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ApsaraMQ for Kafka:View endpoints

Last Updated:Jan 24, 2024

If you want to connect a client to an ApsaraMQ for Kafka instance to send and receive messages, you must specify the endpoint based on the network type and transmission security level of the client. Default endpoints are suitable for messaging in virtual private clouds (VPCs) with high security requirements. Simple Authentication and Security Layer (SASL) endpoints are suitable for scenarios in which transmission encryption is not required but messaging authentication is required. If you want to encrypt transmission links and authenticate messaging, we recommend that you use Secure Socket Layer (SSL) endpoints.

Background information

ApsaraMQ for Kafka provides the following types of endpoints:

  • Default endpoint: allows you to send and receive messages in a VPC, but does not support SASL authentication.

  • SASL endpoint: allows you to send and receive messages in a VPC, and supports SASL authentication.

  • SSL endpoint: allows you to send and receive messages over the Internet, and supports SASL authentication.

For information about the differences among the preceding types of endpoints, see Comparison among endpoints.

Usage notes

  • ApsaraMQ for Kafka supports endpoints in the Instance domain name:Port number format.

  • The endpoints of newly purchased ApsaraMQ for Kafka instances are displayed in the Instance domain name:Port number format.

  • The endpoints of existing ApsaraMQ for Kafka instances are displayed in the Broker IP address:Port number format. To ensure business stability and user experience, we recommend that you change the endpoint format of existing ApsaraMQ for Kafka instances to Instance domain name:Port number at the earliest opportunity.


  1. Log on to the ApsaraMQ for Kafka console. In the Resource Distribution section of the Overview page, select the region where the ApsaraMQ for Kafka instance that you want to manage resides.

  2. On the Instances page, click the name of the instance that you want to manage.

  3. On the Instance Details page, click the Instance Information tab.

  4. In the Endpoint Information section of the Instance Information tab, view the endpoint in the Instance domain name:Port number format.

    • Endpoint in the Instance domain name:Port number format: View the endpoint in the Domain Name column in the Endpoint Information section of the Instance Details page.

    • Endpoint in the Broker IP address:Port number format:

      1. In the Endpoint Information section of the Instance Details page, click Enable Domain Name Feature in the Actions column of the endpoint whose format you want to change.

      2. In the Enable Domain Name Feature message, click Enable.

      3. View the new endpoint in the Domain name column in the Endpoint Information section of the Instance Details page.

        You can continue using endpoints in the Broker IP address:Port number format. You can view the original format of an endpoint by moving the pointer over the domain name.

    • If your instance is a VPC-connected instance, only the default endpoint is displayed.

    • If your instance is an Internet- and VPC-connected instance, the default endpoint and SSL endpoint are displayed.

    • By default, SASL endpoints are not enabled for instances. Therefore, SASL endpoints are not displayed. If you want to use SASL endpoints, you must manually enable them. For more information, see Grant permissions to SASL users.

What to do next

After you obtain the endpoint of an ApsaraMQ for Kafka instance, you can use an SDK to connect to the ApsaraMQ for Kafka instance to send and receive messages. For more information, see Overview.


If your ApsaraMQ for Kafka instance is connected to a VPC by using a leased line, you must change the addresses in Domain Name System (DNS) records to and before you use an SDK to access the instance.