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:Arithmetic operators

Last Updated:Sep 11, 2024

You can use arithmetic operators together with constants or fields to perform mathematical calculations. This topic describes the arithmetic operators that are supported by AnalyticDB for MySQL.


Performs the addition operation.


Performs the subtraction operation.


Performs the multiplication operation.


Performs the division operation.


Performs the division operation and returns a truncated integer result.

% or MOD

Returns the remainder of one argument divided by the other argument.


Changes the sign of the argument.


  • Description: This operator performs the addition operation.

  • Examples:

    select 3+5;
    | _col0 |
    |     8 | 
    select 3+2.9875;
    | _col0  |
    | 5.9875 |


  • Description: This operator performs the subtraction operation.

  • Examples:

    select 3-5;
    | _col0 |
    |    -2 |
    select 3-1.5;
    | _col0     |
    | 1.5       |


  • Description: This operator performs the multiplication operation.

  • Example:

    select 3*pi();
    | _col0            |
    | 9.42477796076938 |


  • Description: This operator performs the division operation.

  • Example:

    select 3/pi();
    | _col0             |
    | 0.954929658551372 |


  • Description: This operator performs the division operation and returns a truncated integer result.

  • Examples:

    select 3 div pi();
    | _col0 |
    |     0 |
    select 33 div 2;
    | _col0 |
    |    16 |

% or MOD

  • Description: This operator returns the remainder of one argument divided by the other argument.

  • Examples:

    select 3 mod pi();
    | _col0 |
    |   3.0 |
    select 33 % 2;
    | _col0 |
    |     1 |


  • Description: This operator converts a positive number to a negative number or a negative number to a positive number.

  • Examples:

    select - 2;
    | _col0 |
    |    -2 |
    select - -2;
    | _col0 |
    |     2 |