This topic describes how to associate email addresses.
What Is the Function of the Connected Accounts?
After a connected account has been created, any connected member can check and send emails as a delegate in the connected mailbox. The postmaster can set email connection, that is, if account A is set as the connected account of account B, then A becomes the connected member of account B. In addition, multiple connected members can be set for an account. The connected members can directly log on to the connected account without password in Webmail, and have the email operation permissions of the account.
How to Setup the Connected Account?
Use postmaster account login Alibaba Mail and enter domain management page>>Tools>> Connected Accounts>> click Create Connected Account>> Fill the Account (object to be connected)>> click Select to choose the connected member (object that can login to the connected account)>> click Ok to save the setting>> click Save to finish.
How do Connected Members View Their Connected Accounts?
Connected members login to their email account, click Settings>> Associated mailbox and enter connected account.
How to Disassociate the Connected Account?
The postmaster can disassociate all connected members of the connected account in the domain management page with one click.
Use postmaster account login Alibaba Mail and enter domain management page>>Tools>> Connected Accounts>> find the account to be closed, click Cancel, then the account will not be associated with any member and the relevant members will no longer be able to access.
1. A maximum of 200 connected members can be set for each connected account.
2. Only one account can be set as the connected account at a time.