You can use a MySQL client to connect to a MySQL tenant of OceanBase Database. This topic describes the prerequisites and connection procedure.
The MySQL client is installed locally. OceanBase Database supports the following MySQL client versions: 5.5, 5.6, and 5.7.
The environment variable PATH contains the directory where the MySQL client is located.
Open a command-line terminal.
Enter the operating parameters of MySQL in the following format:
$mysql -h192.168.0.0 -u -P3306 -p**1*** -c -A oceanbase
-h: specifies the IP address for connecting to OceanBase Database.
-u: specifies the tenant account.
-P: specifies the OceanBase Database connection port. The default value is 3306.
-p: specifies the account password. For security reasons, you do not need to specify this parameter. In that case, you will be prompted to enter a password later. The password is invisible.
-c: specifies that comments must not be ignored in the runtime environment of MySQL.
-A: specifies not to automatically retrieve the statistical information when connecting to a MySQL tenant.
oceanbase: specifies the name of the database to be accessed. You can change it to the name of the corresponding business database.
After successful connection, the following default OceanBase command-line prompt appears on the command-line terminal:
MySQL [oceanbase]>
To exit the OBClient command-line terminal, enter
and press Enter, or press Ctrl+D.
The following sample code shows how to connect to a MySQL tenant of OceanBase Database from the MySQL client:
$mysql -h192.168.0.0 -u -P3306 -p**1*** -c -A oceanbase
Welcome to the MariaDB monitor. Commands end with ; or \g.
Your MySQL connection id is 62488
Server version: 5.6.25 OceanBase 2.2.20 (…) (Built Aug 10 2019 15:27:33)
<... Omitted…>
Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the current input statement.
MySQL [oceanbase]> SHOW DATABASES;
| Database |
| oceanbase |
| information_schema |
| mysql |
| test |
4 rows in set
MySQL [oceanbase]> exit