to specify a cache directory or run the sudo -E command to compile the agent. In Windows, run commands to compile the application as an administrator.

  • If the compilation is forcibly stopped or killed, a residue may be caused. For information about how to clean up the residue, see Uninstall an ARMS agent for Go.

Step 2: Install Helm V3

Step 3: Install an ARMS agent for Go

You can use Application Monitoring to monitor the following types of applications: Deployment and StatefulSet. This section uses a Deployment as an example.

  1. Run the following wget command to download the installation package of the ARMS agent for Go (ack-onepilot).

     wget ''
  2. Run the following command to decompress the installation package.

    tar xvf ack-onepilot-3.3.4.tgz                 
  3. Edit the values.yaml file in the installation package. Modify the following parameters based on your business requirements and save the file.

    cluster_id: __ACK_CLUSTER_ID__
    accessKey: __ACCESSKEY__
    accessKeySecret: __ACCESSKEY_SECRET__
    uid: "__ACK_UID__"
    region_id: __ACK_REGION_ID__
    • registry: the image address of ack-onepilot.

    • cluster_id: the unique ID of the Kubernetes cluster. We recommend that you specify this parameter in the <uid>-<clusterid> format.

    • accessKey and accessKeySecret: the AccessKey ID and AccessKey secret of your Alibaba Cloud account. For more information about how to obtain an AccessKey pair, see Create an AccessKey pair.


      You must make sure that the AliyunARMSFullAccess and AliyunSTSAssumeRoleAccess policies are attached to your Alibaba Cloud account.

    • uid: the ID of your Alibaba Cloud account. To obtain the ID of your Alibaba Cloud account, move the pointer over the profile picture in the upper-right corner of the Alibaba Cloud Management Console.

    • region_id: the region ID. For more information about the regions that support Application Monitoring, see Supported regions.

  4. Install ack-onepilot.

    Run the following command without opening the installation package.

    helm3 upgrade --install ack-onepilot ack-onepilot --namespace ack-onepilot --create-namespace

Step 4: Modify the YAML file of the application

  1. Run the following command to view the YAML file of the Deployment.

    kubectl get deployment {Deployment name} -o yaml                             

    If you do not know the Deployment name, run the following command to view all Deployments. You can find the Deployment in the results. Then, view the YAML file of the application.

    kubectl get deployments --all-namespace                
  2. Run the following command to open the YAML file of the Deployment.

    kubectl edit deployment {Deployment name} -o yaml                        
  3. In the YAML file, go to the spec.template.metadata directory and add the following content.

    labels: "golang" # The value indicates that the application uses the Go language. 
      armsPilotAutoEnable: "on"
      armsPilotCreateAppName: "<your-deployment-name>"    # Replace <your-deployment-name> with the Deployment name.

    The following example shows a complete YAML file for creating and monitoring a Deployment in a Kubernetes cluster.

    View the complete YAML file

    apiVersion: apps/v1
    kind: Deployment
        app: otel-go-client
      name: otel-go-client
      namespace: default
      progressDeadlineSeconds: 600
      replicas: 1
      revisionHistoryLimit: 10
          app: otel-go-client
          maxSurge: 25%
          maxUnavailable: 25%
        type: RollingUpdate
            armsPilotAutoEnable: 'on'
            armsPilotCreateAppName: otel-go-client
            app: otel-go-client
            - image:
              imagePullPolicy: Always
              name: client
                  cpu: 250m
                  memory: 300Mi
              terminationMessagePath: /dev/termination-log
              terminationMessagePolicy: File
          dnsPolicy: ClusterFirst
          restartPolicy: Always
          schedulerName: default-scheduler
          securityContext: {}
          terminationGracePeriodSeconds: 30
    apiVersion: apps/v1
    kind: Deployment
        app: otel-go-server
      name: otel-go-server
      namespace: default
      progressDeadlineSeconds: 600
      replicas: 1
      revisionHistoryLimit: 10
          app: otel-go-server
          maxSurge: 25%
          maxUnavailable: 25%
        type: RollingUpdate
            app: otel-go-server
            armsPilotAutoEnable: 'on'
            armsPilotCreateAppName: otel-go-server
            - image:
              imagePullPolicy: Always
              name: server
                  cpu: 250m
                  memory: 300Mi
              terminationMessagePath: /dev/termination-log
              terminationMessagePolicy: File
          dnsPolicy: ClusterFirst
          restartPolicy: Always
          schedulerName: default-scheduler
          securityContext: {}
          terminationGracePeriodSeconds: 30
    apiVersion: v1
    kind: Service
        app: otel-go-server
      name: otel-server
      namespace: default
      internalTrafficPolicy: Cluster
        - IPv4
      ipFamilyPolicy: SingleStack
        - name: http
          port: 9000
          protocol: TCP
          targetPort: 9000
        app: otel-go-server
      sessionAffinity: None
      type: ClusterIP

Check the result

After about one minute, log on to the ARMS console. In the left-side navigation pane, choose Application Monitoring > Application List. If the application is displayed on the Application List page, the application is being monitored.
