How do I deploy multiple instances on a single host?
To deploy multiple instances of an application on a single host, set the -Darms.agentId parameter to specify the JVM process to connect to. This parameter indicates a logical number such as 001 and 002. The following command provides an example on how to deploy multiple instances on a single host:
java -javaagent:/{user.workspace}/ArmsAgent/aliyun-java-agent.jar -Darms.licenseKey=<LicenseKey> -Darms.appName=<AppName> -Darms.agentId=001 -jar demoApp.jar
If you use an agent whose version is earlier than, replace aliyun-java-agent.jar in the preceding code with arms-bootstrap-1.7.0-SNAPSHOT.jar. We recommend that you upgrade the agent to the latest version at the earliest opportunity.