If a data definition language (DDL) operation, such as adding a field to a table, is performed on the source of a data transmission project, you can use a trigger to capture information about the DDL event to ensure normal synchronization of data manipulation language (DML) operations.
Background information
When you use the data transmission service for incremental synchronization from a PostgreSQL database, only DML operations, including INSERT
, and UPDATE
, can be synchronized. However, if a DDL operation, such as adding a field to a table, is performed on the source of a project, the data transmission service cannot obtain the new table schema. As a result, DML operations related to this table object will fail to be synchronized, thereby interrupting the project. Therefore, you must first create DDL record tables and triggers at the source database to capture DDL operation information to ensure normal synchronization of DML operations.
The version of the source PostgreSQL database must be V10.x or later.
Log on to the source and switch to the database to be migrated.
For example, run the
\c <database name>
command in the PSQL tool to switch to the database to be migrated.Create two tables for recording DDL change events.
Non-DROP DDL event information table
----postgreSQL DDL EVENT TABLE---- CREATE TABLE public.oms_non_dropped_ddl_command ( id bigserial primary key, ddl_text text COLLATE pg_catalog."default", tag text COLLATE pg_catalog."default", database character varying COLLATE pg_catalog."default", schema character varying COLLATE pg_catalog."default", object_type character varying COLLATE pg_catalog."default", objid integer, top_objid integer, object_identity text COLLATE pg_catalog."default", top_object_identity text COLLATE pg_catalog."default", top_schema text COLLATE pg_catalog."default", all_children_table text COLLATE pg_catalog."default" ); ALTER TABLE public.oms_non_dropped_ddl_command REPLICA IDENTITY FULL;
DROP DDL event information table
----postgreSQL DROP DDL EVENT TABLE---- CREATE TABLE public.oms_dropped_ddl_command ( id bigserial primary key, ddl_text text COLLATE pg_catalog."default", tag text COLLATE pg_catalog."default", database character varying COLLATE pg_catalog."default", schema character varying COLLATE pg_catalog."default", objid integer, object_type text COLLATE pg_catalog."default", object_name text COLLATE pg_catalog."default" ); ALTER TABLE public.oms_dropped_ddl_command REPLICA IDENTITY FULL;
Create two event trigger functions.
Non-DROP DDL event trigger function
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION public.oms_capture_ddl_for_non_dropped() RETURNS event_trigger LANGUAGE 'plpgsql' COST 100 VOLATILE NOT LEAKPROOF SECURITY DEFINER AS $BODY$ DECLARE ddl_text text; DECLARE record_object record; DECLARE obj record; DECLARE top_objid integer; DECLARE parent_oid integer; DECLARE top_object_identity text; DECLARE top_schema text; DECLARE all_children_table text; BEGIN SELECT current_query() INTO ddl_text; FOR obj IN (SELECT * FROM pg_event_trigger_ddl_commands() WHERE TG_TAG IN ('CREATE TABLE', 'ALTER TABLE','CREATE INDEX','CREATE SCHEMA')) LOOP record_object:=obj; SELECT inhparent FROM pg_inherits WHERE inhrelid = obj.objid AND inhparent::regclass::text NOT LIKE 'pg_%' ORDER BY inhseqno DESC LIMIT 1 INTO parent_oid; WHILE parent_oid IS NOT NULL LOOP SELECT inhparent FROM pg_inherits WHERE inhrelid = parent_oid AND inhparent::regclass::text NOT LIKE 'pg_%' ORDER BY inhseqno DESC LIMIT 1 INTO top_objid; IF top_objid IS NULL THEN top_objid := parent_oid; exit; END IF; parent_oid := top_objid; END LOOP; IF top_objid IS NULL THEN top_objid :=record_object.objid; ELSE END IF; IF regexp_matches(ddl_text, 'ALTER\s+TABLE\s+.+\s+RENAME\s+TO\s+.+', 'i') IS NOT NULL THEN WITH RECURSIVE child_tables AS ( SELECT oid AS table_objid FROM pg_class WHERE oid = top_objid UNION SELECT c.oid AS table_objid FROM pg_class c JOIN pg_inherits i ON c.oid = i.inhrelid JOIN child_tables ct ON i.inhparent = ct.table_objid ) SELECT string_agg(table_objid::text, ', ') INTO all_children_table FROM child_tables WHERE table_objid <> top_objid; ELSE END IF; SELECT pn.nspname, ss.relname INTO obj from pg_catalog.pg_class ss JOIN pg_catalog.pg_namespace pn ON ss.relnamespace = pn.oid WHERE ss.oid = top_objid; top_object_identity:=obj.relname; top_schema:=obj.nspname; IF TG_TAG ='CREATE TABLE' AND record_object.object_type='table' THEN EXECUTE 'ALTER TABLE ' || record_object.object_identity || ' REPLICA IDENTITY FULL'; ELSE END IF; INSERT INTO public.oms_non_dropped_ddl_command(id,ddl_text,tag,database,schema,object_type, objid, top_objid, object_identity,top_object_identity,top_schema,all_children_table) VALUES (default,ddl_text, TG_TAG,current_database(),current_schema,record_object.object_type, record_object.objid, top_objid ,record_object.object_identity,top_object_identity,top_schema,all_children_table); END LOOP; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN RAISE LOG 'OMS ddl trriger error during command process: %', SQLERRM; END $BODY$;
DROP DDL event trigger function
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION public.oms_capture_ddl_for_dropped() RETURNS event_trigger LANGUAGE 'plpgsql' COST 100 VOLATILE NOT LEAKPROOF SECURITY DEFINER AS $BODY$ DECLARE ddl_text text; DECLARE record_object record; BEGIN SELECT current_query() INTO ddl_text; FOR record_object in (select * from pg_event_trigger_dropped_objects() WHERE TG_TAG NOT IN ('ALTER TABLE','DROP PUBLICATION','ALTER PUBLICATION')) LOOP IF record_object.object_type = 'type' THEN ELSE INSERT INTO public.oms_dropped_ddl_command(id,ddl_text,tag,database,schema, objid, object_type, object_name) VALUES (default,ddl_text, TG_TAG,current_database(),current_schema, record_object.objid, record_object.object_type, record_object.object_name); END IF; END LOOP; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN RAISE LOG 'OMS drop ddl trriger error during command process: %', SQLERRM; END $BODY$;
Change the owner of the created functions to the account used by the data transmission service to connect to the source database. In this example,
as an example.ALTER FUNCTION public.oms_capture_ddl_for_non_dropped() OWNER TO postgres; ALTER FUNCTION public.oms_capture_ddl_for_dropped() OWNER TO postgres;
Execute the following statements to create global event triggers:
CREATE EVENT TRIGGER oms_capture_ddl_for_non_dropped ON ddl_command_end WHEN TAG IN ('CREATE TABLE', 'ALTER TABLE','CREATE INDEX','CREATE SCHEMA') EXECUTE PROCEDURE public.oms_capture_ddl_for_non_dropped(); CREATE EVENT TRIGGER oms_capture_ddl_for_dropped ON sql_drop EXECUTE PROCEDURE public.oms_capture_ddl_for_dropped();
What to do next
After the data migration project is released, you must log on to the source database and run the following commands to drop the trigger functions and corresponding tables:
drop EVENT trigger oms_capture_ddl_for_dropped;
drop EVENT trigger oms_capture_ddl_for_non_dropped;
drop function public.oms_capture_ddl_for_non_dropped();
drop function public.oms_capture_ddl_for_dropped();
drop table public.oms_non_dropped_ddl_command;
drop table public.oms_dropped_ddl_command;