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AnalyticDB:Instructions for new AnalyticDB for MySQL users

Last Updated:Sep 08, 2024

The first time you use AnalyticDB for MySQL, we recommend that you read the following topics:

  • Product page: provides general information, core capabilities, and pricing of AnalyticDB for MySQL.

  • Getting started with Data Warehouse Edition: describes how to create a Data Warehouse Edition cluster, database account, database, and table, configure a whitelist, connect to a cluster, and synchronize data.

  • Getting started with Data Lakehouse Edition: describes how to create a Data Lakehouse Edition cluster, database account, and resource group, associate the database account with a Resource Access Management (RAM) user, analyze data, and perform job development.

After you get started, you can read the following topics to understand features of AnalyticDB for MySQL:

  • Connect to an AnalyticDB for MySQL cluster: describes how to connect to AnalyticDB for MySQL for application development.

  • Data import: provides solutions for migrating data from existing data sources to AnalyticDB for MySQL.

  • Data Visualization: describes how to use BI tools that are compatible with AnalyticDB for MySQL to integrate data in AnalyticDB for MySQL, and provide reports for decision-making in a fast and accurate way.

  • Use metadata discovery to import data to Data Lakehouse Edition: describes the metadata discovery feature that automatically discovers Object Storage Service (OSS) buckets and objects that are stored in the same region as AnalyticDB for MySQL Enterprise Edition, Basic Edition, and Data Lakehouse Edition clusters, and creates and updates data lake metadata.

  • Job development: describes the job development capabilities provided by AnalyticDB for MySQL Enterprise Edition, Basic Edition, and Data Lakehouse Edition. The open source Spark engine and the in-house XIHE engine developed by the AnalyticDB for MySQL team can be used to implement different job development methods.

  • Job scheduling: describes the job scheduling capabilities provided by AnalyticDB for MySQL Enterprise Edition, Basic Edition, and Data Lakehouse Edition for batch SQL and Spark applications. Job scheduling can help you implement complex extract-transform-load (ETL) tasks.

  • SQL Manual: describes data types and SQL syntax supported by AnalyticDB for MySQL along with examples.

  • System Functions: describes functions supported by AnalyticDB for MySQL along with examples.