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API Gateway:JWT authentication

Last Updated:Nov 23, 2022

RFC 7519-compliant JSON Web Token (JWT) is a convenient method used by API Gateway to authenticate requests. API Gateway hosts the public JSON Web Keys (JWKs) of users and uses these JWKs to sign and authenticate the JWTs in requests. Then, API Gateway forwards claim parameters to backend services as backend parameters. This simplifies the development of backend applications. This topic describes how to configure a JWT authentication plug-in. For more information about JWT and the authentication process, see JWT-based authentication.

JWT authentication plug-ins provide the same functions as OpenID Connect and bring the following benefits:

  • You do not need to configure an additional authorization API operation. JWTs can be generated and distributed in multiple ways. API Gateway is responsible only for JWT authentication by using public JWKs.

  • JWKs without kid specified are supported.

  • Multiple JWKs can be configured.

  • You can read token information from the header or query parameter of a request.

  • The token can also be read from the Cookie header in a request by using a JWT authentication plug-in.

  • If you want to transmit a JWT in an Authorization header, such as Authorization bearer {token}, you can set parameter to Authorization and parameterLocation to header, so the token information can be correctly read.

  • The jti claim-based anti-replay check is supported if you set preventJtiReplay to true.

  • Requests that do not include tokens can be forwarded to backend services without verification if you set bypassEmptyToken to true.

  • The verification on the exp setting for tokens can be skipped if you set ignoreExpirationCheck to true.

If you configure a JWT authentication plug-in and bind it to an API for which the OpenID Connect feature is configured, the JWT authentication plug-in takes effect in place of the OpenID Connect feature.

1. Obtain a JWK

RFC 7517-compliant JWKs are used to sign and authenticate JWTs. If you want to configure a JWT authentication plug-in, you must generate a valid JWK manually or by using an online JWK generator such as The following example shows a valid JWK. In the JWK example, the private key is used to sign the token, and the public key is configured in the JWT authentication plug-in to authenticate the signature.

  "kty": "RSA",
  "e": "AQAB",
  "kid": "O9fpdhrViq2zaaaBEWZITz",
  "use": "sig",
  "alg": "RS256",
  "n": "qSVxcknOm0uCq5vGsOmaorPDzHUubBmZZ4UXj-9do7w9X1uKFXAnqfto4TepSNuYU2bA_-tzSLAGBsR-BqvT6w9SjxakeiyQpVmexxnDw5WZwpWenUAcYrfSPEoNU-0hAQwFYgqZwJQMN8ptxkd0170PFauwACOx4Hfr-9FPGy8NCoIO4MfLXzJ3mJ7xqgIZp3NIOGXz-GIAbCf13ii7kSStpYqN3L_zzpvXUAos1FJ9IPXRV84tIZpFVh2lmRh0h8ImK-vI42dwlD_hOIzayL1Xno2R0T-d5AwTSdnep7g-Fwu8-sj4cCRWq3bd61Zs2QOJ8iustH0vSRMYdP5oYQ"

The preceding JWK is in the JSON format. If you want to configure a JWT authentication plug-in in the YAML format, you must use a JWK in the YAML format.*

  • For a JWT authentication plug-in, you need only to configure a public key. Keep your private key safe. The following table lists the signature algorithms supported by the JWT authentication plug-in.

Signature algorithm

Supported alg setting

RSASSA-PKCS1-V1_5 with SHA-2

RS256, RS384, RS512

Elliptic Curve (ECDSA) with SHA-2

ES256, ES384, ES512

HMAC using SHA-2

HS256, HS384, HS512


When you configure a key of the HS256, HS384, or HS512 type, the key value is base64url encoded. If the signature is invalid, check whether your key is in the same format as the key used to generate the token.

2. Configure the plug-in

You can configure a JWT authentication plug-in in the JSON or YAML format because these two formats have the same schema. You can use the yaml to json tool to convert the plug-in configuration format. The following example shows a plug-in configuration template in the YAML format:

parameter: X-Token           # The parameter from which the JWT is read. It corresponds to an API parameter. 
parameterLocation: header    # The location from which the JWT is read. Valid values: query and header. This parameter is optional if Request Mode for the bound API is set to Map (Filter Out Unknown Parameters) or Map (Pass-through Unknown Parameters). This parameter is required if Request Mode for the bound API is set to Pass-through.
preventJtiReplay: false      # Controls whether to enable the anti-replay check for jti. Default value: false.
bypassEmptyToken: false      # Controls whether to forward requests that do not include tokens to backend services without verification.
ignoreExpirationCheck: false # Controls whether to ignore the verification of the exp setting.
orAppAuth: false # The default value is false. Both the Alibaba Cloud App authentication and JWT authentication are required. If the value is true, the other authentication method is not required if one authentication is passed.
claimParameters:             # The conversion of claims to parameters. API Gateway maps JWT claims to backend parameters.
- claimName: aud             # The name of the JWT claim, which can be public or private.
  parameterName: X-Aud       # The name of the backend parameter, to which the JWT claim is mapped.
  location: header           # The location of the backend parameter, to which the JWT claim is mapped. Valid values: query, header, path, and formData.
- claimName: userId          # The name of the JWT claim, which can be public or private.
  parameterName: userId      # The name of the backend parameter, to which the JWT claim is mapped.
  location: query            # The location of the backend parameter, to which the JWT claim is mapped. Valid values: query, header, path, and formData.
# Public key in the JWK
  kty: RSA
  e: AQAB
  use: sig
  alg: RS256
  n: qSVxcknOm0uCq5vGsOmaorPDzHUubBmZZ4UXj-9do7w9X1uKFXAnqfto4TepSNuYU2bA_-tzSLAGBsR-BqvT6w9SjxakeiyQpVmexxnDw5WZwpWenUAcYrfSPEoNU-0hAQwFYgqZwJQMN8ptxkd0170PFauwACOx4Hfr-9FPGy8NCoIO4MfLXzJ3mJ7xqgIZp3NIOGXz-GIAbCf13ii7kSStpYqN3L_zzpvXUAos1FJ9IPXRV84tIZpFVh2lmRh0h8ImK-vI42dwlD_hOIzayL1Xno2R0T-d5AwTSdnep7g-Fwu8-sj4cCRWq3bd61Zs2QOJ8iustH0vSRMYdP5oYQ
# You can configure multiple JWKs and use them together with the jwk field.
# If multiple JWKs are configured, kid is required. If the JWT does not include kid, the consistency check on kid fails.
- kid: O9fpdhrViq2zaaaBEWZITz 	# If only one JWK is configured, kid is optional. If the JWT includes kid, API Gateway checks the consistency of kid.
  kty: RSA
  e: AQAB
  use: sig
  alg: RS256
  n: qSVxcknOm0uCq5v....
- kid: 10fpdhrViq2zaaaBEWZITz         # If only one JWK is configured, kid is optional. If the JWT includes kid, API Gateway checks the consistency of kid.
  kty: RSA
  e: AQAB
  use: sig
  alg: RS256
  n: qSVxcknOm0uCq5v...                
  • The JWT authentication plug-in retrieves JWTs based on the settings of parameter and parameterLocation. For example, if parameter is set to X-Token and parameterLocation is set to header, the JWT is read from the X-Token header.

  • If the parameter configured in an API has the same name as the parameter specified by parameter, do not specify parameterLocation. Otherwise, an error is reported when the API is called.

  • If you want to transmit a token in an Authorization header, such as Authorization bearer {token}, you can set parameter to Authorization and parameterLocation to header, so the token information can be correctly read.

  • If preventJtiReplay is set to true, the JWT authentication plug-in uses jti in claims to perform an anti-replay check.

  • If bypassEmptyToken is set to true and a token is not included in a request, API Gateway skips the check and directly forwards the request to a backend service.

  • If ignoreExpirationCheck is set to true, API Gateway skips the verification of the exp setting. Otherwise, API Gateway checks whether a token expires.

  • If API Gateway is required to forward claims in tokens to backend services, you can set tokenParameters to configure the following parameters to be forwarded:

    • claimName: the name of the claim in a token. When you configure a key of the HS256, HS384, or HS512 type, the key value is base64url encoded. If the signature is invalid, check whether your key is in the same format as the key used to generate the token. kid configurations are supported.

    • parameterName: the name of the parameter forwarded to a backend service.

    • location: the location of the parameter forwarded to a backend service. Valid values: header, query, path, and formData.

      • If this parameter is set to path, the backend path must contain a parameter with the same name, such as /path/{userId}.

      • If this parameter is set to formData, the body of a received request in a backend service must be of the Form type.

  • You can configure only one key in the jwk field. You can also configure multiple keys in the jwks field.

    • You can configure only one key with kid not specified.

    • You can configure multiple keys with kid specified. kid must be unique.

3. Verification rules

  • A JWT authentication plug-in obtains tokens based on the settings of parameter and parameterToken. If API Gateway is required to forward requests to backend services even when tokens are not included in the requests, set bypassEmptyToken to true.

  • If you want to configure multiple keys, abide by the following principles:

    • Preferentially select a key whose ID is the same as the value of kid in a token for signature and authentication.

    • You can configure only one key if kid is not specified. If no key whose ID is the same as the value of kid in a token exists, use the key that does not have a specified kid for signature and authentication.

    • If all the configured keys have specified kid settings, and the token in a request does not contain kid or no keys match kid, an A403JK error is reported.

  • If a token contains iat, nbf, and exp, the JWT authentication plug-in verifies the validity of their time formats. The unit of time is seconds.

  • By default, API Gateway verifies the setting of exp. If you want to skip the verification, set ignoreExpirationCheck to true.

  • tokenParameters is configured to extract the required parameters from the claims of a token. These parameters are forwarded to backend services.

4. Configuration examples

4.1. Configure a single JWK

parameter: X-Token         # The parameter from which the JWT is read. It corresponds to a parameter in an API request.
parameterLocation: header  # The location from which the JWT is read. Valid values: query and header. This parameter is optional if Request Mode for the bound API is set to Map (Filter Out Unknown Parameters) or Map (Pass-through Unknown Parameters). This parameter is required if Request Mode for the bound API is set to Pass-through.
claimParameters:           # The claims to be converted into parameters. API Gateway maps JWT claims to backend parameters.
- claimName: aud           # The name of the JWT claim, which can be public or private.
  parameterName: X-Aud     # The name of the backend parameter, to which the JWT claim is mapped.
  location: header         # The location of the backend parameter, to which the JWT claim is mapped. Valid values: query, header, path, and formData.
- claimName: userId        # The name of the JWT claim, which can be public or private.
  parameterName: userId    # The name of the backend parameter, to which the JWT claim is mapped.
  location: query          # The location of the backend parameter, to which the JWT claim is mapped. Valid values: query, header, path, and formData.
preventJtiReplay: false    # Controls whether to enable the anti-replay check for jti. Default value: false.
# Public key in the JWK
  kty: RSA
  e: AQAB
  use: sig
  alg: RS256
  n: qSVxcknOm0uCq5vGsOmaorPDzHUubBmZZ4UXj-9do7w9X1uKFXAnqfto4TepSNuYU2bA_-tzSLAGBsR-BqvT6w9SjxakeiyQpVmexxnDw5WZwpWenUAcYrfSPEoNU-0hAQwFYgqZwJQMN8ptxkd0170PFauwACOx4Hfr-9FPGy8NCoIO4MfLXzJ3mJ7xqgIZp3NIOGXz-GIAbCf13ii7kSStpYqN3L_zzpvXUAos1FJ9IPXRV84tIZpFVh2lmRh0h8ImK-vI42dwlD_hOIzayL1Xno2R0T-d5AwTSdnep7g-Fwu8-sj4cCRWq3bd61Zs2QOJ8iustH0vSRMYdP5oYQ

4.2. Configure multiple JWKs

parameter: Authorization   # The parameter from which the token is obtained. 
parameterLocation: header  # The location from which the token is obtained.
claimParameters:           # The claims to be converted into parameters. API Gateway maps JWT claims to backend parameters.
- claimName: aud           # The name of the JWT claim, which can be public or private.
  parameterName: X-Aud     # The name of the backend parameter, to which the JWT claim is mapped.
  location: header         # The location of the backend parameter, to which the JWT claim is mapped. Valid values: query, header, path, and formData.
- claimName: userId        # The name of the JWT claim, which can be public or private.
  parameterName: userId    # The name of the backend parameter, to which the JWT claim is mapped.
  location: query          # The location of the backend parameter, to which the JWT claim is mapped. Valid values: query, header, path, and formData.
preventJtiReplay: true     # Controls whether to enable the anti-replay check for jti. Default value: false.
- kid: O9fpdhrViq2zaaaBEWZITz 	# kid must be set to different values for different JWKs.
  kty: RSA
  e: AQAB
  use: sig
  alg: RS256
  n: qSVxcknOm0uCq5v....
- kid: 10fpdhrViq2zaaaBEWZITz 	# kid must be set to different values for different JWKs.
  kty: RSA
  e: AQAB
  use: sig
  alg: RS256
  n: qSVxcknOm0uCq5v...

4.3. Read a token from fields in the cookie of a request.

parameter: cookie         # The parameter from which the JWT is read. It corresponds to a parameter in an API request.
parameterLocation: header  # The location from which the JWT is read. Valid values: query and header. This parameter is optional if Request Mode for the bound API is set to Map (Filter Out Unknown Parameters) or Map (Pass-through Unknown Parameters). This parameter is required if Request Mode for the bound API is set to Pass-through.
parameterSection: token    # For example, the value of the cookie parameter is username=tom ; token=abcsef.
claimParameters:           # The claims to be converted into parameters. API Gateway maps JWT claims to backend parameters.
- claimName: aud           # The name of the JWT claim, which can be public or private.
  parameterName: X-Aud     # The name of the backend parameter, to which the JWT claim is mapped.
  location: header         # The location of the backend parameter, to which the JWT claim is mapped. Valid values: query, header, path, and formData.
- claimName: userId        # The name of the JWT claim, which can be public or private.
  parameterName: userId    # The name of the backend parameter, to which the JWT claim is mapped.
  location: query          # The location of the backend parameter, to which the JWT claim is mapped. Valid values: query, header, path, and formData.
preventJtiReplay: true     # Controls whether to enable the anti-replay check for jti. Default value: false.
- kid: O9fpdhrViq2zaaaBEWZITz 	# kid must be set to different values for different JWKs.
  kty: RSA
  e: AQAB
  use: sig
  alg: RS256
  n: qSVxcknOm0uCq5v....
- kid: 10fpdhrViq2zaaaBEWZITz 	# kid must be set to different values for different JWKs.
  kty: RSA
  e: AQAB
  use: sig
  alg: RS256
  n: qSVxcknOm0uCq5v...

In some web scenarios, users may want to save the token in a specified field of the Cookie parameter to ensure security. The JWT plug-in of API Gateway allows the token to be read from fields of the Cookie parameter. You can specify the field to save your token by using the parameterSection parameter. In the following example, API Gateway can read the token from the Cookie header.

Cookie: acw_tc=123; token=0QzRCMDBBQUYwRjE1MjYxQzU0QjY4NEM5MTc1NTQ1OUVCOTIzNzA4RDk3MDg5MzlDOTMQTVENDZCRUI1NkYyMEUyO; csrf=073957d8d2823be4f6c0cad23c764558

4.4. Configure a blacklist

JWT authentication plug-ins use blacklists to block requests sent from users who have been added to a blacklist but have obtained an official token. The plug-in works with the dataset feature to reject requests based on the claim parameters that are decrypted from the token. In addition, API Gateway allows you to set custom responses to the rejected requests. The following code provides an example about how to configure a blacklist in a JWT authentication plug-in. Note the parameter definitions that start with block:

parameter: Authorization   # The parameter from which the token is obtained. 
parameterLocation: header  # The location from which the token is obtained.
claimParameters:           # The claims to be converted into parameters. API Gateway maps JWT claims to backend parameters.
- claimName: aud           # The name of the JWT claim, which can be public or private.
  parameterName: X-Aud     # The name of the backend parameter, to which the JWT claim is mapped.
  location: header         # The location of the backend parameter, to which the JWT claim is mapped. Valid values: query, header, path, and formData.
- claimName: userId        # The name of the JWT claim, which can be public or private.
  parameterName: userId    # The name of the backend parameter, to which the JWT claim is mapped.
  location: query          # The location of the backend parameter, to which the JWT claim is mapped. Valid values: query, header, path, and formData.
blockClaimParameterName: userId  # The location of the backend parameter, to which the JWT claim is mapped. Valid values: query, header, path, and formData.
blockByDataSet: 87 b65008e92541938537b1a4a236eda5  # The location of the backend parameter, to which the JWT claim is mapped. Valid values: query, header, path, and formData.
blockStatusCode: 403       # The status code of the response that is returned to a rejected request.
blockResponseHeaders:      # The header of the response that is returned to a rejected request.
  Content-Type: application/xml
blockResponseBody:         # The body of the response that is returned to a rejected request.
  <Reason>be blocked</Reason>
- kid: O9fpdhrViq2zaaaBEWZITz          # kid must be set to different values for different JWKs.
  kty: RSA
  e: AQAB
  use: sig
  alg: RS256
  n: qSVxcknOm0uCq5v....

5. Error codes







JWT required

The error message returned because JWT-related parameters are not found.



Claim jti is required when preventJtiReplay:true

The error message returned because no valid jti claims are included in the request when preventJtiReplay is set to true in a JWT authentication plug-in.



Claim jti in JWT is used

The error message returned because the jti claim that is included in the request has been used when preventJtiReplay is set to true in a JWT authentication plug-in.



Invalid JWT: ${Reason}

The error message returned because the JWT that is read from the request is invalid.



JWT Deserialize Failed: ${Token}

The error message returned because the JWT that is read from the request fails to be parsed.



No matching JWK, kid:${kid} not found

The error message returned because no JWK matches kid configured in the JWT included in the request.



JWT is expired at ${Date}

The error message returned because the JWT that is read from the request expires.



Invalid JWT plugin config: ${JWT}

The error message returned because the JWT authentication plug-in is incorrectly configured.

If an HTTP response message includes an unexpected response code specified by ErrorCode in the X-Ca-Error-Code header, such as A403JT or I400JD, you can visit the website to check the token validity and format.

6. Limits

  • The metadata of a single plug-in cannot exceed 50 KB in size.

  • You can configure a maximum of 16 parameters to be forwarded. Both the claimName and parameterName parameters cannot exceed 32 characters in length. Only the following regular expression is supported: [A-Za-z0-9-_].

  • alg can be set to RS256, RS384, RS512, ES256, ES384, ES512, HS256, HS384, or HS512 for JWKs.