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AnalyticDB for MySQL:Pricing

Last Updated:May 30, 2024

This topic describes how AnalyticDB for PostgreSQL instances are billed.

Billing methods

AnalyticDB for PostgreSQL provides the following billing methods:

  • Pay-as-you-go: You are charged on an hourly basis for the resources that you use. For short-term use, we recommend that you select the pay-as-you-go billing method. If you no longer need a pay-as-you-go instance, you can release the instance to reduce costs.

  • Subscription: You must pay a subscription fee when you create an instance. For long-term usage, the subscription billing method is more cost-effective than the pay-as-you-go billing method. You are charged lower prices for longer subscription durations. Examples: 15% off for one year, 30% off for two years, and 50% off for three years.

Elastic storage mode

AnalyticDB for PostgreSQL in elastic storage mode is officially commercially available from 2020. The elastic storage mode integrates storage and computing resources, supports elastic scaling, and provides more optional specifications. AnalyticDB for PostgreSQL in elastic storage mode is available in two editions: High-availability Edition and High-performance Edition (Basic Edition). The editions have different compute node specifications and numbers of storage replicas. The fees of AnalyticDB for PostgreSQL in elastic storage mode consist of the coordinator node resource fees, computing resource fees, and storage resource fees.

Coordinator node resources

Coordinator nodes of AnalyticDB for PostgreSQL are responsible for receiving business requests, optimizing queries, distributing workloads, and managing metadata and transactions. Coordinator node resources are provided in compute units (CUs) that have several optional specifications.

  • Before January 1, 2024, coordinator node resources are free of charge.

  • As of January 1, 2024, you are charged for coordinator node resources of 16 CUs and 32 CUs. Coordinator node resources of 8 CUs or lower specifications are still free of charge.

  • The actual prices of coordinator node resources on the buy page or in your bills shall prevail.

Computing resources

The actual prices of computing resources on the buy page or in your bills shall prevail.

Storage resources

AnalyticDB for PostgreSQL in elastic storage mode provides the following disk storage types:

  • Enterprise SSD (ESSD): suitable for High-availability Edition and High-performance Edition (Basic Edition) instances. We recommend that you select this disk storage type.

  • Ultra disk: suitable for High-availability Edition instances.

  • High-availability Edition uses a dual-replica architecture. The unit price of ESSDs for High-availability Edition instances is twice the unit price of ESSDs for High-performance Edition (Basic Edition) instances.

  • High-performance Edition (Basic Edition) uses a single-replica architecture. The underlying storage layer provides three replicas to ensure high reliability.

  • Ultra disks are unavailable for purchase. You can use existing instances that use ultra disks as expected.

The prices of different disk storage types are different. The actual prices on the buy page or in your bills shall prevail.


On the buy page of a pay-as-you-go AnalyticDB for PostgreSQL instance in elastic storage mode, the configuration fee includes the disk storage fee of only one compute node. In actual usage scenarios, you are charged for the disk storage based on the number of compute nodes.

Serverless mode

AnalyticDB for PostgreSQL in Serverless mode is officially commercially available from February 1, 2022. The Serverless mode uses an in-house cloud-native deployment architecture and supports pay-as-you-go storage. You can scale computing resources within seconds based on your business requirements and implement cache acceleration. The fees of AnalyticDB for PostgreSQL in Serverless mode consist of the coordinator node resource fees, computing resource fees, and storage resource fees.

Coordinator node resources

Coordinator nodes of AnalyticDB for PostgreSQL are responsible for receiving business requests, optimizing queries, distributing workloads, and managing metadata and transactions. Coordinator node resources are provided in compute units (CUs) that have several optional specifications.

  • Before January 1, 2024, coordinator node resources are free of charge.

  • As of January 1, 2024, you are charged for coordinator node resources of 16 CUs and 32 CUs. Coordinator node resources of 8 CUs or lower specifications are still free of charge.

  • The actual prices of coordinator node resources on the buy page or in your bills shall prevail.

Computing resources

  • Automatic scheduling mode

    For AnalyticDB for PostgreSQL instances in Serverless automatic scheduling mode, you are charged for computing resources per second based on the AnalyticDB compute units (ACUs) that measure the computing power of instances. The system collects the number of used ACUs and generates bills on an hourly basis.

    Computing power unit

    USD per ACU-hour

    Minimum ACUs


    You are not charged for computing resources during public preview of automatic scheduling.


  • Manual scheduling mode

    For subscription and pay-as-you-go AnalyticDB for PostgreSQL instances in Serverless manual scheduling mode, the actual prices of computing resources on the buy page or in your bills shall prevail.

Storage resources

You are charged for the storage resources of AnalyticDB for PostgreSQL instances in Serverless mode based on only the pay-as-you-go billing method. You do not need to buy storage resources when you purchase an instance. You are charged based on the used storage.

The actual prices of storage resources on the buy page or in your bills shall prevail.

Reserved storage mode

For information about prices of AnalyticDB for PostgreSQL instances in reserved storage mode, see

AnalyticDB for PostgreSQL pricing.