When you start a data migration project, OceanBase Migration Service (OMS) automatically performs a precheck to guarantee smooth migration. In the precheck, OMS checks connectivity between the source and destination databases, project configurations, settings of incremental log parameters, and other related items. This topic describes general errors that may occur during a precheck and the solutions.

A data migration project starts only after it passes the precheck. You can select a solution based on the error message by referring to the following table.
Error messageCauseSolution
Error messageCauseSolution
Failed to pass the incremental log parameter check. Incorrect parameter: supplemental_log_data_min=no.Error of the incremental log parameter.Log on to the destination database, run the alter database add supplemental log data; command and restart the database.
Failed to pass the incremental log parameter check. Incorrect parameter: supplemental_log_data_ui=no.Error of the incremental log parameter.Log on to the destination database, run the alter database add supplemental log data (unique) columns; command and restart the database.
Failed to pass the incremental log parameter check. Incorrect parameter: supplemental_log_data_pk=no.Error of the incremental log parameter.Log on to the destination database, run the alter database add supplemental log data (primary key) columns; command and restart the database.
Failed to pass the incremental log parameter check. Incorrect parameter: LOG_PARALLELISM_MAX !=1.Error of the incremental log parameter, which leads to incorrect replay sequence of SQL statements at the destination database.Log on to the destination database, run the alter system set "_log_parallelism_max" =1 scope=spfile; command and restart the database.
The user does not have the SYSDBA privilege.The _log_parallelism_max parameter cannot be checked due to insufficient authorization.Run the grant sysdba to xxx; command to grant the privilege.