This topic describes a compatibility test for Scriptella and AnalyticDB for MySQL. Compatibility is tested for a variety of aspects including connectivity, table creation, table data query, data write, and view creation.
Test environment
Java | JDBC | Scriptella |
Java 1.8.0_231 | MySQL Connector 5.1.48 |
Test scope
Run the following command
java -jar scriptella.jar -debug etl.xml
Run ETL scripts
<!DOCTYPE etl SYSTEM ""> <etl> <connection id="adb" driver="mysql" url="jdbc:mysql://" user="k*****" password="" classpath="/Library/scriptella-1.2/mysql-connector-java-5.1.48.jar;/Library/scriptella-1.2/mysql-connector-java-5.1.48-bin.jar" /> <!-- DROP TABLE --> <script connection-id="adb"> drop table if exists `student_etl`; </script> <!-- CREATE TABLE --> <script connection-id="adb"> Create Table `student_etl` (`id` bigint, `name` varchar, `unit` int ) DISTRIBUTED BY HASH(`id`) INDEX_ALL='Y'; </script> <!-- QUERY --> <query connection-id="adb"> SELECT * FROM student </query> <!-- INSERT TABLE --> <script connection-id="adb"> insert into student_etl select * from student; </script> <!-- CREATE VIEW --> <script connection-id="adb"> create view student_view as select * from student; </script> </etl>
Return values
2019-12-4 15:02:31 <Progress> Execution Progress.Initializing properties: 1% 2019-12-4 15:02:31 <Details> registerDriver: com.mysql.jdbc.Driver@6f539caf 2019-12-4 15:02:31 <Details> Found driver class com.mysql.jdbc.Driver 2019-12-4 15:02:31 <Details> DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:mysql://") 2019-12-4 15:02:31 <Details> trying com.mysql.jdbc.Driver 2019-12-4 15:02:32 <Details> getConnection returning com.mysql.jdbc.Driver 2019-12-4 15:02:32 <Details> jdbc:mysql:// Statement cache is enabled (cache size 64). Statement separator ';'. Autocommit: false. 2019-12-4 15:02:32 <Progress> Execution Progress.Initialized connection JdbcConnection{com.mysql.jdbc.JDBC4Connection}, Dialect{MySQL 5.1.35-analyticdb}, properties {}: 5% 2019-12-4 15:02:32 <Progress> Execution Progress./etl/script[2] prepared: 6% 2019-12-4 15:02:32 <Progress> Execution Progress./etl/script[3] prepared: 7% 2019-12-4 15:02:32 <Progress> Execution Progress./etl/script[4] prepared: 10% 2019-12-4 15:02:32 <Progress> Registered JMX mbean: scriptella:type=etl,url="file:/Library/scriptella-1.2/etl.xml" 2019-12-4 15:02:32 <Details> Executing script /etl/script[1] 2019-12-4 15:02:33 <Details> Executed statement drop table if exists `student_etl`. Update count: 0 2019-12-4 15:02:33 <Details> Script /etl/script[1] completed 2019-12-4 15:02:33 <Progress> Execution Progress./etl/script[1] executed: 27% 2019-12-4 15:02:33 <Details> Executing script /etl/script[2] 2019-12-4 15:02:34 <Details> Executed statement Create Table `student_etl` (`id` bigint, `name` varchar, `unit` int ) DISTRIBUTED BY HASH(`id`) INDEX_ALL='Y'. Update count: 0 2019-12-4 15:02:34 <Details> Script /etl/script[2] completed 2019-12-4 15:02:34 <Progress> Execution Progress./etl/script[2] executed: 44% 2019-12-4 15:02:34 <Details> Executing query /etl/query[1] 2019-12-4 15:02:34 <Details> Processing row #1 for query /etl/query[1] 2019-12-4 15:02:34 <Details> Processing row #2 for query /etl/query[1] 2019-12-4 15:02:34 <Details> Executed statement SELECT * FROM student 2019-12-4 15:02:34 <Details> Query /etl/query[1] processed. 2019-12-4 15:02:34 <Progress> Execution Progress./etl/query[1] executed: 61% 2019-12-4 15:02:34 <Details> Executing script /etl/script[3] 2019-12-4 15:02:34 <Details> Executed statement insert into student_etl select * from student. Update count: 2 2019-12-4 15:02:34 <Details> Script /etl/script[3] completed 2019-12-4 15:02:34 <Progress> Execution Progress./etl/script[3] executed: 78% 2019-12-4 15:02:34 <Details> Executing script /etl/script[4] 2019-12-4 15:02:35 <Details> Executed statement create view student_view as select * from student. Update count: 0 2019-12-4 15:02:35 <Details> Script /etl/script[4] completed 2019-12-4 15:02:35 <Progress> Execution Progress./etl/script[4] executed: 95% 2019-12-4 15:02:35 <Progress> Execution Progress.Complete 2019-12-4 15:02:35 <Details> Commiting connection JdbcConnection{com.mysql.jdbc.JDBC4Connection} 2019-12-4 15:02:35 <Details> Closing JdbcConnection{com.mysql.jdbc.JDBC4Connection} 2019-12-4 15:02:35 <Progress> Execution statistics: Executed 1 query, 4 scripts, 5 statements /etl/script[1]: Element successfully executed (1 statement). Working time 897 milliseconds. Avg throughput: 1.11 statements/sec. /etl/script[2]: Element successfully executed (1 statement). Working time 821 milliseconds. Avg throughput: 1.22 statements/sec. /etl/query[1]: Element successfully executed (1 statement). Working time 36 milliseconds. Avg throughput: 27.27 statements/sec. /etl/script[3]: Element successfully executed (1 statement). Working time 702 milliseconds. Avg throughput: 1.42 statements/sec. /etl/script[4]: Element successfully executed (1 statement). Working time 303 milliseconds. Avg throughput: 3.3 statements/sec. Total working time: 3.17 seconds 2019-12-4 15:02:35 <Progress> Successfully executed ETL file /Library/scriptella-1.2/etl.xml