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AnalyticDB:Raster model

Last Updated:Oct 28, 2024


Raster data consists of a matrix of cells or pixels that are organized into rows and columns (or grids). Each cell contains a value that represents information, such as temperature.

Raster data can be digital aerial photographs, satellite images, digital images, or scanned maps.

GanosBase implements a raster model in AnalyticDB for PostgreSQL. This allows AnalyticDB for PostgreSQL to store and analyze raster data in a cost-effective manner by using database technologies and methods.

Quick start

  • Create extensions.

    Create extension ganos_spatialref;
    Create extension ganos_geometry;
    Create Extension Ganos_Raster;
  • Create a raster table.

    -- Specify the raster_obj column as the distribution column of the table.
    Create Table raster_table(id integer, raster_obj raster) 
    DISTRIBUTED BY (raster_obj);
  • Import raster data from Object Storage Service (OSS).

    Insert into raster_table 
    Values(1, ST_ImportFrom('chunk_table','OSS://<id>:<key>')),
    (2, ST_CreateRast('OSS://<id>:<key>'));
  • Query raster object information.

    Select ST_Height(raster_obj),ST_Width(raster_obj) From raster_table Where id = 1;
    (1 rows)
  • Create a pyramid.

    DO $$
        rast raster;
        select raster_obj into rast from raster_table where id = 1;
        rast = st_buildpyramid(rast);
        update raster_table set raster_obj = rast where id = 1;
    $$ LANGUAGE 'plpgsql';
    DO $$
        rast raster;
        select raster_obj into rast from raster_table where id = 2;
        rast = st_buildpyramid(rast, -1, 'Near', 'chunk_table');
        update raster_table set raster_obj = rast where id = 2;
    $$ LANGUAGE 'plpgsql';
  • Calculate the optimal pyramid level based on the world coordinate range, width, and height of a viewport.

    Select ST_BestPyramidLevel(rast, '((128.0, 30.0),(128.5, 30.5))', 800, 600) from raster_table where id = 1;
  • Retrieve a pixel matrix from the specified coordinate range of a raster object.

    DO $$
        rast raster;
        select raster_obj into rast from raster_table where id = 1;
        rast = st_buildpyramid(rast);
        Select ST_Clip(rast, 0, '((128.980,30.0),(129.0,30.2))', 'World');
    $$ LANGUAGE 'plpgsql';
  • Calculate the pixel coordinate range of a clipped raster area.

    Select ST_ClipDimension(raster_obj, 2, '((128.0, 30.0),(128.5, 30.5))') 
    from raster_table where id = 1;
    '((600, 720),(200, 300))'
  • Delete extensions.

    DROP Extension Ganos_Raster;
    DROP extension ganos_geometry;
    DROP extension ganos_spatialref;

SQL reference

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