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Last Updated:Jun 30, 2023

This topic describes how to use the ORDER BY clause to sort query results.


ORDER BY expression
[ ASC | DESC ]
[ LIMIT count]






The fields by which to sort the query results. Valid values:

  • The name of a field. For example, a value of device indicates that you want to sort the query results based on the device column.

  • The ordinal number of a field. Fields are sorted from left to right. Ordinal numbers start from 1. For example, a value of 4 indicates that you want to sort the query results based on the fourth column.

[ ASC | DESC ]


The order by which to sort the query results. Valid values:

  • ASC (default): ascending order.

  • DESC: descending order.


If you specify multiple fields for the expression parameter, you can specify the sorting order for every field. For example, ORDER BY 2 ASC, 4 DESC indicates that you want to sort the query results in ascending order based on the second column and in descending order based on the fourth column.

[ LIMIT count]

The number of rows to be returned.

If you leave this parameter empty, the system returns all rows of the query results.


  • Query device sales in different cities and sort the results by device name and device sales.

    SELECT os ,device,city,COUNT(*) AS num FROM requests GROUP BY os,device,city ORDER BY num,device;

    The following information is returned:

    os      |device |city         |num
    Linux  	|PC			|Shanghai	    |1
    windows	|PC			|Shenzhen			|1
    windows	|PC			|Shanghai			|1
    windows	|PC			|Hangzhou			|1
    windows	|Phone	|Shenzhen			|1
    Linux		|Phone	|Hangzhou			|1
    ios			|Phone	|Zhangjiakou	|1
    windows	|PC			|Shijiazhuang	|2
    Linux		|PC			|Beijing			|2
    ios			|Phone	|Shijiazhuang	|2
    windows	|Phone	|Shijiazhuang	|2
    Linux		|Phone	|Beijing			|2
    windows	|PC			|Beijing			|4
  • Query the top 5 cities in device sales and sort the results in descending order by device name and in ascending order by device sales.

    SELECT os,device,city,COUNT(*) AS num FROM requests GROUP BY os,device,city ORDER BY 2 DESC,4 ASC LIMIT 5;

    The following information is returned:

    os     |device |city        |num
    ios		 |Phone	 |Zhangjiakou	|1
    windows|Phone	 |Shenzhen	  |1
    Linux	 |Phone	 |Hangzhou		|1
    windows|Phone	 |Shijiazhuang|2
    Linux	 |Phone	 |Beijing	  	|2