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ApsaraDB for Cassandra - Deprecated:Notice on the discontinuation of ApsaraDB for Cassandra from October 17, 2023

Last Updated:Mar 22, 2024

To meet customer requirements and provide an easier-to-use and more comprehensive service, Alibaba Cloud integrated ApsaraDB for Cassandra with Lindorm from May 2022. The name of the new service provided after integration is still Lindorm. ApsaraDB for Cassandra is discontinued from October 17, 2023.

Discontinuation date


Service status


New users cannot activate ApsaraDB for Cassandra.


Users are not allowed to renew or scale out ApsaraDB for Cassandra.


Alibaba Cloud discontinues ApsaraDB for Cassandra and no longer provides technical support for ApsaraDB for Cassandra.


Take note that after ApsaraDB for Cassandra is discontinued, your instances may be deleted at any time. If you enable auto-renewal for your instances, you are charged before the instances are released. You can submit a ticket to release instances to avoid additional fees.


If your instances are deleted, the data in the instances is lost. We recommend that you migrate or back up the data in your instances in advance.

Refund policy

Refundable amount = Paid amount - Amount for consumed resources

  • The paid amount is the money that you paid and does not include the amount that is deducted by coupons or vouchers.

  • The amount for consumed resources is calculated based on the following formula: Amount for consumed resources = Subscription price × Used duration × Discount based on the used duration.


We recommend that you use Lindorm. This is because ApsaraDB for Cassandra was integrated with Lindorm from May 2022. The name of the new service provided after integration is still Lindorm. You can import full data from a table in an ApsaraDB for Cassandra database to a wide table in an Lindorm database. For more information, see Import data from ApsaraDB for Cassandra.