Term | Description |
Cassandra | ApsaraDB for Cassandra, an online distributed NoSQL database. It supports the SQL-like Cassandra query language (CQL) and multi-active geo-redundancy to provide enterprise-grade features such as security assurance, disaster recovery, monitoring, and backup and restoration. |
CQL | The Cassandra query language. It is a SQL-like query language provided by Cassandra. For more information, visit The Cassandra Query Language (CQL). |
data center | A data center is a node group that has independent power supply and network in a region. Multiple data centers within an instance are connected through the internal network and have little network latency. Faults are isolated between data centers. |
partitioner | A partitioner determines the policy of distributing data evenly among nodes. ApsaraDB for Cassandra uses Murmur3Partitioner by default. |
number of replicas | The number of replicas indicates the number of data copies in a cluster. For example, if the number of replicas is two, each row in a cluster has two replicas that are on different nodes. You can specify the number of replicas when you create a keyspace. |
replica policy | A replica policy determines the node on which replicas are stored. You can specify the replica policy when you create a keyspace. We recommend that you use NetworkTopologyStrategy to deploy a cluster in multiple data centers. |
keyspace | A keyspace contains multiple tables. You can specify replica policies for keyspaces. |